Parts Used
Leaves, Stem, Flowers, Seed Oil, Bark
Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Evening Primrose
Don’t use when you take any type of medicine already.
Avoid use if suffering from Epilepsy, Seizure Disorders.
Pregnant women should avoid this herb as it is Uterine Stimulant, the uterus may begin to contract.
Avoid use if you are taking any Blood Thinning medicine.
Single HerbTake Evening Primrose seed oil. You can add it in your meals.
Purchase Evening Primrose oil from market. Take 2 to 4 drops.
Massage your head and forehead using Primrose oil.
Evening Primrose for Skin
Grind the fresh leaves and flowers together and use as an ointment for various skin problems like wrinkles, freckles, discolorations of the skin, blemishes, wounds and burns.
Boil 2 tablespoons rootstock of Evening Primrose in One cup of water for 10-15 minutes. Drink lukewarm.
Consume 2 drops of Evening Primrose oil once a day.
OR : You may take in the form of capsule.
Evening Primrose for Cold Sores
Apply Evening Primrose oil on the Cold Sores.
Evening Primerose for ADHD
Add Evening Primerose oil in your daily diet.
Take Head massage with Evening Primerose oil at bed time.
Add Evening primerose oil in daily diet.
Take One capsule of Evening Primrose oil daily. It is easily available in the market.
Steep One teaspoon dried Evening Primrose flowers in a cup of water for 5-7 minutes. Strain and drink as a tea twice a day. You may add some Honey.
Gently massage over your breasts with 5-6 drops of Evening Primrose Oil for 10 minutes.
Take Evening Primrose seed oil. Add 4 to 5 drops in your meals.
Evening Primrose for Lupus
Add 3-4 drops of Evening Primrose Oil in your daily diet.