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Forsythia Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Forsythia Suspensa
Glycemic Index / Load
Weeping Forsythia
Botanical Name
Forsythia Suspensa
Chinese Name
Lian Qiao

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Forsythia Cures

Most Effective


Action of Forsythia

Most Effective

Nutrients in Forsythia

Taste of

Nature of


Parts Used

Whole Plant, Seed

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Forsythia

It might slow Blood Clotting.
Avoid in case of Diarrhea due to Spleen and Stomach Deficiency.
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Forsythia Suspensa is a shrub.
It is deciduous.
It grows in a temperate climate.
It grows up to 3 M.
Best use for Sore Throat and Fever.

In TCM :
Forsythia Suspensa Fruit : Lian Qiao
Meridians associated : Liver, Heart and Gall Bladder.
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Materia Medica for Forsythia

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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Snake Bite 1

Prepare a paste of Honeysuckle flower, Forsythia flower, Dandelion flower and Japanese Knotweed root. Apply the paste locally on the affected region.

Herbal Treatment For Fever 19

Take the following herbs :
Schizonepeta : Dried : 10 gram
Peppermint : Dried : 10 gram
Forsythia Suspensa : Dried : 10 gram
Balloon Flower : Dried : 10 gram
Powder them together. Have half teaspoon with milk once a day.

Herbal Treatment For Avian Flu 1

Take 1 teaspoon each of dried Forsythia Suspensa flowers, Japanese Honeysuckle flowers, Lemon Balm leaves. Mix them well and add all the dried herbs in one cup of water. Boil it for 10 minutes. Drink twice daily.
Queries on Forsythia
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Sandra phillips ( United States )
16 Jan 2018
Are there any side effects from this herbal
Randal Emmons
08 Apr 2020
I picked the flowers and made tea for my Mother and Myself as A beverage neither of us were sick before or after! My Mother did complain of a swollen lower lip and the sensation on her lower lip as if nettles had brushed on her lip . she said the same was true for both (2) nights each night drinking one glass of the tea. I had no noticeable affects . with a little suger it tasted like honey type flavor .
08 Apr 2020
It mustn't have suited her. I suggest you don't give it her. By the way, are you giving it to her on purpose or as a beverage alone?
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