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Hepatoprotective Herbs


Hepatoprotective herbs are those herbs which are used to cure or prevent Liver damage. It is also known as Antihepatotoxic. They are used to cure various Liver related diseases.

Effect of an Hepatoprotective on Body or Organ :
These herbs may effect the Liver. Effect on Liver includes its functioning, Cells and Tissue structure. Few herbs may effect the Immune System.

How does an Hepatoprotective work :
These herbs may produce some chemicals which helps in balancing the metabolic activities of Liver. Few herbs may provide nutrition to the Liver.


Altingia Excelsa
Anoectochilus Formosanus
Canarium Strictum
Combretum Comosum
Cyperus Alternifolius
Dragon Bone
Guava Leaf
Lumnitzera Racemosa
Pipe Fish
Pseudelephantopus Spicatus
Seal Genital
Zosima Orientalis
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Materia Medica for

Single Herbs

Indian Mallow as Antihepatotoxic

Extract leaf juice of Indian Mallow. Take 1 tsp of it once a day. It is very beneficial for Liver. Therefore cure various Liver Diseases.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Liver Diseases 9

Herbal formula for Liver Detoxification
Mix 1 gram powder of Flax Seed, Liquorice Root, Fennel Seed, Burdock and Peppermint in a mason jar. Boil 1 cup of water in a glass container. Add 1 heaping tablespoon of herbal mixture. Allow it to cool for 10-15 minutes. Strain and drink once it gets cools down. Consume 1 cup of tea before breakfast, and one before dinner.

Herbal Treatment For Liver Diseases 10

Herbal formula for Liver Detoxification
Take 1 to 2 g powder of Yellow Dock root, Dandelion root, Red sage, Sarsaparilla, and Pau de Arco. Mix each Herb into a wide mouth jar. Shake it up and your perfect formula for liver detoxification is ready. Prepare the tea and add 2-3 full drops of the Milk Thistle Seed extract to the tea. Let it cool and drink. Take this tea twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Liver Diseases 11

Herbal formula for Liver Detoxification
Prepare a powdered mixture of equal amount of Red clover, Fennel, Cleavers, Dandelion, Oregon grape root, Burdock root, Chickweed and Parsley root. Boil 1 to 2 cups of water. Add one teaspoon of the powered mixture in it. Allow it to get cool down. Consume 1 cup of tea once a day before breakfast.
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Mayowa ( Nigeria/Oyo State )
05 Apr 2018
Please how can the stone breaker plant used for treating or curing hepatitis Beach?
Thanks sir/ma.
Ashutosh Daga ( India )
09 Feb 2020
Do you have cure for Hepatic cirrhosis due to alcohol?
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