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Dragon's Blood Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Dragon's Blood
Glycemic Index / Load
Dragon's Blood
Botanical Name
Dracaena Cinnabari
Chinese Name
Xue Jie

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Dragon's Blood Cures

Most Effective


Action of Dragon's Blood

Most Effective

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Dragon's Blood

Dragon's Blood
Combines With

Taste of
Dragon's Blood

Nature of
Dragon's Blood


Parts Used

Leaves, Bark, Resin, Sap, Exudate

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Dragon's Blood

Avoid use during pregnancy.
Avoid taking this herb during Menses.
It may cause Allergic reactions such as
Skin Rashes
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Dragon's Blood is a Resinous substance.
It is obtained by Dracaena Cinnabari tree.
This tree is evergreen.
It grows up to 20 M.
It grows in a mild climate.
Best used for Wrinkles, Pimple.

Dragon's Blood is also obtained from a related species Daeonorops Draco.

In TCM :
Meridians associated : Heart and Liver.

Grown In

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Materia Medica : How to use Dragon's Blood - Uses and Benefits

Single Herb

Dragon's Blood For Wounds

Apply latex of Dragon's Blood on the wounds thrice a day. It works as a disinfectant and also alleviates the pain.

Dragon's Blood For Tonsillitis

Wash your Tonsils with Dragon's Blood. Even chronic throat infection can be cured with this.

Dragon's Blood For Skin Diseases

The red sap of Dragon's Blood is directly applied to the skin in case of a problem. When rubbed onto skin, it forms a thin creamy layer. It helps in Cuts, bites, burns, stings, rashes, abrasions, sores, acne and other such skin problems.

Dragon's Blood For Wrinkles

Dragon’s Blood Extract (Red Sap) contains rich antioxidants properties. It is quite helpful for wrinkles and skin blemishes. It can be liberally applied to the skin.
Queries on Dragon's Blood
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David Jones ( Uk )
18 Aug 2016
Hi , I have been told to give dragons blood for respiratory problems with my racing pigeons , could you please tell me the best way to give dragons blood to them .
Thank you
David Jones
29 Aug 2016
David Are you looking for a cure for your pigeons ?
Then sorry, you are at the wrong place. This website is solely for humans and not for animals or birds. Is there anything else that we can help you with? Thank you.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Elhean ( Serbia )
17 Oct 2016
I have tonsillitis that is chronic in nature. Every cold or physical stress produces bad case of painful and swollen tonsils.

What is the bast way to wash tonsils with dragons blood? Just gargle it or...?

What about cold that moves down to bronchi and produces cough? Is it useful for cough, and how can I use it?
Sherry Miller ( MT )
31 Dec 2016
I have resin of Dragons Blood. How do I break it down and with what would I mix it to make it back into a liquid state. Do I grind it and add what to liquefy it? Most everything I have read about Dragons Blood is that it is a topical. I would like some information on the use with the heart. I have Afib. and a thyroid condition the Doctors have been working on for a year. I have cyst through out my main body. They removed one on the liver the size of a football. I am in need of advice.
20 Jun 2020
make a tincture....add high proof grain alcohol to finely ground powder of the dragons blood....shake everyday...store in cool dark place:)
Cheri ( Oregon )
06 Nov 2017
Will dragons blood interfere with a kidney transplant or the meds?
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