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Arrhythmia Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Medical Name
Arrhythmia Symptoms
Sudden weakness
Irregular Heartbeat
Poor Blood supply to the Brain
Problem in Concentration

Arrhythmia Cured By

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Arrhythmia is a disease of the Heart. It describes irregular heartbeat.
The Heart is a pear shaped organ that regulates the blood throughout the other body organs. The Heart beats with a regular periodicity. It beats in a rhythm.
The normal rate at which a Heart beats is 72 times a minute.
When the beat is not regular it is called Arrhythmia; an Irregular or Abnormal rhythm. The Heart beat itself may be abnormal, the rhythm is disturbed.
If the heart beats very fast it is termed as Tachycardia. If the Heart beats very slowly then it is termed as Bradycardia. Both are dealt with separately on this portal.
The human heart consists of four chambers. For a natural rhythm all the chambers should contract in the right way at the right time. Any interruptions in electrical impulses can result in Arrhythmia. In a healthy person, the heart beat should be 60-100 beats per minute when resting.

Causes of Arrhythmia
Drug Abuse
Air pollution
Alcohol abuse
Heart disease
Mental stress
Electrical shock
High Blood pressure
Electrolyte imbalance
Dietary supplements
Electromagnetic Radiations
Excessive coffee consumption
Infections such as Endocarditis and Myocarditis
Iotragenic Effects of Bisphosphonates- Disease is caused by Bisphosphonates
Medicines such as Beta-blockers, Antiarrhythmics, and Digoxin.
Avoiding stimulants or depressants such as Coffee, Tea, Tobacco, Caffeine, Laced Soda products when you have irregular Heart beats.
Avoid Trans Fats
Avoid Wheat
If not treated, Arrhythmia may cause
Heart failure
Your best bet is, Angelica, Celery, Garlic.
A visit to the Doctor is a must.

Differential Diagnosis :
Palpitation : The rapid or irregular heartbeat due to exertion or some other health disorders is Palpitation.
Tachycardia : The abnormally faster heartbeat is Tachycardia.
Bradycardia : The abnormally slower heartbeat is Bradycardia.

Body Part(s)

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Materia Medica for Arrhythmia

Single Herb

Ginkgo for Arrhythmia

Take 3 capsules of Ginkgo in a day ( 60-240 mg ).

Valerian for Arrhythmia

Prepare an infusion of dried Valerian. Drink 3-4 cups a day for a week.

Hawthorn for Arrhythmia

Prepare infusion of flowers of Hawthorn. Drink 2-3 cups a day for a week.
Caution : Avoid use during pregnancy and breast feeding.

White Horehound for Arrhythmia

Prepare an infusion of dried Horehound. Drink 2 cups a day.

Astragalus for Arrhythmia

Cut the roots of Astragalus into small pieces. Prepare an infusion of the roots. Drink 2-3 cups a day.

Lemon Balm for Arrhythmia

Prepare a tea of fresh leaves of Lemon Balm. Drink 3-4 cups a day.

Honeysuckle for Arrhythmia

Prepare infusion of flowers of Honeysuckle. Drink 2-3 cups a day.

Motherwort for Arrhythmia

Prepare the decoction of the Motherwort roots. Drink once a day.

Sida Cordifolia for Arrhythmia

Crush Sida Cordifolia plant to extract its juice. Take 1 tsp twice a day.
Add quarter tsp Cardamom ( Choti Ilaichi ) powder in a cup of lukewarm water. Drink once a day.

Snake Gourd for Arrhythmia

Take 2 tsp leave juice of Snake Gourd thrice a day.

Guava ( Amrood ) for Arrhythmia

Eat one Guava in the morning with an empty Stomach.

Arjuna for Arrhythmia

Mix 1 to 2 drops of Arjuna extract in lukewarm milk . Consume it twice a day.
Queries on Arrhythmia
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Sanjiv Gupta ( India / Haryana )
17 May 2016
Dear Sir, suffering from ectopics / irregular heartbeats for two years, have heaviness in chest, sinking feeling, gets worse on even the slightest of physical activity. Have blood pressure for 15 years, pre-diabetes for 02 years. Beta blockers, calcium channel blockers have not helped relieve palpitations. Magnesium supplement worked for 02 weeks but palpitations returned again. I consume beer frequently.

Would be grateful for your advice.
18 May 2016
Dear Sanjiv Gupta
I think you should try Arjuna tea once in a day and for diabetes, take Gurmar tincture and Gokhuru. Buy homeopathy tinctures and take 10 drops 3 times in a day.
18 May 2016
Dear Sanjiv
For your Palpitation, Buy Crataegus Oxycantha tincture from a Homeopathy shop, take 10 drops morning and evening.
For your Diabetes, Buy Gymnema Sylvestre tincture and take 10 drops before every meal.
Also take Tribulus Terrestris tincture and take 10 drops 3 times in a day, it will take care of your Kidneys and BP also.
For your BP problem, Buy Tinospora Cordifolia tincture and take 10 drops 2 times in a day. Check your BP and Blood Sugar on regular basis, once the readings become normal, reduce the dose accordingly. Take remedies for one month ans write us back with results.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Lahiru Wijesuriya ( Sri Lanka )
11 Nov 2018
Dear sir, My girl friend has been suffering from this disease for 2 years. Doc have diagnosed her with an ablation surgery. Still she takes beta blockers and other medications recommended to her by Electro - physiologist. But since it is not curing her doctor has recommended her the pace-maker now. Is there any way I can cure her without planting a pace maker?
Simon ( USA )
11 Sep 2020
At least twice per month my 78-year-old friend experiences rapid irregular heartbeat. Cannot pinpoint what brings it on. He could be relaxing, and all of a sudden he begins to experience an overwhelming feeling. He checks his pulse, and it is irregular and rapid, not always bounding. Sometimes he experiences this after doing physical labor, but not always. These episodes can last 4-10 hours before his heart rhythm returns to normal, which is usually in the 60's. He takes no medication but takes a tincture of Tilia, Hawthorne, Coleus, Viburnum. He does not smoke, does not drink. He does have stress and worries a lot. A full cardiac workup in the hospital showed no abnormalities in the arteries or heart. After experiencing these events, he is exhausted. Can you recommend anything? He is becoming depressed and anxious.
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