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Bush Basil Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Bush Basil
Glycemic Index / Load
Bush Basil
Botanical Name
Ocimum Minimum

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Bush Basil Cures


Action of Bush Basil

Nutrients in Bush Basil


Parts Used

Whole Plant
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Bush Basil is a bush.
It is an annual.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 30 Cm.
Best used for fever and Skin Problems.


Grown In

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Materia Medica : How to use Bush Basil - Uses and Benefits

Bush Basil General

Bush Basil is an aborigine of India. Bush Basil is used in Thai Cuisines to add flavor and garnish dishes. It possesses many medicinal properties.
It is a good herbal remedy for Headache and Migraine. Bush Basil is valuable for curing conditions like Depression. A single drop of Bush Basil is enough to counteract Mental Fatigue.
Bush Basil is used to alleviate the problem of Insomnia.
Its herbal infusion is effective in arresting conditions like Vomiting, Gastroenteritis and Nausea. It eases Digestion, hence treats the problem of Indigestion.
It combats Menstrual Pain in women.
Its anti inflammatory aspects, help in alleviating Rheumatic Pain.
Bush basil is potent for curing Acne, Wounds and Warts.
Its leaf extract has an extraordinary property of keeping parasitic infections away.
It is an Antidote against Snake Bite.
Caution : Consult a Doctor before consuming it.
Keywords : Headache, Migraine, Depression, Fatigue, Stomach Problems, Menstruation Problems, Skin Problems, Snake Bites, Parasitic Infection.
Single Herb

Bush Basil Leaves for Insect Bites

Crush few Bush Basil Leaves. Rub over the affected part.
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