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Cicely Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Sweet Cicely, Anise Cicely
Botanical Name
Myrrhis Odorata, Scandix Odorata
Hindi Name
Homeopathic Name
Myrrhis odorata   -   Mother Tincture

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Cicely Cures


Action of Cicely

Nutrients in Cicely

Taste of

Nature of


Parts Used

Fruits, Leaves, Roots
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“Myrrhis Odorata” or “Sweet Cicely” a congenital to the British Isles. It’s literally a lot similar to Cow Parsley or Queen Anne’s Lace and is often confused with it, but as Culpeper wrote “It is so harmless you cannot use it amiss.

It is a dendrite annual plant, depending on environment that grows to two meters tall. The leaves are soft that are precisely divided, and are up to fifty centimeter long.

Cicely bears white flowers, about two to four mm across, produced in large umbels. The seeds are attenuated, fifteen to twenty five mm long and three to four mm broad.

It is a much flashy green than cow parsley and doesn’t have the purple marks on its stems.

Cicely is so appealing that the bees get easily attracted by it. In the northern area of England, the seeds of cicely are used to glint and scent oak floors and furniture.

The Germans used the cicely usually in cookery. The roots were assumed to be not only fabulous in a salad, but when boiled and eaten with oil and vinegar, to be ' very good for old people that are dull and without courage; it rejoiced and comforted the heart and increased their lust and strength. '


Grown In

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Materia Medica : How to use Cicely - Uses and Benefits

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