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Eye Bright Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Botanical Name
Euphrasia Officinalis
Homeopathic Name
Euphrasia Officinalis   -   Mother Tincture

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Eye Bright Cures


Action of Eye Bright

Nutrients in Eye Bright

Taste of
Eye Bright

Parts Used

Aerial Parts

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Eye Bright

High dose may cause Itching, skin rash.
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Eyebright is a flowering plant.
It is perennial.
It grows in a cold climate.
It grows up to 30 Cm.
Best used for Cataract, Weak Eyesight.



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Materia Medica for Eye Bright

Eyebright General

Eyebright is associated to the Orobanchaceae family. It is an aborigine of Asia, Europe. It is also famous as Red Eyebright.
It is favourable in the treatment of Epilepsy, Dizziness and Headache. It is beneficial in enhancing the Memory.
Eyebright cures various Eye ailments namely, Blepharitis, Conjunctivitis, Ophthalmia, Eye Stye, Bloodshot Eye. It relieves from Eyelid inflammation, Eye irritation, strain and tiredness. It lowers the chances of encountering Glaucoma.
It relieves from Earache.
It combats Rhinitis i.e. inflammation of the Mucous Membrane. It relieves from Nasal Congestion.
Eyebright is a good herbal remedy for Respiratory ailments like cold, which may lead to Sinus infections. It also helps in countering Allergies, Cough and Bronchitis. It cures Catarrh and Throat Infections. It treats the infections of the Upper Respiratory Tract which may result in Hoarseness.
It counters Cancer.
It is fruitful in curing Jaundice.
It treats skin troubles like Acne. It is effective in healing Wounds and relieves from Skin inflammations. It is a favourable Skin Tightener.

Caution : Consult a doctor before consuming it.
Keywords : Epilepsy, Dizziness, Headache, Eye Problems, Earache, Nasal Problems, Respiratory Problems, Cancer, Jaundice, Skin Problems.

Methods of Administration. How to take
Tincture. The best and the most potent method of consuming Eyebright is to Tincture it.
To learn how to make your own Tinctures Click here
Decoction: Make a tea.
Put l/2 teaspoonful of the powdered root in a cup of water. Boil it. Simmer for l0 minutes. Drink three times a day.
Single Herb

Eyebright for Dacryocystitis

Take one tablespoon of Eyebright. Boil it in two cups of water for 15 minutes. Strain. Use this essence to wash the infected eye.

Eyebright for Blurred Vision

Prepare an infusion of Eyebright. Take one tsp of water add 4-5 drops of this infusion. Wash eyes with this solution. Repeat it 4-5 times a day.

Eyebright for Blepharitis

Boil the dried plant of Eyebright in water. Cool and strain. Wash your eyes with it.

Eyebright for Hypermetropia

Eyebright is a potent herbal cure for eyes. Effects of this herb are remarkably good and quick.
Take dried Eyebright. Coarsely grind the herb. Put a teaspoon of herb in a cup of water and boil for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain and drink it lukewarm. Also, use the same solution over the eyes. Boil one teaspoon of herb in a cup of water. Let it cool. Dab it over eyes with cotton ball. Repeat it 4 to 5 times.

Eyebright for Glaucoma

Eyebright has strong Anti-inflammatory property which helps to reduce the inflammation of the Eyes. Eyebright clear the vision and cures Glaucoma.
Add two teaspoons of dried Eyebright herb in two cups of boiling water. Steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Drink 2 to 3 times a day before meals.
OR : Add two tablespoons of Eyebright herb in half liter of water. Boil and let it cool. Dip a cotton or gauze in it. Put the soaked cotton on eyes. Keep it for ten minutes. Repeat this twice a day.
OR : Use it as an Eye Wash. Put a tablespoon of dried herb in a glass of water. Soak it overnight. Strain Well. Use the strained solution to wash your Eyes. Eye Wash works quickly because the herbs get soaked directly into the eye tissues and start curing the defects. Repeat it 2 to 3 times a day.

Eyebright for Panophthalmitis ( Eye Inflammation )

Wash Eyebright herb carefully. Boil it in 1 ½ glass of water for 10 minutes. Strain the leaves and let the water cool. Dip a cotton pad in it and use it to tap inflamed eyes 3 to 4 times daily.

Eyebright for Cataract

Boil 1 teaspoon of Eyebright in 1 1/2 cup of water for 5 minutes. Strain and dilute the boiled water with a cup of cool rose water. Wash your affected eyes every 4 hours. It may reduce the symptoms.
OR : Eyebright tincture may help when used as Eyewash. Mix 6-9 drops of Eyebright tincture in 2 ½ cups of filtered water. Wash your eyes with this water it will reduce your symptoms.

Eyebright for Conjunctivitis

Take 1 ½ tsp for Eyebright and boil it in 500 ml of water. Strain and cool the liquid and add 1 cup of rose water. Rinse your affected eye with this liquid.

Eyebright for Diabetic Retinopathy

Mix 6-7 drops of Eyebright tincture in water. Wash your affected eye with this solution after every 5 hours.

Eyebright for Cold

Prepare Eye bright tea by soaking the Eyebright teabag in a cup of boiled water for 6 minutes. Drink it two times daily.

Eyebright for Sinusitis

Take dried leaves and put them in the boiling water. Add 1 tablespoon of fresh Eyebright leaves. Steep for 5 minutes. Drink this tea twice daily.

Eyebright for Seasonal Allergy

Boil few fresh leaves of Eyebright in 100 ml of water. Strain the leaves and drink the solution three times a day.

Eyebright for Acne

Grind fresh Eyebright leaves and flower petals. Apply this poultice directly onto the acne spots every night. Remove the poultice after 20 minutes. Wash the face in the next morning.
OR : Crush dry leaves and petals of Eyebright herb and soak into slightly warm water for ten minutes. Apply this poultice over the Acne areas.

Eyebright for Skin Irritation

Prepare a tincture of Eyebright. Mix 4 drops of tincture in ¼ cup of water. Dab a cotton pad into the solution. Gently apply the soaked cotton pad onto the affected area.
OR : In order to avoid irritation, add 6-7 drops of Eyebright oil into the face moisturizer. Apply this on the affected area.

Eyebright for Stye

As the name indicates, it is used to treat Eye problems.
Take aerial parts of this herb and add to boiling water. Make an infusion. Cool it and dip a piece of cloth in it. Now keep it on infected Eye.
It is one of the popular remedy for Eye disorders. It reduces Inflammation, Infection and Swelling.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Blurred Vision 1

Take the leaves and the Flowers of the following herbs:
Chickweed, Barberry, Marigold ( Gendha ), Goldenseal, Oregon Grape, Eyebright, Cornflowers.
Prepare an infusion. Let it cool. Use as an eyewash, 2-3 times a day.

Herbal Treatment For Blurred Vision 2

Take the leaves and the Flowers of the following herbs:
Eyebright, Goldenseal, Oregon Grape, Chamomile, Marigold ( Gendha ), Witch Hazel.
Prepare an infusion.Use the infusion to dampen a soft cloth. Keep it over your eyelids, and lie down for 10 minutes.

Herbal Treatment For Amnesia 2

Mix 2 tablespoons powder of the dried Eyebright, ½ tsp of ground Mace ( Maca ), 2 tsp of Fennel seeds powder and 1 tsp sugar. Take half teaspoon of this mixture every morning with juice.
OR : Drink 1-2 cups of Eyebright tea daily. It may improve Poor memory
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Gulraiz A. Qureshi
05 Nov 2015
Can you provide me hindi name of eye bright, please.
Parinita Dubay
09 Nov 2015
Dear Gulraiz A. Qureshi

Eye Bright is a super herb for weak eyesight. I'd suggest it to all my fellow friends. And, I don't think there is any hindi name for it. I was looking for its hindi name last week. Did a thorough research, but could not find any. I also referred to many books to find the name.
Mookambika. AP ( Tamil Nadu/India )
01 Jun 2016
Dear sir.
I am 32. Am suffering from eye floaters problem. They suggested me to take eye bright. Please suggest me how to take this eye bright.
Rubina Gandhi
27 Jun 2016
Spinach for your eyes-- Boil 4 ounces of fresh spinach in 4 cups of water for 20 minutes. Drink this broth and eat the spinach daily to provide vital nourishment for the eyes.
Take Ginkgo Biloba capsules. One capsule everyday for a month. This will improve the circulation . Also, Taking Grape seed extract and bilberry extract will be very beneficial for your condition, they contain potent antioxidants for eye health. Eat healthy and wholesome diet.
06 Sep 2017
Madam Doctors advises to avoid to eat spinach because it causes kidney stones.
06 Jun 2016
Dear Sir,
I have CATARACT in my right eye.can you kindly furnish me the address where EYEBRIGHT DROPS are sold in Karnataka-BTJ REDDY.
07 Jun 2016
Dear B.T. J. Reddy
These two are the best Herbs for cataract. We can only suggest you the cure. In order to buy it, you would have to do a little research in your local area. Or on the internet. If you do not find it from the nearby herbal stores, you can always order them online.
Good luck.
Other cures are---
Chew 5 Aniseeds everyday. Drink one glass of orange juice daily.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Amit Shukla ( India )
07 Sep 2016
My father 70 years is suffering from R.P. (Retinitis Pigmentosa) since last 20 years.
There was gradual loss over the years.
He is completely blind now.

Left eye still has some life.can just sense some light only..can just feel that some object is there..though cant see faces. Right eye is completely gone.
We tried various ayurvedic and allopathic doctors but no help...
He wants to live but this eye issue is like fatal to him..

Pls advise..pls help. Just sense only
09 Sep 2016
Your father can try the method given below--- Take some pure cow's Ghee ( Clarified butter or desi ghee made from cow's milk ). Strain it with a fine cloth. Heat some water in a pan. . Keep it on a low heat. Now put the ghee in a small bowl and place it in the pan, which contains the boiled water. Test this ghee on your skin to check the hotness of the ghee. It should be warm. Take an eye cup and add the warm ghee in the eye cup. Place the eye cup on his eye, tilt it and be careful the ghee should not spill out. Now, ask him to blink the eye 5 to 7 times inside the cup. Repeat this process for 21 days and let us know the results.
Keep a note of it that the ghee should not be too hot, it should be lukewarm. Must be bearable to the eye.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Nancy ( India )
06 Mar 2017
I am 27 years old, i am suffering from eye floaters, spots of light, if i look into an object, same shape will appear where ever i see....really disturbing me a lot....i visited doctor , doctor told everything is ok....please help me to get rid of this naturally. (I have family history of migraine ) me too have severe headache occasionally. . Thyroid taking med 50 mg
08 Mar 2017
There is no known cure for this disease. You see spots of light and the shapes because of the oversensitivity of your eye. Eat 5-6 Goji berries every day. You may try a therapy for eye. It is known as Akshi Tarpana. We have shared the link : https://herbpathy.com/Akshi-Tarpana-Therapy-Mid7 For Thyroid you may take Ashwagandha capsules . Please specify if you are suffering from Hypothyroid or Hyperthyroid.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Saif ur Rehman ( Pakistan )
06 Sep 2017
I have binocular diplopia after my road accident in September 2013, I got injuries on PELVIC and brain and right eye minorly, I remained unconscious for 1 year. After that I noted I can see double images. I consulted for many doctors but problems could not be solved. After that I was advised by doctors to use fog optics but problem remained same. After that I was advised by doctor to use prisms optics but using since 9 months problems could not be solved. I searched you through internet and found articles about diplopia. I need your consultancy for above cited vision problem. Please consult me about the problem. Waiting for response.
ROBERT BASE ( Philippines )
13 Apr 2018
I am 59 years old & have a glaucoma, pls. help me find herbal remedy for it. Thank you.
Ramsha ( India/Delhi )
09 Aug 2018
I'm 19 yrs old female .may eyesight have got weaker recently (5-6 months before)I want a cure . I m having myopia 0.5 no. In both eyes.
I want to cure this so that this not inc. further
Terryl ( IL )
26 Oct 2019
What powdered herb should I use to cure astigmatism in both eyes?
07 Nov 2019
Hey Terry You can use Eyebright for eyes. It will help in improving the condition. But a physical diagnosis is a must in this case friend to treat the problem. I suggest you visit your Helth Care practitioner for this.
Ramu ( India )
31 Dec 2019
how SAFE is it to put eyebright tincture in the eye affected by retinopathy or glaucoma etc.?
31 Dec 2019
Dear Ramu Eyebright is a very effective herb for eye problems. It is known to clear the vision and cures Glaucoma.
Add 2 teaspoons of dried Eyebright herb in two cups of boiling water. Steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Drink 2 to 3 times a day before meals. Or you can also add 2 tablespoons of Eyebright herb in half a liter of water. Boil and let it cool. Dip a cotton or gauze in it. Put the soaked cotton on the eyes. Keep it for 10 minutes. Repeat it twice a day. Physical diagnosis is a must in such cases. However, consult your doctor before taking any medication.
01 Jan 2020
thanks. somewhere in earlier replies you have mentioned about using it as eye drops. from that angle, is it SAFE to use it in the eyes?
Ted Brimson
02 Jan 2020
Eyebright is very effective for Glaucoma. As an Eye wash it works even quickly as it gets soaked directly into the eye tissues and start curing the defects. You can repeat it 2-3 times a day. Check the Glaucoma page on this website.
Julie ( NY/USA )
08 Jan 2020
I have eyebright tincture and eye problems. When is it indicated to take the tincture internally? Would I be able to safely ingest the tincture to help my eyes? thank you.
08 Jan 2020
Dear Julie,
Please explain your problem in detail.
What Eye problem do you have?
Eyebright is very effective for eye diseases. But it is difficult to mention anything before knowing the ailment.

Do you have inflammation on the eyelids, pus in the eye, redness in the eye or any other symptom?
Please mention for better assistance.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Hosea ( Nigeria )
30 May 2020
My 9 years old daughter has eye problems. her eyes scratches her all the times. Excessive Tears coming out from her eyes as if she's beaten. It pains her too sometimes. Her eyes are not clear as well. She's short sighted.
I can order for eyebright tea. Please how can she take it? Thank you
Emmanuel Iwo
01 Sep 2020
please kindly advise me on what to take for the treatment of cataract the Herb that
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