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Boswellia Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Botanical Name
Boswellia Serrata
Hindi Name
Kundur, Shallaki, Salai Guggal, Shalaki

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Boswellia Cures


Action of Boswellia

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Boswellia

Taste of

Nature of


Parts Used

Bark, Resin, Exudate, Trunk

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Boswellia

Avoid use during Pregnancy, Breast Feeding.
It may cause Nausea, Diarrhea, Skin Rash.
It should not be taken by people with severe liver or kidney disease.
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Boswellia is a tree.
It belongs to the family Burseraceae
It is perennial.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 18 M high.
Best used for Inflammations, Rheumatism.
Boswellia has two varieties, Boswellia Serrata and Boswellia Sacra. They both have their own medicinal uses, but Boswellia Serrata shows more health benefits than Boswellia Sacra. Boswellia Serrata possesses strong anti inflammatory action whereas Boswellia Sacra is primarily used for religious purposes apart from its health benefits.
Boswellia Sacra has also been listed on our website.
Always ask your doctor which herb suits you best.


Grown In

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Materia Medica : How to use Boswellia - Uses and Benefits

Boswellia General

Boswellia is a member of Resinous trees. It is also called the Indian Frankincense. It is mainly found in India and North Africa. Boswellia extract is rich in Boswellic Acid that has anti inflammatory properties.
Boswellia is a good herbal treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Bursitis. Its anti inflammatory properties reduce Swelling and fights Inflammation in tissues. Boswellic acid makes the connective tissues strong. It improves Blood supply to the Joints. Its mild sedative effect gives relief from severe Joint pains.
Boswellia helps in Chron's Diseases and Colitis conditions. It also reduces Chronic Inflammations in the Intestine. Boswellia is also good for treating Ulcerative Colitis. It reduces the inflammation and helps to give relief from associated Abdominal Pain, Bloody Diarrhea and Mucus in the Stool.
Boswellia is a herbal remedy for Respiratory diseases. It helps in Asthma treatment and reduces the risk of Asthma attacks. Boswellia decreases constriction of the Respiratory passages.
Boswellia helps in the treatment of Tumor and Cancer growth. The genes check and limit the growth of Cancer cells. Boswellia suppresses the Brain cell Tumors and Colon Cancer.
Boswellia reduces the symptoms of Diabetes. When the pancreas go faulty, it leads to Diabetes. Sugar that is supposed to go to the cells and tissues does not go there. The level of sugar increases in the blood. Boswellia helps in preventing damage to the pancreatic cells. It defends the spared Insulin producing Pancreatic cells against Inflammatory mediators.
Keywords : Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chron's Disease, Respiratory diseases, Cancer, Diabetes.
Single Herb

Boswellia for Bursitis

Eat Boswellia capsules. (150 mg 3 times a day)

Boswellia for Swollen Elbow

Use gum extract of Boswellia tree for Swollen Elbow. It is easily available in the market under various brands in the form of pills. Take one pill twice a day.

Boswellia for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Have two capsules ( 600 mg each) of Boswellia twice a day.

Boswellia ( Kundur ) for Osteoarthritis

Boswellia ( Kundur in India ) has strong Antiarthritic and Antiinflammatory properties. These properties help to reduce the inflammation and improve blood supply to the Joint tissues.
Take Boswellia Capsule of 400 mg two times a day for a month.

Boswellia for Joint Pain

Consume at least 300mg of Boswellia extract every day to decrease joint pain and increase mobility.

Boswellia for Ulcerative Colitis

Boswellia helps to reduce the inflammation associated with Ulcerative Colitis.
Have 1 Boswellia capsule every day.
Queries on Boswellia
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Sani ( India )
16 Jun 2016
hi herbpathy team.
I'm suffering from osteoarthritis from last 10 month does boswellia capsule help me reduce my pain.
mainly pain occurs in knee,lower back,shoulder etc.
and from where I get this capsule.
16 Jun 2016
Hello Sani, yes Boswellia will help you. You can find it online if you can't get this herb in your locality.
Arvind ( India )
28 Mar 2017
Boswillia tincture dose please
30 Mar 2017
It is available in the capsule form. Have one capsule daily, for a month. May I ask why do you want to take this herb ?
Arvind patidar
05 Apr 2017
Boswellia Olibinum Q homeopathic m available h . I use knee OA
Nancy Clayton ( United States )
11 Sep 2018
I understand Boswellia will help lower cholesterol. But I have sub-clinical hyperthyroidism...can I still take this to lower my cholesterol?
Rumsha Arya
18 Sep 2018
Nancy. Boswellia helps in curing high Cholesterol. you can take it. Have one capsule every day for a month. Garlic also helps in lowering the cholesterol. Take Thyroidinum 0/3 Lm potency one dose. This also helps.
NickieW ( United States )
12 Jan 2020
I would like to print out the pages of herbs I am researching for specific conditions & want to take. However, it seems you dont have a print function within your site & your site is blocking my ability to right click & print that way. Can you resolve this issue & allow for printing?
Sajid Ali ( Pakistan )
11 Jun 2020
Hi Herbpathy Team

Please need your help, i am suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis since last four year although the impact is not much high but now a days my body getting weak day by day and there are pains in every part of body. My test results are:

RA - 304
Anti CCP - 1138
CRP - 5
Ena Profile - Negative

i have read about boswellia, please recommend what i can take and how.

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