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Sacha Inchi Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Sacha Inchi
Botanical Name
Plukenetia Volubilis, Euphorbiaceae Family

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Sacha Inchi Cures


Action of Sacha Inchi

Most Effective

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Sacha Inchi

Parts Used

Fruit, Seeds, Nut

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Sacha Inchi

It may cause Nausea, Mood shifts and Headaches in few. But it goes in sometime.
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Sacha Inchi is a shrub.
It is perennial.
It grows upto 2-3 m.
Best for High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure.
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Materia Medica for Sacha Inchi

Sacha Inchi General

Sacha Inchi plant is a monoecious. It is a nutritious food. It is also used medicinally. It is a Cholesterol balancer. It is rich in Omega 3 fatty acid. The high fatty acid content makes it a strong Antioxidant.
The fruit of the plant is star shaped. It is divided into parts. Each part contains a seed. The seeds are used as food in cooked or roasted form.
Oil is extracted from the seeds of the fruit. The oil holds medicinal values.
It is available in the form of capsules and oil.
The herb holds medicinal values. It is the best remedy for High Cholesterol level and High Blood Pressure.
It balances the Cholesterol level in the Body. It reduces the LDL or Bad cholesterol level in the Body.
It is used to treat Cardiovascular Diseases. It reduces the Blood pressure.
It is good for weight loss. It regulates the appetite and reduces food cravings.
It regulates the glucose level in the Body. Omega 3 present in Sacha Inchi reduces the Isulin resistance in Type 2 Diabetes patients. It also lowers the Triglyceride levels in Diabetic patients.
It is good for Skin and Hair. It is good for Dry Skin. It regulates the oil production and locks hydration in the Skin. It keeps the skin elastic and protects the skin against sun damage.
Vitamin A and E present in Sacha Inchi improves vision and maintains Eye health.
Sacha Inchi is Antiinflammatory in nature. It eases Joint Pain and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
It promotes healthy Brain and Heart.
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Zegwet ( Myanmar/Yangon )
26 Jul 2017
is sacha inchi cause liver problem?
09 Sep 2017
31 Mar 2018
I had some in protein powder form had bad stomach problems as soon as I finished drinking it. Did I get a bad batch ? Or is this common in some people I have stomach pains
David ( INDIA )
18 Apr 2019
Can we use Sacha inchi leaves for medicine? Is it good for stomach ulcer, stomach problems
Ravi chandran ( Malaysia/ Selangor )
23 Sep 2020
INCHAWAY is said to lower chorestrol and clear artieries. I have bought 3 pkts. to reduce my diabetics
I have a stend to open up my narrowing.
Taking Inchaway oil will clear the arteries. Then my stend will start to more and get logged into the valve
Need your advice. My upline cant give me an answer
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