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Vitamin K

What does Vitamin K do for the body

Vitamin K is a fat soluble antioxidant. It is required for making of the bone protein. It plays an important role in blood clotting. It is necessary for building strong bones. Vitamin K helps in treating osteoporosis and Heart diseases. Vitamin K is a group of compounds. Vitamin K1 and Vitamin K2 are important compounds. Leafy green vegetables are a good source of Vitamin K1. Vitamin K2 is obtained from meats, cheese and eggs.

Normal levels of Vitamin K in the body
0.2 to 3.2 mcg/ltr

Recommended daily intake :
80 Microgram per day ( Mcg/day)

Functions of Vitamin K in the Body
Vitamin K performs a major role in blood clotting. Vitamin K removes Spider Veins, Bruises, Scars, Stretch marks, and Burns. It is used to treat Rosacea. It is a skin condition that causes redness and pimples on the face. Vitamin K is used to cure Bruising and Swelling.

Benefits of Vitamin K
Vitamin K is a clotting vitamin. It helps in Blood Coagulation.
Vitamin K protects bone from fracture.
It prevents postmenopausal bone loss.

Effects of Deficiency of vitamin K in the Body
Its deficiency affects a new-born baby or fetus. It causes Hemorrhagic disease in newborn babies.
Vitamin K deficiency leads to Bruising and Bleeding.
Deficiency of Vitamin K leads to Alzheimer’s disease.

Symptoms of deficiency of Vitamin K in the body
Heavy Menstrual bleeding , Gums bleeding , Nose bleeding, and Bruising
Bloody Urine
Bloodstream coagulation and Hemorrhages

Foods are listed below in the repertory with the amount of Vitamin K available. The figure in the brackets indicates the amount in Micrograms per 100 grams of serving.
Information given herein is for informational purposes only. It is not an indicator of what you should do. Please consult your doctor before consuming any food or herb.

Herbs Containing Vitamin K

Most Effective

Beet Greens
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