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Gardenia Fruit Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Botanical Name
Gardenia Jasminoides
Hindi Name
Gandhraj, Anant
Chinese Name
Zhi Zi, Sheng Shan Zhi

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Gardenia Fruit Cures


Action of Gardenia Fruit

Nutrients in Gardenia Fruit

Taste of
Gardenia Fruit

Nature of
Gardenia Fruit


Parts Used

Fruit, Roots, Leaves

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Gardenia Fruit

Avoid use during Loss of Appetite due to cold.
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Gardenia is a shrub.
It is evergreen.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 12 M.
Best use for Heartburn and Liver Problems.

In TCM :
Gardenia Fruit : Sheng Shan Zhi, Zhi Zi
Carbonized Gardenia Fruit : Zhi Zi Tan
Prepared Fruit of Gardenia : Jiao Shan Zhi
Meridians associated : Heart, Lung, Liver and Stomach
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Materia Medica for Gardenia Fruit

Single Herb

Gardenia ( Gandhraj ) Seeds for Jaundice

Grind dried Gardenia ( Gandhraj ). Take one teaspoon powder with lukewarm water.

Gardenia ( Gandhraj ) Seeds for Rheumatism

Take one teaspoon powder of Gardenia ( Gandhraj ) Seeds twice a day.

Gardenia ( Gandhraj ) for Fever

Make a decoction using bark of Gardenia ( Gandhraj ). Drink 10 ml thrice a day.

Gardenia ( Gandhraj ) for Dysentery

Drink bark decoction of Gardenia ( Gandhraj ) twice a day.

Gardenia ( Gandhraj ) for Urinary Problems

Add 2 g bark powder of Gardenia ( Gandhraj ) in a cup of warm water. Drink it twice a day.

Gardenia ( Gandhraj ) for Abdominal Pain

Boil 10 g Gardenia ( Gandhraj ) bark in 500 ml water. Store. Drink 5 ml thrice a day.

Gardenia ( Gandhraj ) for Flatulence

Grind dried root of Gardenia ( Gandhraj ) to make powder. Take quarter tsp with a cup of warm water.

Gardenia ( Gandhraj ) for Headache

Heat few leaves of Gardenia ( Gandhraj ). Use them as poultice on Forehead.

Gardenia ( Gandhraj ) for Flu

Take flower, root and leaves of Gardenia ( Gandhraj ). Boil and strain. Drink 30 ml of the decoction twice a day.

Gardenia ( Gandhraj ) for Palpitation

Crush 10 g each of flowers and leaves of Gardenia ( Gandhraj ). Boil them in 100 ml water. Drink a cup of it when symptoms arise.

Gardenia ( Gandhraj ) for Ascaris

Extract juice from fruit of Gardenia ( Gandhraj ). Take 1 tsp once a day.

Gardenia ( Gandhraj ) for Burns

Crush fruit of Gardenia ( Gandhraj ) to make paste. Apply it over Burn.
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Herbal Treatment For Jaundice 4

Make a decoction of Rhubarb root, Water Plantain leaves, Gardenia fruit and Knotgrass leaves. Take it twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Dysuria 2

Prepare a decoction of Herba Plantaginis seed, Akebia Vine stem, and Gardenia fruit. Take it twice a day.
Queries on Gardenia Fruit
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Janna Lorette ( United States )
15 Nov 2016
Is the aroma therapy of gardenia conducive to help inspire certain moods, or to perhaps relieve one from stress?
21 Nov 2016
Yes. It does.
In Gardenia aromatherapy, Gardenia essential oil is used, which helps to relieve stress, it cures insomnia,anxiety and clears the sinus passage. It calms down or relaxes the mind and helps you to get rid of stress. All the best with the herb Janna.
Florin ( Europe )
28 Aug 2017
For hearth , corronary vessel blockagge, i ve took dried fruits for a recipe to put in a combination
How to prepare the dried fruits ?
Make them powder ?
grinding to obtain powder ?
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