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Fox Glove Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Common Foxglove, Purple Foxglove
Botanical Name
Digitalis Purpurea
Hindi Name
Homeopathic Name
Digitals Purpurea   -   Mother Tincture

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Fox Glove Cures

Most Effective

Highly Effective


Action of Fox Glove

Most Effective

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Fox Glove

Taste of
Fox Glove

Parts Used


Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Fox Glove

It may cause Nausea, Vomiting, Blurred Vision, Fatigue .
High Dose may be poisonous.
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Foxglove is a flowering plant.
It is biennial.
It grows in a temperate climate.
It grows up to 1.5 M.
Best used for Arrhythmia.

In TCM :
Foxglove Leaf : Yang Di Huang Ye

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Materia Medica for Fox Glove

Foxglove General

Foxglove enhances the Cardiac function and prevents from Cardiac associated problems.
It is helpful in curing Arrhythmia.
Foxglove leaf has Digoxin , an important nutrient that stimulates the Heart during Heart Failure.
It regulates the blood to the Heart muscle with the result, it alleviates the symptoms of Heart related problems.
The extracted juice from leaves is useful to reduce the swelling due to Scrofula.
It is also useful in cleaning the open sores.
Crushed leaves are useful in treating Ulcers. It treats the internal bleeding.

Caution: Do not take this herb in excess. Always consult with your doctor before use.
Keywords: Cardio Tonic, Heart Attack, Stimulant, Scrofula, Ulcers, Internal Bleeding,
Single Herb

Foxglove for Bradycardia

Prepare an infusion of Foxglove leaves. Drink twice a day.
Queries on Fox Glove
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Karen ( CA )
26 Jul 2018
Would I be able to use foxglove to prevent internal bleeding such as in broken blood vessels? If so, what would be a safe recommended dosage. Thank you. Sometimes in the morning between 8 and 9 am, my fingers will begin to turn purple and feel cold to the touch. As soon as I have a warm breakfast, the problem usually goes away and my fingers regain their warmth. Can I use foxglove for this a s well? Thanks again.
25 May 2019
No, all parts of the plant is poisonous. I'd avoid taking or touching it.
Aurora ( South australia )
05 Sep 2019
If foxglove is good for arrhythmia then why we can not use the leaves for that purpose?
12 Sep 2019
Dear Aurora,
To treat Arrhythmia, leaves of Foxglove are used for the preparation of medicine. Leaves and all other parts of the plant are poisonous and are not be used directly.
For Arrhythmia, Foxglove is recommended in homeopathic form - Digitalis ( Mother tincture ). Take 2 drops daily in half a glass of water.
Keep a regular check of your Blood Pressure and pulse readings.
Consult your physician or Health care practitioner before starting any medicine.
Be cautious and discuss with your physician if you are already taking any allopathic medicine for Arrhythmia.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
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