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Senna Leaf Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Botanical Name
Cassia Senna, Senna Alexandria
Hindi Name
Senai, Sanaya, Hindisana, Hindisanakapat
Chinese Name
Fan Xie Ye, Hung La Liao
Homeopathic Name
Senna   -   Mother Tincture

Do you know this herb by any other name ? Click Here.

Senna Leaf Cures

Most Effective


Action of Senna Leaf

Nutrients in Senna Leaf

Taste of
Senna Leaf

Nature of
Senna Leaf


Parts Used

Leaves, Pods, Fruit

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Senna Leaf

Prolonged use may cause Stomach Ache, Diarrhea, Cramps, Burping.
It may cause Vomiting, abnormal color of Urine accompanied with Blood,may even cause increase of Protein in Urine.
Long term use of this herb leads to discoloration of large intestine. The inner lining of the intestine becomes black.
It may cause deficiency of Potassium in the Blood.
The herb can cause softening of Bones and may weaken the Skeleton System, also lead to Arthritis.
Skin Allergies and Rashes can also be experienced as side effects of Senna.

Please consult to a doctor before use.
Avoid use during pregnancy.
Do not infuse this herb for more than 15 minutes.
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Senna is a shrub.
It is perennial.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 1.2 M.

The Homeopathic medicine , Senna is best used to treat :
Urine : Sp gr increased

In TCM :
Senna Leaves : Fan Xie Ye
Medicated Senna Leaves : Chao Shen Qu
Meridians associated : Large Intestine.

Note 1 :
The purgative action of Senna may produce abdominal cramps. Use Senna with Fennel seeds. Fennel calms the gastrointestinal tract. It reduces the occurrence of the abdominal cramps.

Note 2:
Cassia Angustifolia and Cassia Acutifolia are related species.Sometimes, they are collectively referred to as Senna.


Common Names

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Materia Medica for Senna Leaf

Senna General

Senna is a small and stubby shrub. It is perennial. It can grown any where. It grows up to two to six feet. It is a native to Africa and the Middle East. It grows in Africa , Egypt, Sudan, India, China.
It has an erect, smooth and pale green stem. It has long and spreading branches. It bears small yellow flowers.
It contains dianthrone glycosides, sennosides , flavonoids, naphthalene glycosides, mucilage, tannin, resin and beta-sitosterol.
They are used in more than 110 prepared drugs. This herb is wonderful for the people who require a soft, easily-passed stool. Senna has been used to destroy and expel worms and parasites from the intestinal tract. Senna irritates the bowel to remove constipation.
Senna improves skin afflictions such as pimples, acne and beneficial for weight management. The senna leaves are best for medication.
Senna Irritates the bowels and the intestines to increases the peristaltic movements in the colon. Consider Senna to be a purgative rather than a laxative.
Great care should be taken during the use.
Pregnant, nursing or menstruating women should avoid this.
Avoid up to the age of twelve years.
People having inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal ulcers, undiagnosed stomach pain must avoid this.
Senna can cause red color in the urine.
Senna is generally taken for constipation. But, prolonged use may cause constipation, the very disease you wanted to cure.
Senna is a catalyst. It makes other herbs more effective through better absorption.
Senna eliminates toxins
Consult a doctor before taking it.
Single Herb

Senna for Bad Breath

Soak Senna leaves in the boiling water for 5 minutes. Cool this decoction and drink 3-4 times a day.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Bloody Stools 1

Make a decoction of Ginger (Adrak in India) and Senna (Senai in India) powder. Have it at bedtime.

Herbal Treatment For Constipation 13

Take one tbsp of Aniseed and Senna. Boil in one cup of water for 15-20 mins. Add jaggery. Have it when warm.

Herbal Treatment For Constipation 14

Take one teaspoon of Senna and one tablespoon of Tamarind pulp. Soak overnight. Strain. Add one tablespoon gulkand {made from rose petals and adding sugar
by putting it in a tight lid container for 3-4 days}. Have it in the morning.

Herbal Treatment For Constipation 15

Grind Fennel ( Saunf in India ), Ginger ( Adrak in India ) and Senna ( Senai in India ) in equal quantity. Have it with warm water after dinner.
Queries on Senna Leaf
Fake Users Alert !

Fake users have started using the Query Section to advertise their products and services.
It is therefore suspended.

Actual users may approach us through emails. Please write an email to info@herbpathy.com.
You will get a reply in your email.
Ashish jain
29 Aug 2015
Wonderful information
24 Sep 2015
Good information. Very detailed and wonderful information.
Faisal razzaq
02 Oct 2015
I used sana makki to eliminate the skin problem but it made my skin dry. I want to use it to eliminate pimples. please suggest
Herbpathy Research Team
05 Oct 2015
Dear Faisal Razzaq

If you are having problem in using Senna, then please stop using it immediately.
You may try other remedies for Acne.

Please follow the following methods :

1.Boil a handful leaves of Neem ( Margosa ) in a two glasses of water. Wash your face with that water twice a day.

2. Crush a clove and make a paste with turmeric and add a little water. Apply it on the affected area.

3. At night, apply Aloe Vera gel.
Repeat the process for at least one month.

Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Prasad Vijay pawar
03 Mar 2017
Sir can you suggest me more information for acne and pimpelko pls sir
17 Nov 2018
Not use aloe vera contunue and night time . Causes facial parallysis
Abdul wahid
16 Oct 2015
I have been using senna for more than 3 months for constipation. now I have stopped taking it learning side effects but I am again facing partial constipation, the first part of stool little hard to pass followed by soft bowls still complete defecation is not achieved results gas and unrest. please advise any way if I can go on with senna less harmful than continuous constipation with associated troubles as i have mild piles as well. please advise.
Raja faheem hamza
21 Jun 2020
Just drink a lot of water bro.
Siddique Mohammad, New York. Tel: 1516-783-5423 care Farida, my daughter.
07 Jul 2017
you need no medicine, herbal or anything else. just make salad of radish (mooli), tomato, beet (chokunder), and cucumber. Wash these vegies, cut them and mix them. At dinner time, eat two or three pieces of this salad with every morsal of your food, chew all very well so as it all becomes a little bit liquid before swallowing. In a day or so you will see the result i.e. an effortless elimination that will amaze you, Insha-Allah. Besides, discipline your eating habits, eating all the time and munching snacks is no good for digestion.
Abdul wahid
16 Oct 2015
I am facing constipation due withdrawal of senna. please note I had been facing same problem even prior of the use of senna. what about isabgol ? senna makes the bowls soften and clears the intestine as i feel if i have less parasites movement due to which some even with soft bowls does not defecate completely. please advise what to do ? Thank You
12 Jun 2020
use organic chia seeds daily better then isapghol
Rahul mewada
28 Oct 2015
Perfect description
Thank you
07 Jan 2016
I am having senna leaves powder 6 gms every alternate night mixed in water for last 2 months.....I am able to pass bowels regularly because of that . If this is harmful to be using this regularly? Does continuously using senna create constipation? If so, which herb can be used for curing chronic constipation without side effects?
Herbpathy Research Team
08 Jan 2016
Dear Murali Senna is not the Herb of choice for correcting constipation. It works temporary because it irritates the Intestines lining. And it will not set your Metabolism right. So, if you want a permanent solution for Constipation, then Triphala is the Key. But make sure, that if your system is weak, it may cause Nausea and Diarrhea. So start with small doses. The other solution is Psyllium Husk. Make the powder and add a little sugar to it. Eat one table spoon and followed by one glass of milk. Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Herbpathy Research Team
08 Jan 2016
Dear Murali Remember nothing will happen before 1 month .....
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
11 Jan 2016
can senna be used for weight loss ?
Herbpathy Research Team
12 Jan 2016
Dear Archana
Senna is a Herb which is most effective in curing Constipation. To reduce your weight, eat Avocado. This is a great fruit, which helps in reducing weight. It will suppress your hunger, and will reduce your urge to eat. Then, eventually, sheds off extra calories, without any side effect. For reducing weight, drink green tea daily, early morning. Swallow a tablespoon of raw Fenugreek seeds daily. Eating 250 gm of Papaya daily for dinner will also help to reduce weight.
Take Lime juice and honey mixed in lukewarm water. Add a teaspoon of honey to the juice of half a lime in one glass of lukewarm water. Drink it regularly for 10 days. Skip for 3 days and again take for the next 10 days. Good Luck.... Regards
Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Zafar Iqbal
24 Jan 2016
I am suffering from IBS I always face constipation and then alternative diarrhoea and due to constipation I now have the symptoms of piles what herbs should I use for my regular and normal bowel movement
Herbpathy Research Team
27 Jan 2016
Dear Zafar Iqbal
Senna will apparently cure Constipation. It only irritates the bowel and throws out the food. Therefore, we do not recommend this Herb. Herbs for You are--
Triphala-- Add 1to 2 table spoons of Triphala powder in a glass of warm water. Stir well. Drink it everynight after meal, try this for a month. Trikatu ( mixture of Piper Nigrum, Piper Longum, Ginger ) -- Buy its tincture, take 5 drops of it in water daily for a month. It is also available in the powdered form.
Isabgol -- Take 2 teaspoons of Isabgol. Add little milk and sugar. Mix well. Eat it. Follow it with a glass of warm milk. Repeat it for 7 days. The regimen mentioned above, will make sure that your Constipation gets cured. P.S. Do not take Senna. It will spoil your intestines. Herbpathy Research Team
Regards Herbpathy Research Team
( Make Life Healthy )
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Herbpathy Research Team
27 Jan 2016
Continued.... For Zafar Iqbal For Piles, we recommend you to take Milk Thistle Capsules. Have one capsule daily for a month. It will take care of your liver. Drink 40 ml of Radish juice daily on an empty stomach for 3 days, then skip for 7 days. Drink again for 3 days. Radish will cure your Piles.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
23 Apr 2016
Triphala + Trikatu + Isabgol as suggested above has to be taken together OR any one out of 3 above should be taken for Constipation.????? Senna which is not to be taken --but how does it harm ??? Allopathic Physicians do NOT discourage SOFTOVAC ( containing Senna powder - a LUPIN product ) etc for Constipation !!!!!! Please give exact advice ........An early reply is solicited.
SK Bhattacharya
13 Feb 2016
Dear Sir

Can we have the picture of the Folium Sennae for easy reference and identification
Herbpathy Admin
16 Feb 2016
Dear Sandanaraj
We understand, a picture is of great help in identifying any Herb. Our team is already working on this provision. Soon, we'd be publishing the pictures of the respective Herbs. But, for now, you would have to do a little research on your own over the internet. Regards
Herbpathy Admin
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Nasir ( Karachi )
28 Feb 2016
Can I use senna leaves tea for weight loss
Sweta Raj
07 Mar 2016
Dear Nasir
Yes you may use Senna leaves tea. it is known to effectively support weight loss. Drink a cup of this tea daily for a week first. If it suits you, then you may continue with this Herb.
09 Jul 2017
tell me how can make a tea .....
Uttam Dutta ( India )
08 Mar 2016
I have been suffering IBS and chronic constipation. Took Senna ( Sona leaf ) and got good result . Gastroenterologist has advised for not to take Senna regularly. Presently taking Psyllium powder & ispaghuls husk . But very slow result and feel discomfort with severe constipation. Bowl is not moving regularly and thus bad smell from gases which makes me embracing in office , bus & public gathering . Need your advise to get rid of from severe constipation.
16 Mar 2016
Please state how are you taking Psyllium Husk Powder. Since this is quite an effectrive Herb to cure IBS and severe constipation. So we need to know the method you have adopted to take the Herb. Drink a cup of Alfalfa Tea daily in the morning for 3 days. Drink a cup of Aloe Vera juice on an empty stomach in the morning. Psyllium Husk should cure your problem. however, we will wait for your review and then suggest you the way to take it, once we get to know how are you taking this Herb.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
SK Bhattacharya
23 Apr 2016
How about Herbopathy Research Team recommendation dated 27/1/2016 addressed to Mr Zafar Iqbal and my clarification dated 23/4/2016. Research Team may please give absolute and correct reply.
Joshy ( India )
15 Mar 2016
is there any herbal remedy for hypopituitarism
Sapna ( India )
16 Mar 2016
Can powder of seena leaves (sonmukhi leaves) and Dill seeds (Suva seed) can be taken with warm water for weight loss..
Also please advise for doss requited to be taken daily.
18 Mar 2016
Dear Sapna
Dill Seeds alone are very efficient to reduce weight. Boil 5g – 10g of dill seeds in one quart of water for 30 minutes, or pour dill seeds into freshly boiled water and leave the tea to steep for 10 minutes. Drink 1 cup of this tea every day.
To reduce your weight, eat AVOCADO. This is a great fruit, which helps in reducing weight. It will suppress your hunger, and will reduce your urge to eat. Then, eventually, sheds off extra calories, without any side effect. For reducing weight, drink green tea daily, early morning. Swallow a tablespoon of raw Fenugreek seeds daily. Eating 250 gm of Papaya daily for dinner will also help to reduce weight.
Take Lime juice and honey mixed in lukewarm water. Add a teaspoon of honey to the juice of half a lime in one glass of lukewarm water. Drink it regularly for 10 days. Skip for 3 days and again take for the next 10 days
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
K P Reddy ( India )
19 Mar 2016
Suggest me
I use sonamukhi poweder & honey I take early morning one time
Gain my body weight
Say answer
YES.or NO. please
Anwar ( Bangladesh )
03 Apr 2016
Is senna is appropriate for recovering constipation of a child. My daughter is 3 years old who is suffering acute constipation. Should i apply it regularly ? Has it any side effects?
05 Apr 2016
Dear Anwar
A baby, if constipated , may be helped by giving 4-6 ounces of apple, or pear juice once a day. Squeeze the juice of a half lemon in a glass of luke warm water. Add a pinch of rock salt to it. Add one teaspoon of honey to it. Stir well. Give this to your child twice a day. This should cure the constipation. It is advised to consult a doctor before giving any Herb to the child.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Shally ( Bangkok/Thailand )
05 Apr 2016
Hi....is a color of curcumo comosa same like that of turmeric......because last time i came across this herbs...but i was in dought whether it is the curcumo comosa we r talking about ...the herb which helps in tightening vagina...i just took a small piece n i found out that it leaves behind a yellow color like that of turmeric....so i just want to confrim....
Dr. Nida ( Saudi Arbia )
21 Apr 2016
I want to use it for acne ..i m 37 yrs old i ddnt get acne in puberty but now i have acne with pus ...
Secondly i have eczema which is terribly spreading all over my body
04 May 2016
Apply the tomato pulp over the affected area. Let it dry and then wash off. And, here is the link, where you can get a variety of cures for Acne. http://herbpathy.com/Herbal-Treatment-for-Acne-Cid73 For Eczema---Take a few leaves of Banyan tree and make a paste. Apply on the affected parts. and also use of Sandalwood paste and Haldi are very effective. Consume 2 capsules of Sea Buckthorn pulp oil everyday. This will reduce the inflammation ...
You may visit the Eczema page in the disease section of this website. or
Prasad Vijay pawar
03 Mar 2017
Sir more information for pimple and acne pls
Mohsin khan
14 May 2017
Sana making use only 30 day .
Vish ( India )
28 Apr 2016
I am using from 3weeks. I soaked senna in water overnight that in morning I drink it empty stomach. The reason behind drink senna is my body acne and body pimple. I use to drink once in week. It gives me quite positive results.
I want to know can apply that water to my skin directly. And how much time should i drink it in week. Should i add neem while soaking senna. Other than i use aloe vera gel as a night cream. Should I continue with that?
04 May 2016
Dear vish
you can use the water to bathe. Alternatively, you can take a bath with with Neem water. this will help you a lot. Take Senna for 10 more days. If you think it is effective for you, even then do not continue for more than a month. drink thrice a week. Do not use it for long period. or, try...... 1.Boil a handful leaves of Neem ( Margosa ) in a two glasses of water. Wash your face with that water twice a day. 2. Crush a clove and make a paste with turmeric and add a little water. Apply it on the affected area. and yes, continue with Aloe vera the way you are.
04 May 2016
Thank you siddhi for your advice ??
Bhatia ( India )
15 Jun 2016
Does senna leaves have an effect on a kidney patient with an acute kidney problem?
Rabia kashif ( PakistAn )
18 Jul 2016
Can I use sanamaki with black seed for weight loss in powder shape tell me side effect
22 Jul 2016
Dear Rabia
I suggest you, if you really want to reduce your Body fat then follow the given regimen. It is really effective and will give you results in 2 months with no side effects.
1. Eat a healthy diet including fruits and vegetables.
2. Avoid fatty foods and sugar, tea and coffee.
3. Have 2 cups of green tea daily.
4. Take a pinch of baking soda take it for 1 week, for every 3 months.
5. Take Aamla and Aloe Vera juice every morning.
6. Have only fruits in your meal for the whole day. You may do it on every saturday or sunday. It will detoxify your body.
7. Go for at least 30 min running every morning and evening.
Just follow these instruction at least for 2 months.
Abdul Latif ( GHANA )
21 Jul 2016
Asalamu Alaikum, i am a Ghanaian and i need sanna makki, how may i get them.
Thank you.
08 Aug 2016
Abdul latif
You will have to do some research. You can buy it over the internet. Order the herb as per your requirement. There are many websites which deal with the selling of herbs. Many vendors you will find online.
All the best dear.
23 Mar 2017
I be senna makki, and am in ghana
Rao sheraz ( Pakistan )
05 Aug 2016
sanamakii kidneys py effect krti hai ya nii
25 Aug 2016
Please share your problem. Are you suffering from Kidney disorder ?
Prasad Vijay pawar
03 Mar 2017
My problem about acne and pimpelko I say more and more times but anyone can't reply pls you replied me pls
Rais ahmad ( Pakistan/punjab )
09 Aug 2016
sir, i am using senna makki and kalonji together to lose my body weight and this is told me by a doctor(hakeem sb). i mixed 100 grams kalonji and 200 grams senna makki and fully grinded and taking half tea spoon twice after meal. my questions are
(1) Is there any side effect of this medicine????
(2). if i exceed the dose then what will be its side effect???
(3). either this medicine will be helpful to lose body weight???
please reply

Iram Farukh Baloch
23 Aug 2016
When you get the reply from the site plz inform me that is it working for weight loss or not coz I m also using both herbs for weight loss Thanks
25 Aug 2016
Senna has diuretic properties and also, it cleanses the colon. So it helps you to reduce waste and water. But, there actually is no fat loss. So weight loss can be achieved by following herbs--
eat Avocado. This is a great fruit, which helps in reducing weight. It will suppress your hunger, and will reduce your urge to eat. Then, eventually, sheds off extra calories, without any side effect. For reducing weight, drink green tea daily, early morning. Swallow a tablespoon of raw Fenugreek seeds daily. Eating 250 gm of Papaya daily for dinner will also help to reduce weight.
Take Lime juice and honey mixed in lukewarm water. Add a teaspoon of honey to the juice of half a lime in one glass of lukewarm water. Drink it regularly for 10 days. Skip for 3 days and again take for the next 10 days.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
25 Aug 2016
If you take the suggested dose for a recommended period of time then there aren't any possicbilities of side effect, but if you exceed the dose, then there will definitely be. So do not take the dosage more than the recommended. Yes, it might help you to reduce weight
Iqra ( Pakistan )
12 Aug 2016
my mother had a problem of high blood pressure due to this she had headache and eyes mostly got red and small .tell me please any solution and food which are good for her and also bad .
Talha javed
18 May 2020
Take isrol powder for high blood pressure.. it may very help full . Even she don't have to take any kind of medicine for bp
Uzma ( Pakistan )
24 Aug 2016
Can I use sana makki's seeds for weight loss? ??
25 Aug 2016
Senna is a Herb which is most effective in curing Constipation. To reduce your weight, eat Avocado. This is a great fruit, which helps in reducing weight. It will suppress your hunger, and will reduce your urge to eat. Then, eventually, sheds off extra calories, without any side effect. For reducing weight, drink green tea daily, early morning. Swallow a tablespoon of raw Fenugreek seeds daily. Eating 250 gm of Papaya daily for dinner will also help to reduce weight.
Take Lime juice and honey mixed in lukewarm water. Add a teaspoon of honey to the juice of half a lime in one glass of lukewarm water. Drink it regularly for 10 days. Skip for 3 days and again take for the next 10 days.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Ishan ( Gujarat )
26 Aug 2016
Can I use seena leaves to cure jaundice? How?
26 Aug 2016
Dear Ishan
Seena is effective for Jaundice but there are more herbs which are super effective to treat Jaundice and you may take those herbs. Jaundice is a disease of the Liver.
For Liver, Milk Thistle and Picrorrhiza Kurrora ( Kutki in Hindi ).
Both are available in capsule form. Buy any of them that is easily available to you and take 2 capsule every day for 1 month.
You may also take Radish juice and Sugarcane juice. Avoid Sugarcane, if the patient is diabetic.
Shreyans Jain ( India/Gujarat )
21 Oct 2016
I have high hemiglobine problem,it's constantly increasing I have to regularly remove it, my PCV count always increases up to 53
Is any herb or medicine to Cantrol it ?
27 Oct 2016
Shreyans. We could not understand your query. Would you please rewrite it and explain in a bit detail. Also, what do you do when the level of hb rise ? Also, let us know if you drink alcohol ?
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Anila ( Pakistan )
25 Oct 2016
I want to use this hurb for weight loss please guide me how can i use this with out any side effects please help me and reply
Sonia Bishth
25 Oct 2016
Drink a cup of this tea daily for a week first. If it suits you, then you may continue with this Herb. Do not take it for more than 20 days, as they laxative herb may affect your intestines. May turn them black. it is better to go for other options, like fruit diet, Avocado, fennel water, cumin water.
Kiran ( Mumbai )
15 Nov 2016
I m suggested to use senna with kalonji to reduce weight.....should i start using it as powder of these two ingredient to lose weight???
Or do u have any suggestion so that i could lose weight 4 to 5 kgs in a mnth.....as m 65 ryte nw .....n i want weight till 55...56kgs plz suggest me sumthing....
15 Nov 2016
Yes, you may take Senna with Kalonji, but do not take it for more than 20 days, as this laxative herb may affect your intestines. May turn them black (discoloration of intestines ). Its is advised that you go for other options like : Kalonji oil and honey or horsegram soup.
20 Dec 2016
Is there any alternative for this as my wife is pregnant now.

Please help me...
21 Dec 2016
We would like to know whey do you wish to use this Herb? It is a strong laxative Please share the problem that your wife is facing. We can not suggest the remedy until we know the problem. So write to us again, please
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sudhir tiwari ( India/ M.P )
22 Dec 2016
sir will it be better to use senna tea ( with milk & tea leaf boiled ) to reduce the constipation , Is there any side effect of it. please suggest.
28 Dec 2016
Sudhir.. I will not suggest you this herb. It is a strong laxative and can not be taken for so long. I know of many cases where Senna caused blackening of intestines. And, moreover, It works temporarily on constipation \because it irritates the Intestines lining. The best herb is Triphala. You should give up on the thought of taking Senna for your problem.
All the best.
Prafulla ( India/Maharashtra )
27 Dec 2016
I am using sensmukhi & isabgol in warm water almost every day at night for last fifteen days as a remedy for constipation. Now I am suffering with loose motion very heavily. To control loose motion I am allopathy medicine. Is loose motion is due to heavy dose of sonamukhi. If yes. Please tell me how & howmuch I should take sonamukhi to avoid constipation. Or I should take triphala & how much, frequency, method etc for smooth motion. Kindly advise.
Vishaprabha Negi ( India )
28 Dec 2016
Yes, it is due to the excessive intake of the herb. You should not take this herb now at least for 15 days. Only, take it twice, that too only if you feel constipated. To avoid constipation, you need to set your metabolism right. For that, take Green Leaf juice for 15 days. You can read about this page here : http://herbpathy.com/The-Genesis-Vid48
Ashiru Shehu Anka, Zamfara, Nigeria ( Nigeria, Zamfara )
08 Jan 2017
Im blessed with having a book titled AL ISTISSAL wrote by Ben Halima Abderraouf on treatment of sorcery, Djins and evil eye by Quaran and Prophetical medicines where he described application of this senna leaves, my question here is there any herbs substitute to the senna leaves, feed me with sufficient , may Allah continue to bless you for the services
Prasad Vijay pawar ( Indra / Maharashtra )
03 Mar 2017
My problem about acne and pimpels and acne pls say me treatment for them
03 Mar 2017
Apply Neem paste every week.
Also make an infusion with Neem leaves, make sure you wash your face with this water only.
Zari ( Islamabad )
04 Mar 2017
I want weight loss immediately in 2-3 weeks
Should i use this herb ??
Kritika Shaourya
08 Mar 2017
You can us the herb, but only for 2 weeks. Not more than that. Because the prolonged intake of this herb may cause discoloration of the intestines. And moreover, to reduce weight by herbs you need at least a month. You may give it a try.
Sana ( India )
05 Apr 2017
Does it sennah herb cure pcos
10 Apr 2017
The best herb for curing PCOS are DOng Quai and Chaste Berry. Senna is a good herb to cure Constipation. Although it should not be taken for a long time.
Sravani ( Andhrapradesh )
06 Apr 2017
I have 2years boy he is suffering stool problem plz Sujest me how to use sunamuki powder plz plz...
Adhiraj Jain ( India )
10 Apr 2017
Stool problem ?
What is the exact problem ? Is it constipation, or Diarrhea, Or some other disease like Hardened stool or Mucus in Stool ?
You please share the disease name and the symptoms.
02 Aug 2018
my two years and 5 months old son is also suffering from chronic constipation for 1 year. plz advise me too about sanna makki. shukria.
Shoeb ( India )
18 Apr 2017
i have black spots below my eyes.i used severel creams but its not working.can you suggest me some herbal treatment.
Prerna Desai ( India )
27 Apr 2017
You mean to say dark circles, right ?
Apply potato juice after washing your face. Do this every night before you sleep. You may used cotton ball to apply it.
Do this regularly.
Try to manage Stress, if you suffer from.
Take proper and sound sleep.
Do not over exert yourself.
you may also keep Cucumber slices on your eyes for 15 minutes, daily. this will help to cure the spots and will provide a cooling effect.
Sadiq ( India )
18 Apr 2017
i have lot of dandruff on my head.i shaved my head once but still it is there.what can i do to remove my dandruff
Anubali Gupta (India )
27 Apr 2017
https://herbpathy.com/Herbal-Treatment-for-Dandruff-Cid142 Read this link , here you will find a number of cures for Dandruff. The best herbs are Bay Leaf, Stinging Nettle and Apple Cider Vinegar. Squeeze tomato juice, apply it on your scalp after you apply shampoo and then rinse off after 15 minutes. Applying Papaya on the scalp also cures Dandruff.
Boil a few Neem leaves in water for 10 minutes. Wash your scalp with this. Do it twice in a week.
Bhupinder kaur ( India panjab )
03 May 2017
I m overweight and patient of depression please tell me I take sanaye patti
Shanye Mukharjee ( India )
11 May 2017
If you are overweight, drink Lemon honey water every morning on an empty stomach.
Eat an avocado, once a week, it will help to reduce weight. For Depression, I would suggest that you eat Mucuna Pruriens capsules, one everyday for a month.
Sanyaye Patti is not recommended because, this herb can not be taken for a long period, as it will cause indigestion and discoloration of the intestines. Do regular exercise if yu want to reduce weight. This is the best way out, without any risk of side effects. It only needs your effort.
Ahtisham ( Pakistan )
11 Jun 2017
Can it be used to stop hair fall or to regrow hair ?? plz guide
06 Jul 2017
For Hair Fall you may use Curry Leaf oil.
What is your age ?
Do you suffer from any Kidney Disorder ?
Jai kumar ( Pakistan )
15 Jun 2017
My little one who is 2.8 years old suffering constipation very badly he feels abdominal pain constantly and do not want to go for poop because of pain seeking your help please.
06 Jul 2017
Give your baby luke warm water. Give your baby half teaspoon of Prune juice. Gently massage the tummy in a clockwise direction with coconut oil .
Vijay Dua ( India )
11 Oct 2017
My brother aged 56 is suffering from chronic anal fissures since past 3 months, which is long term method to avoid constipation and heal anal fissures. He takes sitz baths and creamaffin laxative presently. He is neither hypertensive nor diabetic.
Priyabrata mohanty ( INDIA/ODISHA )
26 Oct 2017
I want to know side effects and benefits of catharanthus roseus.i want to use it for diabetes .i have a high sugar level i.e both fasting and after fasting above 250.And tell the procedure.I have also high B.P and cholestrol but under control.THANKS
Ali khan ( Uk )
04 Jan 2018
sir i have been using sana mukki for two days and now i am feeling pain in my stomach. what should i do not
13 Feb 2018
No. Do not take it, then. It is a very strong laxative and should not be taken if not required, or if you are not constipated.
Filzah ( Pakistan )
13 Jan 2018
Does senna makki tea cause acne ?
13 Feb 2018
Senna should not be taken for a long time. it may cause certain side effects. It may cause Acne, depends on the person and on the hormonal balance or imbalance.
Najam ( Hyderabad )
12 Feb 2018
I always have indigestion, acidity and hemorrhoids because of it, the anal portion is closed and stool can't able to come out. Total digestion system spoil. Small cherry like dots coming on the body since 3yrs. And now i have UTI since 9 months continously taking medicine with different Doctors and i also take unani and Heomopathic still not cure.
Please advise me thank you.
Arusha ( Pakistan )
13 Feb 2018
Is unmarried girl used senna herb with kalonji ???
14 Feb 2018
Why do you want to use Senna ? What for ?
Ahmed ( Nigeria )
26 Feb 2018
I have severe Hypersalivation or Sialorrhea for about 20 years now. It comes and goes and sometimes with minor stomachache. Its been difficult to do anything like job at presentations etc because of saliva in the mouth. A Doctor recommended Senna Makki for me Saying its dirt in the stomach. Will it cure my excessive salivation please?
20 May 2018
My father is 87 years and has Parkinson's disease. He has started suffering from constipation as the disease is now affecting the muscles in his digestive tract.
I gave him half a teaspoon of senna powder with isabgol and he was able to pass a stool. Is it ok to give this to him on a regular basis (given his age) or should I try triphala or an allopathic medicine, such as Cremafin?
26 May 2018
May I know if all these following can be taken together or with intervals on daily basis.
Mucuna Pruriens, Safed Musli, Shilajit and chyawanprash (this has many herbal ingredients in it like ashwagandha, sitavari, amla and many). So will it be okay to take the above on daily basis.
Mrs.Talha ( Pakistan )
06 Nov 2018
A.o.a before marriage i was using sana maki n kalwanji powder for weight lose and it was very effective .i am concerned about that can i use it now as i am strugling for pregnency.but my weight also increases day by day is it safe during pregency or while waiting for pregency.
Nida ( Pakistan )
10 Nov 2018
After how many days sana makki show results for chronic constipation..i hv took one day..there is no result..
Faisal Mahmood ( Qatar )
14 Nov 2018
I have problem of hypothyroidism and also taking medicine early in the morning on empty stomach. I also have issue of consipition. I am taking duflac syrup in the night for that and taking from long time. Also I used tukhe malinga in the evening before food. Please suggest me right here with method. Also anything benefit for me.
Pro (India) ( INDIA )
31 Jan 2019
Can a 4months pregnant woman take sona pata as she suffered with constipation? Already she used isabgul but not working. Is there any side effects of sona pata during pregnancy?
Mk ( Ptk )
07 Feb 2019
hlo sir, maine sanyaasi ayurveda ki weight gain ki dwa khai thi 2 monts. usse muje bhookh bahoot lagti thi, or khaana bahoot jaldi digest ho jata tha, jaise he maine dwa chodi isse ulta ho gya, ab bkookh b nhi laaagti, or khaane khaane ki isha b nhi hoti, mere ko khaane me se smell aati hai theekhi theekhi, mera natural digestion wapic nhi aa rha, taras gya hun mai apne natural digestion wapic aane ko, or jo bhi khata hun mai jabardasti khaata hun. man nhi krta mera kush khaane ko, sir pta chal k us sanyaasi ayurveda ki dwa me senna millaya hua hai, jis ke side effects bhookh hai, usi senna ne he mere digestion khraab kr diyaa hai, bhookh toh lagti he nhi, sir mai apni man pasand khaane ko taras gya hu. kamjori bahoot feel hoti hai, kisi b kaam me man nhi lagta or naa he kaam krne ki isha hoti hai, pls sir aap meri help kijiye jis se mera natural digestion wapic aa jaaye, jo senna ki wajah se khraab hua hai, jo senna ne side effects diye hai, plssss sir, 6 years se preshaan hun, meri madadd kijiye, my no. is 7009054969
Azal Gora ( Kashmir ..jammu and kashmir )
02 Mar 2019
Iam having cornical kidney disease and my age is 55 iam having constipation from past 12 days is senna herb harmful for kidneys
Seema Qaiser ( Pakistan )
05 Mar 2019
How to use senna for treating cancer
Rohina ( Pakistan )
28 Mar 2019
For how long we can use senna makki for constipation?
I have been using it since last 2 years... i have a severe constipation from the childhood
Ahmad Hamzat ( Nigeria / Oyo state )
01 Jul 2019
I have panic attack, agoraphobia, can I use sanna to cure it.
Dr. Wadhwa ( Psychiatrist )
02 Jul 2019
Hello Ahmad Hamzat,
Steep 1 teaspoon of dried Kava roots in one cup of hot water for 15 minutes. Drink it twice daily for 15 days.
After this, take St.John's wort for the next 15 days. Steep 1 teaspoon of dried St.John's wort in one cup of hot water for 15 minutes. Drink 15 ml of it thrice daily for 15 days.
These herbs will help to reduce the problem and help in easing your mind. However, it will not cure you completely. Also, take professional counseling sessions. This will help you to recover fast.
Barry ( Egypt )
21 Jan 2020
Does senna help you last longer in bed please help me with that thank you
21 Jan 2020
Dear Barry
You can try the following herbs:
1. Take 1 teaspoon of Ashwagandha with a glass of milk. Take it for 1 month.
2. Dates: Take 4 to 5 dates with a glass of warm milk every day. or simply eat 4 o 5 dates daily for a month.
3. Take Flax seeds. take 50 gm seeds and roast them. Grind it and add sugar candy in it. Have half a tablespoon of it with a glass of warm milk. Take it for a week on alternate days.
4. Maca: You can take Maca powder or capsule. Take 1 teaspoon of powder or 1 capsule daily for 15 days. Take either Maca or Flax seeds at once, since they are hot in potency.
Write back after a month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Shahab Zada
07 May 2020
Hi . I am patient of bloody hemorides and piles . I took 2 time tea of seena makki and today i got too much blood in stool 2 time . And i got dhairea . Is this bcz of sanna makki tea plz advise me
Dr Md Nisar ANSARI ( India )
09 May 2020
Spinal cord nerve damage can be regernate
Dr Rehman
31 May 2020
Yes. Sana makki helps in regeneration of tissues
Spinal cord
Gohar munir ( Pakistan/Quetta )
14 May 2020
does sanna makki works for corona?
Mrs Sami ullah jan ( Pakistan )
17 May 2020
Can I use this sana makki in pragnancy???
16 Jun 2020
No , Noway consult herbalist or doctor plz For general immunity power u can use Sena makki and Ginger qahwa one in 15 days just in little quantity of both .
u can read ' Tibbay Nabvi aor Jadeed Science ' book by Dr Khalid Mehmood Ghaznavi , in urdu language available in pakistan every where . thnx for just general info
Aliya Amir ( Pakistan )
17 May 2020
How should Senna makki be taken for a person who is diabetic has low immune system, Blood pressure, Epilepsy. And has rumutoid arthritis developing also
Muneer khan ( ??????? )
21 May 2020
how many times a day we can use senna leave tea in a day for adults , kids and in pregnancy
Maan ( NEPAL )
22 May 2020
Some said this is useful for corona virus ? Is there any benefits for corona ???
Manzer ( Canada )
26 May 2020
Can Sanna Makki be taken with Aspirin? Any side effects?
Zafar (Pakistan) ( Pakistan )
26 May 2020
Is Senna helpful in curing Corona Virus? How many times should this be taken?
Talha ( Pakistan )
28 May 2020
I am constipated from 2 years and urine color is yellow. I checked by herbalist, after checking my wrist pulses he said your liver is working slowly
Niazi ( Pakistan )
31 May 2020
Hi ...my mother take one spoon once of sana maki with water ..after taking sana maki ..loose motion started..feeling vomiting..nd heavy pigmentation nd rashes on the back ..plz i m v worried plz guide me what to do
Rizwan ( PAKISTAN )
01 Jun 2020
As salamo ale kum sir how to make sana makki for corona how use it.

Regards Rizwan
Sarmad ( Pakistan )
02 Jun 2020
Dear Sri,

I want this leaves for my mother's knee pain so kindly suggest dose and how to use it
King Suhyl ( Pakistan / Khyber Pakhtunkhwa )
03 Jun 2020
A female is diabetic patient, and has High Blood pressure proble.

Please let me know Is SENNA MAKHI is good for her ?
AND how to use quantity / per day and any other instruction.
Zahid ( Pakistan )
03 Jun 2020
How many times in a day I can take senna makki tea or I can take once in a day
N M Kunwar ( United Kingdom )
04 Jun 2020
Hi can a heart patient n high blood pressure patient take this senna leaves tea.
Kenza Zaman ( Pakistan, Sindh )
04 Jun 2020
I only used it once as just boil little bit as a khawa and had a cup did that to keep safe from corona is it OK to take once a week or not
MONA ( Pakistan )
04 Jun 2020
Can we use sana makki on daily bases
Mona ( Pakistan )
04 Jun 2020
Can we used sana makki kahwa wtith dry rose patles on daly basis.
Nida ( Pakistan )
07 Jun 2020
Is sana makki effective against covid-19??
Irfan ( Pakistan )
07 Jun 2020
We have cassia angustifolia can we name it senna makki. And can we use for treatment of covid 19
Abeer ( Pakistan )
08 Jun 2020
My father is a dabetic , heart and stomach patient
Please tell some diet plan to boost his immunity during these days of corona virus?
And what about if he take sana makki?
Please answer me...
Samsheer ( INDIA )
12 Jun 2020
I am 50 year old I can't do sex in 3 years I am a sugar patient any herbal remedies in this problem pls suggest me
Shaik Sajjad ( Indial. State Telangana )
29 Jun 2020
Give me mobile no.
I want sena makki powder ok
Uroosha ( Pakistan )
03 Jul 2020
Salam is Sana mukhi is save in breastfeeding?? Plz reply soon
03 Jul 2020
Dear Uroosha
It is advisable not to take anything if you are Breastfeeding. Please consult your Health Care practitioner. Why do you want to take the herb, please explain the ailment.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
06 Jul 2020
Is it safe during pregnancy
07 Jul 2020
Dear Marjana
It is advised not to take anything during pregnancy. Please consult your Health care practitioner before taking anything.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Sabeen ( Pakistan )
06 Aug 2020
Salam ..my daughter is 2 year old and she had a seviour constipation ..can I give her sana mukhi ??? If yes so how long I can give her as well as how much quantity I can give her..
My 2nd question is does sana mukhi help to increase rectum space from external side ??
Dr Vinod kumar ( Delhi )
28 Sep 2020
Sanai patti Churan equivalent in homoeopathy?
Mehrin ( India/gujarat )
13 Nov 2020
Is it good to take samma makkhi k patte every day???
Hina ( Pakistan )
21 Feb 2021
Im using mehndi leaves sana mukhi and neem leaves for get rid of milia kindly suggest me this is correct for milia
And i have also diarrhea and also pain in Tommy
10 Jun 2022
hi sir how many days need to gap for sunamukhi to use it again
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