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Cleavers Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Botanical Name
Galium Aparine
Chinese Name
Zhu Yang Yang
Homeopathic Name
Galium Aparine   -   Mother Tincture

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Cleavers Cures

Highly Effective


Action of Cleavers

Most Effective

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Cleavers

Combines With

Taste of

Nature of


Parts Used

Aerial Parts

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Cleavers

Excess use may cause Skin irritation.
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Cleavers is a climber.
It is perennial.
Cleavers belongs to the Rubiaceae family.
It grows in a temperate climate.
It grows up to 1.2 M.
Cleavers works best when its leaves are fresh. On drying it loses some of its effectiveness.
Best used for Stress, Tonsillitis.
The Alterative action of Cleavers is most suited to the Lymphatic System.

Meridians Associated : Liver, Spleen, Stomach, Large Intestine and Bladder.
Cancer Treatment : It is useful in the following types of cancer.
Blood Cancer
Breast Cancer
Lung Cancer
Liver Cancer
Colon Cancer
Tongue Cancer
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Materia Medica for Cleavers

Cleavers General

Cleaver is a herbal treatment for Skin. It improves general detoxification and Skin disorders like Seborrhoea, Psoriasis, Eczema. Cleavers also cures external Ulcers and Abnormal growths like Tumors on the skin. It cleanses the Skin and helps in treatment of Dermatitis, Acne, Boils and Injuries. Cleavers reduces the signs of aging and tightens the skin. It removes toxins through the Skin and makes skin lustrous . It is also a good herbal treatment for Sunburn and Freckles.
Cleavers is used to treat edema.
It is useful in treating Post-menstrual syndrome such as Sore breasts and Water retention
Cleavers tones and stimulates the Lymphatic system. It helps you get rid of toxins. Cleaver is good for swollen enlarged Lymph glands. Use Cleavers for Tonsillitis, Glandular Fever and recurrent Throat Infections.
It also cures Interstitial cystitis.
It is helpful for clearing infections and inflammation in the genitourinary system.
Cleavers soothes Urinary and Gastrointestinal tracts. It helps in Lymphatic drainage and detoxifies the Kidneys. Its diuretic properties enhances the Urine flow and give relief from other urinary problems. This helps to get rid of Kidney and Bladder stones. It also reduces fibrocystic tissue in the kidneys. Cleavers clears the Urinary tract and alleviate Prostate disorders.
It treats Scurvy.
It relieves from burning sensation during urination associated with cystitis.
Cleavers helps in treatment of Cancer. Cleavers tincture inhibits the division of Cancer cells. It also reduces the effects of Cancer. Cleavers anti tumor property helps ease swollen, sore Breasts, Congestion in the breast and Benign breast lumps.
Cleavers is a diaphoretic. It helps stimulate Perspiration. Its cooling properties reduces body temperature and gives a cooling effect to the body. It counters fever and prevent the occurrence of Viral Infections like Measles and Chicken pox.
Direct application of Cleavers is very effective for Cuts and Wounds. It enhances blood clotting and stops bleeding. This hastens healing process in the body.
Cleavers blood thinning properties have beneficial effect on Platelets. When you get a cut it collects the Platelets and halts bleeding. Cleavers helps in prevention of Arteriosclerosis, Strokes and Heart failure.
It also acts as Blood cleanser.
Cleavers contains a constituent known as Asperuloside that gets converted into Prostaglandins by the body. Prostaglandins are hormone-like compounds that stimulate the uterus and affect blood vessels.
Keywords : Skin, Cuts, Wounds, Lymphatic system, Throat Infection, Heart Problems, Arteriosclerosis, Strokes, Urinary Tract, Cancer, Measles, Chicken pox and Blood Clotting.
Single Herb

Cleavers as an Alterative

Cleavers has an affinity for the Lymphatic System.

Cleavers for Kidney Stones

Steep 2 tablespoons dried Cleavers in 2 cups of warm water for 2 hours.
Take 2-3 tablespoons thrice a day.
You may add some Honey to Improve the taste.

Cleavers for Skin

Crush the fresh leaves and apply for skin problems
OR : Take some fresh juice and apply. It can also be used as a good face wash for a clear skin.

Cleavers For Wounds, Bleeding

Crush some fresh Cleavers leaves and directly apply to heal wounds. It stops External bleeding.

Cleavers for Cancer

Extract the juice of the leaves of Cleavers. Have three times a day.

Cleavers for Nipple Discharge

Extract the juice of Cleavers. Have two tablespoon two times a day.

Cleavers for Adenitis

Steep 2 tablespoon of dried Cleavers in one cup of hot water for 15 minutes. Strain it. Drink thrice daily.

Cleavers for Uterine Fibroid

Cleavers ( Gallium Aparine ) is well known to reduce the excessive growth of tissues in the body.
Have 10 drops of Gallium Aparine tincture in a glass of water 3 times in a day.
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Herbal Treatment For Elephantiasis 1

Make a concoction of Cleavers leaves, Yellow Dock root, Pokeweed root, Echinacea root, Blue Flag root and Marigold ( Gendha ) flower. Take twice a day.
Caution :
Excess use may cause toxicity.

Herbal Treatment For Skin Diseases 3

Make a fine paste of Cleavers, Yellow Dock and Burdock. Apply topically.

Herbal Treatment For Urinary Incontinence 1

Urinary Incontinence may be treated by administering a combo of Cleavers, Buchu and Bearberry.

Herbal Treatment For Breast Cancer 1

Take equal quantity of the leaves of Cleavers and Flax seeds. Make Poultice. Repeat it daily for one month.

Herbal Treatment For Liver Diseases 11

Herbal formula for Liver Detoxification
Prepare a powdered mixture of equal amount of Red clover, Fennel, Cleavers, Dandelion, Oregon grape root, Burdock root, Chickweed and Parsley root. Boil 1 to 2 cups of water. Add one teaspoon of the powered mixture in it. Allow it to get cool down. Consume 1 cup of tea once a day before breakfast.
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Fran ( Ga,usa )
23 Aug 2016
DOes cleavers herbs have conraindication with warfarin
Syed Asfaquz Zaman ( India )
27 Jan 2017
My father is having swollen lymph node at back if his head and it's size is quite big.It all started because of Metasis from prostate cancer.So I just wanted to know does this gallium aparine mother tincture will help in reducing the swollen lymph nodes and how safe is it to have this medicine.And from where can I buy this medicine. awaiting for your suggestions.
Rumi Kailash Naiyaer
01 Feb 2017
Syed Asfaquz. Please read the page : https://herbpathy.com/Lymphatic-System.......Defence-Against-Disease-Vid22 The page tells you all about Lymphatic System.
Yes, you may take Cleavers for it. This is very effective herb for it. Buy the homeopathic tincture, it is known as Galium Aparine . take 5 drops , added to a glass of water for a month.
04 Apr 2017
Hi Rumi
Could you check the link address please.
I couldn't find it. Regards
M Mishra ( India )
26 Feb 2017
My mother suffering from CA ovary and intestinal blockage with severe vomiting. Only conservative treatment is possible as no other option left. Can this gallium aparine helpful for this blockage. Please suggest. Thanks in advance. Eagerly waiting for your reply.
Vidhya Dhalia
01 Mar 2017
Yes, Galium Aparine tincture can be given to her every day 5 drops in a glass of water, but consult your doctor before you try anything new, as she is already suffering from severe vomiting.
If she is suffering from Ovarian Cancer, Soursop is the best herb for her. Give her 100 ml every day for a month. Only fresh soursop juice should be consumed.
Dee ( Ireland )
02 Apr 2017
is cleavers good for reducing lipomas
Khanan ( India )
03 Apr 2017
Dee. I am not sure of Cleavers being used as a cure for Lipmoma.
But, Apple Cider Vinegar and Turmeric are one of the very efficient cures for this--
Apple Cider Vinegar, Have tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before going to bed, for 2 weeks. This will shrink the size of the Lipomas. Turmeric and Olive Oil mixture--
Add a teaspoon of turmeric to olive oil such that it forms a thick paste. Apply this herbal mixture to the lumps.This will not only often the lipoma but, will also reduce the size, when applied regularly.
Arlinda ozuna ( Austin mn )
25 Apr 2017
My mom has high blood pressure. Verical gains. Diebitis. And swelling in her legs bad. She is in a wheelchair due to her legs. She is extremely overweight. What would be good for her
Avinash Garg ( India )
02 May 2017
To reduce weight, she can start to take Apple Cider Vinegar and Garcinia Cambogia, it is an effective herb to cure Obesity. She can take this herb in the form of the eta. One cup everyday for one month. Give her one table spoon of Apple Cider Vinegar added to a glass of water. For one month.
She can take Giloy ( Tinospora Cordifolia ) herb for High Blood Pressure.
19 Jul 2017
my mom have elephantasis how do she have to take the galium aparine??
George Heatherington
01 Sep 2017
We are living in Germany. Can you advise us where we might ask for galium aparine and, if not by that name, what to ask for? Also called goose grass or cleavers. Can it be ordered on line and who by?
20 Sep 2017
Cleavers can be bought online from amazon. Or buy the Galium Aparine tincture from a homeopathic store.
Katharine ( USA GA )
07 Nov 2017
Can you recommend treatment for klebsiella pneumonia, rhodotoroula species.

Thank you. Khd
Marjorie ( Usa/Ca )
07 Nov 2017
I have fibroids. I have cleaver powder and leaves how do I take both if I want to alternate and how do I take borututu in powder form?
Lone ( Australia )
28 Apr 2018
stress incontinence is cleavers appropriate even though it can be slightly diruretic
Beth ( Sweden )
05 May 2018
Is Cleavers a good choice for someone with Hashimoto's (autoimmune)?. I am having trouble with all detox pathways and this causes flare ups.
17 May 2018
What herb would be good to shrink a tumor on the nerve in the eye
Joan ( Texas )
21 Jun 2018
is there an herbal alternative to the traditional anti-seizure medications like phenobarbitol or dilantin? My dog has developed psychomotor seizures at age 8. She is very healthy otherwise and I don't want to lose her. Thank you.
Fayaz ( India )
30 Aug 2018
i am suffering from multiple lipoma. is there any medicine to cure lipoma?
Sarah ( Australia )
18 Mar 2019
Can it reduce lymthatic malformation on my 3 year old son.
Joyce ( Canada )
17 Jan 2020
I had breast cancer 5 years ago ago and have recently started drinking cleavers infusion. Is this a good choice?
Christine Isaacson
08 May 2020
How much vitamin K is there in Cleavers? I have Lupus anti- coagulate positive. To much vitamin K makes my blood to thick. I’m supposed to keep my INR between 2.0 and 3.0, When I first used this as a tea, my INR dropped drastically. I was below my levels, but I’m not sure what caused it as with Covid19 they have quit sending my Coumadin. I’ve been using Flax seed to keep it thin with ginger, was working but suddenly dropped. Just searching for my culprit to adjust my mix.
Rose ( USA. Texas )
31 May 2020
My husband has a fast growing cancer on his tongue. And throat. He takes lamectal and I take Effexor. I has allergies and skin problems. We both need it. I made a tincture with early cleavers. In alcohol. It is beautiful. Can we safely take it.
LEON NEWTON ( United States )
16 Aug 2020
can i use cleavers leaf for enlarged prostate?
19 Aug 2020
Try Saw Palmetto with Pygeum capsules- 1 tablet every second day. Stop taking when you start feeling better.
Bladder Cherry and Stinging Nettle Tea.
-Land Caltrops capsule ,1 everyday for 15 days or its Homeopathic form Tribulus Terrestris- 2 drops in a glass of water for 20 days.
Yve ( United States )
08 Oct 2020
I have bilateral foot and leg swelling which has caused weight gain. Would Cleavers be good for this condition?
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