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What does Iodine do for the body

Iodine is a trace mineral required for the normal growth and development of the Body. Most of the Iodine is stored in the Thyroid Gland which protects from Infections. Thyroid hormones cannot be synthesized without Iodine. It controls the metabolic rate of the Body. Iodine helps to maintain weight and gives energy to the body.

Requirement of Iodine per day
0 to 0.5 year : 40 mcg
0.5 to 1 year : 50 mcg
1 to 3 years : 70 mcg
4 to 6 years : 90 mcg
7 to 10 years : 120 mcg
10 to 15 years : 140 mcg
15 to Adult : 150 to 250 mcg

Benefits of Iodine
Iodine kill harmful parasites and protects from diseases. It reduces the effect of Radioactive accidents. Iodine reduces pain and inflammation. It regulates the proper bowel movement and prevents Constipation. Iodine is essential for a healthy Brain and good memory. It balances the Glandular systems and improves emotional disorders. Iodine acts as an expectorant for the Respiratory Tract and reduces Phlegm.

Functions of Iodine
It helps in the improvement of Autistic Children. Iodine detoxifies the body and reduces the odor. Iodine reduces the risk of fibrosis diseases in the Breasts. It increases the milk production and protects from free radicals. Iodine makes the Hair healthy and prevents Baldness. It stabilizes the thyroid hormones and prevents Thyroid diseases.

Effects of Deficiency of Iodine in the Body
Weight Gain
Mental Retardation
Growth and Developmental Abnormalities

Effects of Excess iodine in the Body
Stomach pain

Herbs Containing Iodine

Most Effective

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