Leigh's Disease is a disease of the Whole Body.
The metabolic disorder that causes damage to the Central Nervous System is Leigh's Disease. The Central Nervous System consists of the Brain and the Spinal Cord.
Normally, the Mitochondrial DNA is used to convert fatty acids and glucose into ATP ( Adenosine Triphosphate ) molecules. The energy is stored in the form of ATP molecules. It works as a fuel, in the energy consumption processes performed by the Cells. The body requires energy to perform many functions. However, if there is any mutation in the Mitochondrial DNA, it results in the lack of energy in the cells. This causes the impairment of the Body functions. It affects the Brain and the Spinal Cord.
A person with Leigh's Disease might be having two copies of mutated genes. The defect is in X chromosomes. If it occurs in females, then she would be the carrier; because a female has two copies of X chromosomes. If there is a defect in one copy then the other would take care of the functions. However, in males, there is only one X chromosome. Hence, this disease is more likely to develop in males.
Causes in Leigh's Disease
Mutated Mitochondrial DNA
If not treated properly, Leigh's Disease may cause
Loss of Consciousness
Materia Medica for Leigh's Disease
Single Herb Add Asparagus to your daily diet.
Chew 4-5 fresh Sage leaves daily.
Thyme for Leigh's Disease
Prepare an infusion by boiling 1 teaspoon of dried Thyme leaves in one cup of hot water for 15 minutes. Drink it twice daily.
Prepare a tea, made of dried Rosemary herb and one cup of water. Drink it twice daily.
Eat 1 teaspoon of fresh Coriander leaves daily.