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Zincum Metallicum Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Botanical Name
Zinc, Zn
Hindi Name
Homeopathic Name
Zincum Metallicum   -   Mother Tincture

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Zincum Metallicum Cures

Super Effective

Most Effective

Muscle Twitching

Highly Effective


Action of Zincum Metallicum

Most Effective

Nutrients in Zincum Metallicum

Most Effective

Taste of
Zincum Metallicum

Parts Used


Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Zincum Metallicum

It may cause Nausea and Vomiting.
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Zinc is a mineral. It is not a herb per se. But it is a very important nutrient for the body. Hence, it is listed as a herb. Its importance is also given in Nutrients.
It is necessary for the overall growth of the body and the mind.

The Homeopathic medicine , Zincum Metallicum is best used to treat :
Ailments with fidget feeling in feet or lower extremities, must move them constantly.
Hysterical retention of Urine.
Suppressed eruptions and discharges.
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Materia Medica for Zincum Metallicum

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Darno ( India )
15 Dec 2017
I am patient of very high masturbation give any medicine to me
08 May 2019
Take picolinate zinc.
06 Feb 2020
Hey Rita, are you sure that zinc picolinate will reverse all the bad effects of masturbation like, lower back pain, low libido, P.E E.D., heart palpitations, low self-esteem, low motivation, among others?
07 Feb 2020
Hey Kavin, If you want to follow the herbal cure try the following:
Ashwagandha: Take 1 teaspoon daily with a glass of warm milk. Take it for a month. Land Caltrops ( Gokhru ): Take homeopathic tincture of herb: Tribulus Terrestris. Take 5 drops in a glass of water once a day. Take it fo 10 days. Add zinc to your diet. Take natural supplements of Zinc. Do walk/exercise/yoga regularly.
20 Dec 2017
Take Staphysgaria tincture, 5 drops in a glass of water for 20 days. Share the feedback. Buy it form a homeopathic store..
20 Mar 2019
Hey 20 days is enough? Can it be brought from pharmacy?
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