Noni Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients
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General Name
Indian Mulberry
Glycemic Index / Load
Indian Mulberry
Botanical Name
Morinda Pubescens, Morinda Citrifolia, Rubiaceae Family
Noni Cures
Action of Noni
Nutrients in Noni
Parts Used
Roots, Leaves, Fruits, Bark, Stem, Flowers, Juice
Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Noni
Avoid use during pregnancy.
Avoid if you have Kidney diseases.
Indian Mulberry is a tree.
It is an evergreen.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 10 M.
Best used for Eye problems.
Materia Medica for Noni
Indian Mulberry General
Indian Mulberry is Inflammatory in nature, therefore it is effective in preventing inflammation within the Body.
It bears Antiviral attributes which secure the Body from Viral Infections.
It powerfully assists the Body as an Antibacterial agent and protects the Body from Bacterial Infection.
The Antiaging property of Noni slows down the Aging process and improves skin complexion.
It is Adaptogenic in nature, which helps in balancing all body systems.
It boosts up the Immune System and prevents the Body against diseases. Often, it repairs the cellular damage.
The leaves are a good remedy for Rheumatism.
Indian Mulberry unripe fruit is favorable in healing Cuts.
It contains Selenium nutrient that promotes oxygen flow to the heart. Often, this nutrient prevents Blood Clotting and High Blood Pressure.
Limonene and Glycoside nutrients present in Indian Mulberry fruit potentially combats Cancer.
It bears Terpene content which removes the harmful toxins from the body and reinvigorates the cells.
Indian Mulberry fruit is enriched with proteins and alkaloids which are beneficial in promoting a Healthy living.
It is potent in providing relief from Cough and Nausea.
It is also useful in treating Asthma.
It prevents the blockage in Intestines to avoid the chances of Colic.
Single Herb Indian Mulberry for Burns
Drink Juice of Indian Mulberry. It will give you relief from the burning sensation. It is commonly known as Noni juice.
Drink 30 ml of organic Indian Mulberry ( Noni ) juice for quick relief from Migraine.
Have Indian Mulberry ( Noni ) extract, 500 mg per day.
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Take the bark of Caper and Indian Mulberry. Grind them together. Cook it in mustard oil. Apply on scalp daily.