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Vincent's Angina Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Vincent's Angina
Medical Name
Vincent's Angina
Vincent's Angina Symptoms
Bone Loss
Enlarge Lymph nodes in the Neck
Inflammation and Swelling of Gums
Bleeding Gums
Metallic taste in the Mouth

Vincent's Angina Cured By

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Vincent's Angina is a disease of the tissues and Mouth.

The infection of Gums that causes ulcerative gingivitis, Bleeding and Inflammation of the Gums is termed as Vincent's Angina. It is a non contagious infection that begins from the Gums and may spread to even Throat. It is a chronic stage of gingivitis. In this infection the bacteria feed on dead tissues which causes lesions with grey or white layer. People with low immune system are at risk of getting this infection.

Causes of Vincent's Angina
Bacterial Infection

If not treated properly, Vincent's Angina may cause
Bone Loss
Teeth Loss

Note: Some times people get confused with the name Vincent's Angina. The Angina word is used for Heart disorders but it is also used for mouth ulcers.

Body Part(s)

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Materia Medica : Herbal Treatment for Vincent's Angina

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