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Ground Ivy Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glechoma Hederacea
Glycemic Index / Load
Ground Ivy
Botanical Name
Glechoma Hederacea

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Ground Ivy Cures

Highly Effective


Action of Ground Ivy

Most Effective

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Ground Ivy

Ground Ivy
Combines With

Taste of
Ground Ivy

Parts Used


Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Ground Ivy

Do not take during pregnancy.
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Ground Ivy is a creeper.
It is perennial.
It grows up to 50 Cm.
Best used for Tinnitus, Kidney Diseases.
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Materia Medica for Ground Ivy

Single Herb

Glechoma Hederacea for Liver Disorders

Add One tablespoon dried herb in half cup of boiling water and steep for 10 minutes.
Take half cup a day.
Queries on Ground Ivy
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Naveen jain ( India )
07 Aug 2016
Is ground ivy effective in Menier's disease and what are the side effects ?
24 Aug 2016
Naveen You can try The Herb Butcher's Broom and Ginkgo Biloba. I have heard that they are good for your condition.
31 Dec 2016
Is this herb used for heart pain?
Manasvi Kelkar
09 Jan 2017
No. There is no such evidence. However, there are herbs which help in heart disorders, like Hawthorn and Motherwort. Please, be specific the exact disorder.
Do you suffer from chest pain?
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