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Osteoporosis Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Medical Name
Hindi Name
Kamzor Hadian
Osteoporosis Symptoms
Pain in Joints
Back Pain
Fragile Bones
Weak Bones
Difficulty in movement of joints
Loss of Height
Stooped Posture
Fractures of Spine Wrist Hip

Osteoporosis Cured By

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Osteoporosis is a disease of the Bones.
It is a condition in which bone substance is lost faster than it can be replaced. It is due to high bone resorption and low bone formation. It leads to porous bones.
This makes bones brittle and they break easily. Before fracture occurs, the patient sometimes does not know that he is already suffering from Osteoporosis. This process of bone formation and depletion is a result of faulty metabolism.
Bone formation is a dynamic process. Like other body tissues, bone cells are continuously broken down, so as to be replaced by the new ones. In children, bone formation is greater than bone loss. But in early 30’s, bone cells get destroyed at a faster rate than being formed. Menopause in women accelerates this process. Bones tend to become more brittle as we age.
There are two types of cells in the bones: Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts. Osteoblasts are the cells that make the bone. Osteoclasts are the cells that dissolve the bone. Bones are constantly remodeled by Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts. Osteoporosis can occur if the balance of remodeling is disrupted. If osteoblasts do not produce enough bone or if osteoclasts increases bone breakdown, state of Osteoporosis occurs.
Bones are made up of Calcium. The regulation of Metabolic activity and balanced nutrients is important for preventing the state of Osteoporosis.
Nutrients such as Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Silica, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Boron, Potassium, Strontium, Chromium, Vitamin, D, C, A, B6 and B9 should be in a proper proportion.
Herbs such as Comphrey, Nettles, AlfaAlfa, Red Clover, Oat Straw and Horsetail help to prevent and cure the state of Osteoporosis. These herbs can be consumed as Tea.
Suggested Protocol. Do not wait for symptoms to manifest the presence of the disease. It is certain that bone depletion will start at age 30 or 35. Your best bet is to take Winged Treebine (Hadjod in India) as follows:
Age 35 to 45 Consume One capsule morning evening for one month in one year.
Age 45 to 55 Do it every 6 months.
Age 55 to 65 Do it once every 4 months.
65 and over Once every alternate month.

Causes of Osteoporosis
Female gender
Family History
Lack of Exercise
Hormonal Imbalance
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Thin and small body frame
Personal history of fracture as an adult

If not treated properly, Osteoporosis may cause
Loss of Bone
Hip fractures
Spinal Fractures
Your best bet is, Boneset and Stinging Nettle.
A visit to the Doctor is a must.

Body Part(s)

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Materia Medica for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis General

Osteoporosis is a chronic and progressive disease of the Bones. It makes the bones lose mass and density thereby increasing the risk of fracture. Human body is made up of 206 bones. These combine together and form the human skeleton. Bone is a tissue made up of calcium, protein and other minerals. Bones are in a continuous phase of regeneration. Human body replaces old or weak bones with new ones. In early age the growth of bone is faster than the loss of bone. Generally the bones achieve maximum length and mass by age 30. Gradually with age the growth of bone slows down and body is unable to replace lost bones. Losing bone with aging is normal, but when the process is quick it leads to Osteoporosis. This condition makes the bones go thin and weak in strength. Bones become fragile thereby increasing the chances of fracture.
Women are more prone to Osteoporosis than men. A hormone called Estrogen regulates reproductive cycle in a woman. It also keeps the bones strong and healthy. Estrogen production drops significantly due to menopause. This is the reason that women lose 30 percent of bone mass in five to ten years post menopause. It increases the risk of Osteoporosis occurrence. A woman experiencing following symptoms may be at a greater risk of developing Osteoporosis.
Irregular periods
Menopause at an early age
Periods at a later age (greater than normal)
Milk plays a vital role in prevention of Bone diseases. Milk is Alkaline in raw form and Acidic in pasteurized form. It is a rich source of Calcium. It is required by the Body in an adequate proportion. Calcium in Milk helps in making healthy Bones. It also helps to neutralize the acid in the Body. Any imbalance in alkalizing the Body will affect the growth of Bone cells. Milk is of two types: A1 & A2. A2 milk type is safe and nutritious while A1 is the cause of most of the diseases. Casein is a major protein found in Milk. Beta Casein is the main element of benefit. Proline is an amino acid found in A2 milk type. This milk type is found in Goat, Sheep, Yak, Buffalo, and some Cows. Nowadays, in hybrid breeds Proline amino acid is converted to Histidine found in A1 milk. A1 milk causes diseases such as Type1 Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Neurological Impairment, Impaired Immune system. A2 Milk might be difficult to find depending on where you live. Stick to milk type that is raw, NOT pasteurized.
Bones formation is a continuous process. The old Bone cells in the Body must decay and replaced by new cells. However, the process of remodeling of Bone cells starts at 35 years of age. In a healthy metabolism, Bone tissues should decay and be replaced by new tissues. Any imbalance in this process leads to porous and brittle Bones. This further leads to Bone Diseases and disorders such as Osteoporosis. To prevent any imbalance of Bone remodeling process and avoid any symptom related to Bone diseases, consume the right amount of nutrients in your diet. Right nutrient intake will help your metabolism to function properly. A healthy metabolism promotes healthy Kidneys which maintain healthy Bones.

Osteoporosis Types
Primary type 1 Osteoporosis: It is the most common type of Osteoporosis. It is also known as Postmenopausal Osteoporosis. It is more common in women than men. It is related to low levels of estrogen post menopause in woman.
Primary type 2 Osteoporosis: It generally develops above 70 years of age. It is also known as Senile Osteoporosis. It is a result of decreased calcium absorption by the body due to the deficiency of vitamin D.
Secondary Osteoporosis: It is result of certain medical conditions like Leukemia, Hyperthyroidism, Cushing’s Syndrome or Multiple Myeloma. Some medications may even cause bone breakdown. It may develop at any age.
Idiopathic Juvenile Osteopororsis: It is rare with no known cause. It affects children between 8 and 14 years of age. It increases the risk of fractures.
Osteogenesis Imperfect: It may be present during child birth. It may cause bone breakage with no apparent reason. It is a rare form of Osteopororsis.
Osteoarthritis: It is a type of Arthritis. It is the deterioration of Joint cartilage and underlying Bone. It causes Pain and stiffness, particularly in Hip, Knee and Thumb joints. It is most common after middle age.
Osteomyelitis: It is the inflammation of Bone caused by infection, generally in the legs, arm or spine.
Osteomalacia: Osteomalacia is weakening of the Bones. It causes softening of the Bones due to deficiency of Vitamin D. Osteomalacia results from a defect in the Bone-building process.
Osteitis Deformans: It is a chronic Bone disorder, also known as Paget ’s disease. It is a disorder of the aging skeleton in which the Bones grow abnormally. It results in enlarged, deformed Bones, Bone Pain, Arthritis, Bony Deformities and Fractures.
Osteitis Fibrosa: Osteitis Fibrosa is a complication of Hyperparathyroidism. It increases the risk of fractures and makes the Bones abnormally weak and deformed.
Osteitis Pubis: Osteitis Pubis is the tissue damage and inflammation of the pubic symphysis. It is an overuse injury caused by repeated trauma. It results in groin pain. It commonly occurs in Ice Skaters, Weight Lifters, Distance Runners or if you had a Bladder or Prostate surgery.
Condensing Osteitis: It is a periapical inflammatory disease. It may occur from a dental infection. It causes more Bone production rather than Bone destruction in the area. The most common site is near the root apices of premolars and molars.
Osteochondritis Dissecans ( OCD ): It is a condition in which a piece of Bone or cartilage of a joint dies due to lack of blood flow. OCD may be caused by injury. As a result, the Bone and cartilage becomes weak, loose and can break. It causes pain and hinders joint motion. Knee, Ankle and Elbow joints are most affected by OCD.
Osteochondroma: Osteochondroma is the most common noncancerous Bone growth. It is an overgrowth of cartilage and Bone at the end of the Bone near the growth plate. It affects the long Bones in the Leg, the Pelvis and the Shoulder Blade.
Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) is a genetic Bone disorder. It is characterized by fragile Bones that can break easily. It is also known as “Brittle Bone disease.” It occurs due to lack of Type I Collagen.
Osteopenia: If your Bone density is low compared to normal peak density, you may have Osteopenia. In Osteopenia over the years, you develop low Bone density compared to normal.
Osteopetrosis: It is characterized by the failure of Osteoclasts to resorb Bone. It is also called as Marble Bone diseases. As a consequence, Bone modeling and remodeling are impaired. It may also cause Hematopoietic Insufficiency, disturbed Tooth Eruption, Nerve Entrapment Syndromes, and Growth Impairment.
Osteodystrophy: It is Dystrophic growth of the Bone. It is defective Bone development. It is caused by Renal disease and disturbances in Calcium and Phosphorus metabolism.
Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy: It is a medical condition combining Clubbing and Periostitis of the Distal and Interphalangeal joints. It may occur alone or secondary to diseases such as Lung Cancer.
Osteosclerosis: This condition involves abnormal hardening of the Bones. It involves increased Bone density with little disturbance of modeling. It increases the risk of Fracture.
Osteopathia Striata: It is also known as Voorhoeve disease. This condition hinders growth and development of the Bones. It is Dysplasia of Bone, involving the Epiphysis (end part of long Bone ) and Metaphysis ( portion between Epiphysis and Diaphysis i.e. central part of Bone ) of Tubular Bones.

Osteoporosis Symptoms
Osteoporosis shows no symptoms in early stages. Often the first sign is a broken bone in wrist, spine or hip. Once the bones get weak a person may experience back pain, joint pain, loss of height and stooped posture.

Osteoporosis Prevention
Repairing and restoring a broken bone is difficult. Osteoporosis prevention is considered better than its cure. Osteoporosis can be prevented by introducing following changes in lifestyle.

Exercise: It improves bone strength and helps in maintaining bone density. However, prior consultation with a healthcare professional is must. Resistance building, weight bearing and flexibility improvement exercises are good in improving bone health. You may try walking, dancing, stair climbing, swimming, weights and yoga.

Stop Smoking & Alcohol: Smoking and alcohol contribute to bone loss. A person suffering from Osteoporosis should quit smoking and alcohol immediately. These interfere with bone formation, reduce bone density and may cause a fracture. Healing a fracture may even take longer than normal.

Nutritional Diet: Following is a list of essential nutrients needed for bone health. These do not work alone and need to be taken in together. Include these in your daily diet to build strong bones.
Calcium: It makes your bone and teeth strong. Body does not make calcium on its own. Best calcium comes from food we eat.
Some good sources of calcium are Sesame, Tofu, Bok Choy, Broccoli and Yogurt. For a man below 70 or a woman below 50 years of age 1000 mg calcium is minimum requirement. Beyond this age 1200 mg of calcium is needed daily to maintain Bone health.
Phosphorus: It is a mineral. It promotes the formation of Bones and Teeth. It is needed for repair and growth of body cells and tissues.
Daily intake of 700 mg Phosphorus is recommended in adults and 1250 mg for children between 9 to 18 years of age. Some good sources of Phosphorus are low fat cottage cheese, Corn, Broccoli and Garlic.
Protein: It helps in growth, repair and replacement of tissues throughout our life. it help to heal fractures and proper functioning of our Immune System.
Daily recommended allowance is 56 g for Adult Men and 46 g for Adult Women. Good sources of Protein are Legumes, Grains, Nuts, Seeds, Vegetables and Animal sources as Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Milk, Cheese and Yogurt.
Magnesium: It keeps bones and teeth hard. It even promotes the absorption of calcium by the body. Magnesium keeps blood pressure normal and heart rhythm steady.
Daily requirement is 320 mg in adult females and 420 mg in adult males. Good herbal sources of magnesium are Bok Choy, Beans, Avocado and Spinach.
Silica: It is needed for strong and flexible bones. It binds with calcium in bone building cells. It promotes calcification. Silica improves the bone collagen and strengthens the connective tissue matrix by cross-linking collagen strands.
Zinc: It is needed to form the matrix of collagen threads. Calcium and phosphorus gets deposited on this to form bones. Zinc promotes proper calcium absorption and even needed for bone healing.
Daily requirement is 11 mg in male adults and 8 mg in adult females. Good sources of Zinc are Red meat, Poultry, Fortified breakfast cereal, Seafood, whole grains, Dry Beans and Nuts.
Manganese: It promotes Bone mineralization, formation of Bone cartilage and Bone Collagen.
Good sources of Manganese are Nuts, Legumes, Tea, whole Grains and drinking Water.
Copper: It helps in the formation of collagen for bone and connective tissue. It hinders bone resorption by countering superoxide radicals produced during resorption.
Daily recommended allowance is 0.9 mg. Good sources of Copper are Organ meats, seafood, nuts, seeds, wheat bran, cereals, whole grain products, cocoa products.
Iron: It supervises functioning of certain Enzymes and regulators. It helps in forming the Optimal Bone Matrix.
Daily recommended allowance is 18 mg for 19-50 years of age group. Good sources of Iron are Fruits, Vegetables, Meat and Poultry and fortified Bread and Grain products such as Cereals.
Boron: It enhances Estrogen metabolism and Calcium absorption.
Good sources of Boron are Raw avocado, nuts, peanut butter, bottled prune juice.
Potassium: Certain acids formed during every day metabolism are known to deplete bones. Potassium neutralizes the functioning of these bone depleting acids.
Flouride: It stimulates the formation of new Bone. It is necessary for Dental and Skeletal development.
Daily recommended allowance is 0.4 mg. Good sources of Flouride are Fluoridated water, teas, marine fish, fluoridated dental products.
Strontium: It draws more calcium into the bones. This increases bone strength and makes them more resistant to breakdown.
Chromium: It promotes the collagen by our bone building. 35 mcg for males and 25 mcg for females
Vitamin D: It is a fat soluble vitamin. It is needed by the body to absorb calcium properly. Deficiency of vitamin D may cause weak bones and teeth. It may give rise to Rickets in children and Osteoporosis in adults.
Vitamin C: It aids the collagen formation. It promotes the absorption of calcium and encourages the cells that build bones.
Daily recommended allowance is 90 mg. people who smoke require 35 mg more Vitamin C than regular intake. Good sources of Vitamin C are Citrus fruits, Tomatoes and Tomato juice, Potatoes, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Strawberries, Cabbage and Spinach.
Vitamin K: It helps in the formation of Bone structure for Bone strength. It regulates certain Enzymes in the Body.
Good sources of Vitamin K are Collards, Spinach, Salad greens and Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Plant oils and Margarine.
People with Anti Coagulant medication should monitor their Vitamin K intake.
Vitamin A: It is needed during osteoblast i.e. bone building cells that lay down new bone.
Daily recommended allowance is 0.9 mg for Men and 0.7 mg for Women. Good sources of Vitamin A are ark Orange, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Spinach, Cantaloupe, Kale.
Vitamin B6: It produces hydrochloric acid (HCI). HCI is needed for absorption of calcium by the body.
Vitamin B9: It detoxifies an amino acid called homocysteine that may cause inflammation and fracture.
Single Herb

Calcium for Bones

Take a thin glass. Wash two eggs. Put them in the glass. Add lime juice to cover the eggs. Frothing will start immediately. Leave as such for one week. Calcium from the shells will dissolve in the juice. Remove the eggs carefully. They should not break. Take a tea spoon of this liquid every day.
Caution : If stomach pains or if you get cramps in the abdomen or loose motions, STOP. . It is an indication that it does not suit you.

Dandelion for Osteoporosis

Prepare a tea of Dandelion leaves. Drink it once a day.

Soybean ( Bhatma ) for Osteoporosis

Include Soy products in your daily diet. It give strength to your Bones.

Sesame ( Til ) for Osteoporosis

Eat 2 tsp Sesame seeds early in the morning. Chew it properly.

Almond ( Badam ) as Osteoporosis

Soak 4 Almonds overnight. Eat them in the morning with a cup of warm Milk.

Alfalfa for Osteoporosis

Increase the intake of Vitamin K in daily diet. Prepare a tea made from the leaves of Alfalfa. Have one cup once a day.

Clove ( Laung ) for Osteoporosis

Take 2 g Clove powder with lukewarm water once a day.

Tomato ( Tamatar ) for Osteoporosis

Include Tomato ( Tamatar ) in raw ( as salad ) or cooked ( soup ) form in your daily diet.

Peanut for Osteoporosis

Peanuts are rich in Magnesium which helps to strengthen the bone. Have 50 mg of Peanuts daily.

Vinegar ( Sirka ) for Osteoporosis

Vinegar is a good source of calcium. Better to add it in soup or you can put few drops over the salad.

Banana ( Kela ) for Osteoporosis

Banana strengthen the bones. Have two bananas daily.

Broccoli for Osteoporosis

Broccoli is rich in vitamin K. It is good for Women's suffering from Postmenopausal. These Women's are more likely to have Osteoporosis. Have 1/2 cup of Broccoli daily.

Figs ( Anjeer ) for Osteoporosis

Figs are packed with calcium. It is good for patitent suffering from Osteoporosis. Have 2-3 figs daily.

Pineapples for Osteoporosis

Have a glass of Pineapple juice daily.

Yogurt ( Dahi ) for Osteoporosis

Have a bowl of yogurt daily.

Sorghum ( Jowar ) for Osteoporosis

Sorghum ( Jowar ) has high content of Magnesium. Magnesium increases the absorption of Calcium by the body. Calcium is an essential nutrient for the bone health.
Include Sorghum ( Jowar ) in your diet. You may consume it in the form of chapatti.

Kidney Beans ( Rajmah ) for Osteoporosis

Regular Intake of Kidney Beans ( Rajmah ) prevents Osteoporosis and helps to maintain strong bones.

Kale for Osteoporosis

Take the Kale leaves and grill or steam them. Eat it daily as Salad or by making sandwiches with it. Consume it daily.

Thyme for Osteoporosis

Boil fresh leaves of Thyme in 100 ml of water for 10 minutes. Strain it off. Drink this warm decoction once daily. It keeps your bone healthy and safe from the diseases.

Rooibos for Bone Health

Rooibos is a rich source of minerals like Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Fluoride. These minerals are required to maintain a good bone health. These minerals repair the damaged bones and prevents the risk of Osteoporosis and Arthritis. Fluoride is good to maintain dental hygiene.
Have a cup of Rooibos tea every day.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Osteoporosis 1

Dry roast One tablespoon Sesame seeds ( Til ) and grind them. Now mix in a glass of warm Milk and drink 2-3 times daily.
Note : Dose may vary in summers.

Herbal Treatment For Osteoporosis 2

Soak some Almonds ( Badaam ) in water at night. Blend them next morning in some Milk and have on an empty stomach.
Note : Cow's Milk is the best choice for this preparation.

Herbal Treatment For Osteoporosis 3

Mix 5 drops of Babchi Oil, 2 drops of Black Cumin Oil, 2 drops of Birch Oil and 2 teaspoons of Sesame Oil. Gently massage over the affected areas.

Herbal Treatment For Drynaria Roosii for Osteoporosis

Take 1 tablespoon of Drynaria, Psoralea, Eucommia, Rehmannia, Astragalus, Codonopsis, and 1/3 teaspoon of Licorice. Make a decoction of these herbs. Take 10g to 20g of decoction per day for 6 months.
It prevents and cures Osteoporosis. It helps to maintains high Bone Mineral Density.
Queries on Osteoporosis
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01 Feb 2016
Name: Raj Kumar Sharma
Age: 30

Dear Sir, I have problem of early osteophytosis in spine. My bone density is also weak. I heard that a daily dose of ( chuna water ) is help full or please guide me.

Thanks & have a nice day..
Herbpathy Admin.
03 Feb 2016
Dear Raj Kumar Sharma
Our Research Team is searching on it. the moment they find the solution, we will let you know. Regards
Herbpathy Admin.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Khanum ( Wadi- Saudia )
18 Jul 2016
Dear Doctors

Female Age 63 Years, Has problem of Osteoporosis since 12 years ( when it came to our notice). Regularly taking medicines and no improvement . May be Herbpathy can help me , i shall be gratefull to you.

18 Jul 2016
Dear Khanum
Try Boswelia capsule, have 1 every day for 1 month.
Prasad B ( Andhrapradesh india )
17 Nov 2016
i am suffering from a vascular necrosis of both hip joint & following
1.suffering heavy& severe leg stretching pain regularly
2. But tacks size are reduced
3 thigh muscles are reduced & thigh diameter size decreased
4.I am unable to seat for long time in thigh mould position
5.there is pain while walking

Doctors are to replace joint bones in halo path treatment I am middle class person and unable such cost so please advise good ayurveda medicine to resolve above problem Thanks
PRASADB ( Andhrapradesh india )
17 Nov 2016
There is wrong type last para Pl read as follow
doctor advised me to replace hip joint
I am unable to bear treatment cost as i am middle class family
Please advise best ayurveda treatment
22 Nov 2016
Dear Prasadb
Take one dose of Symphytum 200. Buy it from a Homeopathy shop and take 1 dose only.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
22 Nov 2016
Thanks for your reply
sir how long this medicine is to take and whether this homeopathic medicine cure completely my necrosis of hip of femoral head Pl reply
23 Nov 2016
Dear Praised
Please take only one dose and let us know the results after 1 month. We will tell you then what to do next. In the mean while study the results in your body.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Prasad B ( Andhra pradesh India )
20 Dec 2016

I am in puzzle whether the Symphytum 200 is required to take daily one dose or only one dose for once in a month so please clarify
02 Jan 2017
Dear Prashad B
One does means once only. Do not repeat the does until we advise you to repeat. One dose may contain 4 to 5 small white globules, just take it and then forget about the medicine. Wait for 1 month and write us back your feedback.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Prasad B ( Andhra Pradesh INDIA )
19 Jan 2017
I am suffering from avascular necrosis of hip joint femoral head for which herbpathy team advised
" Symphytum 200" homeopathy medicines & accordingly I have taken one dose only ,by this , My leg stretching pain upto more than 50% has been reduced for which I convey my thanks to herbpathy team further i would like to request you kindly advise me totally curable medicine Pl reply me once again Thanks thanks thanks .........to herbpathy team
07 Feb 2017
Dear Prasad B
Sorry for the delay. We are happy that you have improved. Follow the regimen.
Buy Symphytum tincture and take 10 drops in the morning.
Buy Symphytum 6C and take 10 drops in the evening.
Take it for 1 month and write us after a month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Alif Chowdhury ( Bangladesh )
05 Feb 2021
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please help my mum out. She has type-I diabetic. She is taking also medicine of diabetics which doctor provided. But she is suffering from pain in her whole body. She always cry for her pain and she can not move easily for her pain. She does all the worl but its really hard for her because of that pain.
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