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Quassia Amara Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Bitter Quassia
Glycemic Index / Load
Bitter Quassia
Botanical Name
Picrasma Excelsa

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Quassia Amara Cures

Highly Effective


Action of Quassia Amara

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Quassia Amara

Quassia Amara
Combines With

Taste of
Quassia Amara

Parts Used

Bark, Leaves, Wood

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Quassia Amara

Excessive use can cause vomiting. Long term use should be avoided.
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Bitter Quassia is a tree.
It is deciduous.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 30 M.
It belongs to Simaroubaceae family.
Best used for digestive system.


Grown In

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Materia Medica for Quassia Amara

Bitter Quassia General

Quassia is a tall, graceful and ash like tree. It is perennial. It is native to tropical America. It is cultivated in Jamaica and Surinam. It thrives in moist, sandy and humus rich soil. It needs full sun. The tree may grow to a height of one hundred feet.
It has pinnate and coarse toothed leaves. It bears small and green white flowers. It has black and shiny berries.
It contains volatile oil, quassin, gummy extractive pectin, woody fiber, calcium and sodium chlorides, salts, and sulfates.
It is a bitter, non-astringent and odorless herb. It is best remedy for malaria, dysentery and venereal disease. Quassia is used an ingredient in soft drinks, candies, baked goods, marmalades, liqueurs and other alcoholic drinks. It is used as an insecticide to flies, spider mites and aphids. It spares beneficial insects as ladybird beetles and bees.
Quassia keeps digestive system healthy. It soothes gastric upsets, indigestion and acute dyspepsia. It prevents the formation of acid substances during the digestive process. It is good for nausea. Quassia stimulates the production of stomach secretions. It stimulates a flagging appetite and treats anorexia. It is wonderful remedy for convalescence and tone ups a rundown system.
Quassia is old remedy for lowering fevers. Quassia helps to kill and expel worms in the intestines and nematodes. It destroys parasites.
It inhibits dandruff. Quassia is a cure for drunkenness. It fights leukemia.
It may cause an irritation and vomiting.
Large doses should be avoided.
Consult a doctor before using it.
Single Herb

Bitter Quassia for Fever, Rheumatism

Use externally an infusion of Bitter Quassia wood.

Bitter Quassia for Alcoholism

Prepare tea of Bitter Quassia leaves and drink One cup regularly. It kills the appetite for alcohol.

Bitter Quassia for Dandruff

Take Bitter Quassia Wood. Soak it in some water overnight. Now use this water as a scalp rinse for Dandruff.

Bitter Quassia for Stomach Problems

Take a cup made from Quassia Wood. Put some water in it and leave overnight. Next morning drink it on empty stomach. It is a good bitter tonic for stomach.

Bitter Quassia as a Tonic

Take a cup made of Quassia Wood. Fill it with water and leave overnight. It becomes a good Bitter Tonic for the stomach.

Bitter Quassia for Worms

Add One tablespoon Quassia Wood in One cup of boiling water and steep for 15 minutes. Take One cup regularly for a week.
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Sadie Francis
12 Aug 2015
It sounds very interesting.
S M Mohiuddin ( Bangladesh )
18 Mar 2016
i am mohiuddin. doctor's said i am suffering ileal ulcer. that reason doctors gave me medicine for 15 days and gactrict madecin for 3 months. i have already taken 2 months medicine so now i can take bitter wood
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