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Chenopodium Quinoa Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Chenopodium Quinoa
Glycemic Index / Load
Quinoa, Chenopodium Quinoa
Botanical Name
Chenopodium Quinoa

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Chenopodium Quinoa Cures


Action of Chenopodium Quinoa

Nutrients in Chenopodium Quinoa

Taste of
Chenopodium Quinoa

Parts Used

Seeds, Leaves

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Chenopodium Quinoa

Pre soak or rinse Quinoa thoroughly prior to cooking because of high oxalate content, Phytic acid content and Saponin coating.

- Oxalates reduce the absorption of calcium and minerals and may cause problems in those suffering from Kidney Stones.
- Phytic acid reduces the absorption of Iron.
- Quinoa is coated with Saponins. It is a toxic compound that naturally keep insects away from plants. It can cause Stomach irritation, Itchy skin, Hives or allergic reaction.
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Chenopodium Quinoa is a plant.
It is annual.
It grows in a cold climate.
It grows upto 2 M.
Best for Metabolism and Overall health.
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Materia Medica for Chenopodium Quinoa

Chenopodium Quinoa General

Quinoa, also called Ancient grain is a gluten free source of diet. It is a pseudograin. It is termed as Superfood, Super crop, Supergrain, Fibrous Carb for its nutritious and medicinal properties. It can be taken in seed form or ground it to flour. The seeds of the pIant are edible. Quinoa has over 120 varieties. The three Quinoa variants used the most are: Red, Black, White. It is a complete protein containing all essential amino acids. It is a balanced source of vital nutrients as Vitamin B's, Vitamin E, Phosphorus, Iron, Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, Fiber and Minerals like Iron, Magnesium and Calcium. It is a rich source of phytonutrients as Quercetin and Kaempferol.
Quinoa helps to prevent as well as treat Cancer. It possesses strong AntiCancer and Antiinflammatory properties. It contains epigallocatechin which has strong Cancer fighting properties. The plant compounds have saponins and polyphenols that suppress the growth of tumors. It also prevents the spread of tumor in the surrounding tissues. It is an excellent food for those undergoing Chemotherapy. It is also recommended as an essential diet for Cancer patients because of the high nutritional content.
The antioxidant property of Quinoa makes it a superfood. It helps in fighting challenging diseases and aging. It neutralizes the free radicals and helps in fighting the disease. Sprouting Quinoa increases its antioxidant property further.
Quinoa has oxalate. Oxalates can reduce the absorption of Calcium and essential minerals in the body. Soaking Quinoa before cooking improves the absorption of Calcium and minerals in the body.
Since it is Gluten free, it is a healthy and natural option for those with gluten intolerance.
It acts as a prebiotic and improves Gut health.
It has a low glycemic content. It is good for those with high blood sugar levels.
It is a must add food for your pre-pregnancy or pregnancy diet. Quinoa being a storehouse of essential nutrients helps in maintaining good health.
Chenopodium Quinoa is loaded with beneficial nutritional content. It improves the overall metabolic health. It significantly reduces the blood sugar level, Triglycerides, Cholesterol and Insulin levels. It is full of Lysine. Lysine helps in regulation of energy stores and fat deposits. It helps you stay energetic and active throughout the day.
It is helpful for reducing weight. It is high in protein and fiber (nearly double of most grains) content. Protein helps to boost metabolism and significantly reduce appetite. Fiber makes you feel full and eat fewer calories. Quinoa prevents the accumulation of excess fat in the body. It thus aids in weight loss.
It is a wholesome and nutritive option for kids as well.
How to take:
It can be cooked as porridge, as salad, a replacement for rice, add it to stews and soups. You can use it in almost any meal preparation.

It is a versatile food and healthy as well. It is easy to avail and prepare. Reward yourself with a food that is being followed from thousand years because of its nutritional properties and recognized lately for its medicinal properties.
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