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Insulin Resistance Syndrome Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Metabolic Syndrome
Medical Name
Metabolic Syndrome
Insulin Resistance Syndrome Symptoms
High Blood Pressure
Low level of Good Cholesterol
High Blood Triglycerides
High Level of Cholesterol

Insulin Resistance Syndrome Cured By

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Metabolic Syndrome is not a disease in itself. It is a group of risk factors which may raise the risk of Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke. A person is said to be suffering from Metabolic Syndrome when any of the following three or more conditions develop :

Abdominal Fat : Waist Size > 40 inches / 35 inches ( Men / Women )
High Blood Pressure : BP > 135/85 mm Hg
High Triglycerides : Triglycerides > 150 mm/dL
Low HDL Cholesterol < 40 / 50 mg/dL ( Men / Women )
High Blood Sugar : Fasting Glucose level > 100 mg/dL

To know more about this disease, we have to know about Metabolism first and how it works.

What is Metabolism ?
There are a number of chemical reactions that take place in the human body. These reactions involve the break down of Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins. These reactions are regulated by Enzymes. The Enzymes break down food and produce energy, which is supplied to the Cells. These cells use this energy as a fuel. It may be used instantly or stored for future use. The energy is stored in the Liver, Muscles, Tissues and the Body fat. However, some genetic mutations in these enzymes may results in the failure of these reactions. This failure gives rise to Metabolic Syndrome.

Causes of Metabolic Syndrome
Insuline Resistance : Insuline is a hormone produced by the Pancreas. It helps the glucose present in the blood, in entering the cells. In Insulin resistance the body is unable to use the Insulin properly. This increases the level of glucose in the blood. The Pancreas work hard and try to cope with the growing demand of Insulin. Ultimately, it gives rise to the condition called Diabetes. Insulin resistance is a commonly seen in people with excessive belly fat.
Poor Diet
Liver Disease
Cystic Fibrosis
Sickle Cell Anemia
Failure of Pancreas
Excessive Abdominal Fat
Lack of Physical Activity
Hormonal Imbalance
Deficiency of Nutrients
Missing of Enzymes that help in chemical reactions

Why is Metabolic Syndrome Dangerous?
Metabolic Syndrome increases the risk of Heart diseases and Diabetes. It risk of developing Heart diseases is increased by two folds and that of Diabetes by five folds.
It gives rise to following complications :
Heart Attack
Kidney Problems
Peripheral Arterial Disease
Cardiovascular Diseases
Diabetes : It may further cause damage to the Eyes, Nerves and Kidneys.
Deep Vein Thrombosis

Metabolic conditions in Ayurveda
Samanyaj Vyadhi : It is caused by the imbalance of either one dosha or all the doshas. E.g. Anemia, which is caused by the imbalance of either Vata, Pitta, Kapha or all the three doshas.
Nanatmaj : An imbalance of one particular type of dosha is called Nanatmaj. Some common types are :
Sciatica ( Grudhrasi in Ayurveda )
Jaundice ( Kamala in Ayurveda )
Obesity ( Medorog in Ayurveda )
Agantuj : It refers to the diseases caused by the entry of an foreign particle into the body.
Nijroga : When all the three doshas become imbalanced, the condition is called Nijroga.
Manas : When the dosha begins to affect the functioning of the Nervous System, it is called Manas.
Sadhya : Curable diseases are categorized under Sadhya. It is of two types :
Sukhasadhya : The diseases which are curable within a short span of time are known as Sukhasadhya.
Kruchchhasadhya : Chronic illness which take time in curing are called Kruchchhasadhya.
Aadi Bala Pravritta : The diseases which travel in the genes are called Aadi Bala Pravritta. A person may be genetically prone to such diseases.
Janma Bala : The congenital diseases are known as Janma Bala. They may be present at the time of birth.
Sanghata Bala : The diseases caused by a trauma, either Physical or Mental come under Sanghata Bala.
Nija : The endogenous diseases caused by the disorder of the three doshas are called Nija.
Agantuja : The disease which is caused by an external factor like injury is called Agantuja.
Sharirik : It is a result of an Physiological disorder in the body.
Manasik : The disease which is an outcome of an psychological disturbance in the body is caused Manasik.

Body Part(s)

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Materia Medica for Insulin Resistance Syndrome

Single Herb

Cinnamon ( Dalchini ) for Metabolic Syndrome

Mix 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon powder in one cup of water. Drink it 2 times a day.
You can also prepare a tea.

Camellia Sinensis for Metabolic Syndrome

Prepare a tea, made of organic Camellia Sinensis ( Green Tea ) and one cup of hot water. Drink it twice daily.

Grapefruit for Metabolic Syndrome

Drink 30 ml of Grapefruit ( Chakutra ) juice, once a day.

Bitter Gourd ( karela ) for Metabolic Syndrome

Drink 30 ml of Bitter Gourd juice, twice daily.
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Umm zainah
06 Oct 2017
Is insulin resistance and hypoglycemia different from each other. I HV symptoms of belly fat 40 inches ,fat back and arms. I can't tolerate hunger ,suddenly my hands and legs start shaking and giddiness ,only controlled by eating carbs and dates. I feel my limbs loose after that for at least half n hr or so... I get it often per day. Pls suggest shd I take licorice 4gm as given in hypoglycemia page or this I get hives also ,til now three times since 7 yrs.
Umm zainah
06 Oct 2017
I HV this symtpoms since 15 yrs
09 Nov 2017
Dear Umm Zainah
Have you ever tried Green Leaf juice?
Just add some fresh Spinach, fresh leaves of Carrots, Beetroot, Celery and 1 Lemon. Blend them and have 1 glass of fresh green leaf juice every day.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Pamala ( India )
10 Feb 2020
Not getting menses even after 4 and half months. Kalarchikai taken for 48 days. So after 6 months also no menses in 17 year old girl. What to do . Her body weight is 72 kg. Belly fat and her waist length is 45 inches.
12 Feb 2020
Dear Pamala
1. Dong Quai: The homeopathic name of the herb is Angelica Sinesis. Take 10 drops 2 times a day in a glass of water.
2. Ashoka: The homeopathic form is Joanesia Asoca. Take the mother tincture. 5 drops once a day in a glass of water. Or Take Ashoka tonic. Take 1 teaspoon daily for 1 month.
3. Chasteberry: Take Chasteberry tea , 1 cup daily or dried form. Take it for a month.
4. Take Turmeric. Add quarter teaspoon of Turmeric and half a teaspoon of clarified butter ( ghee ) in a lass of milk. Boil. Have it once a day for 10 days.
Work on reducing weight. Check 'Obesity' in Disease section and follow the procedure which suits you.
Eat a healthy diet. Add Carrot juice, Parsley, Beetroot, Ginger Tea, Asparagus.
Avoid spicy, oily and junk food. Follow exercise/workout/yoga/walk.
Write back after 1 month.
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