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Wood Apple Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Wood Apple
Glycemic Index / Load
Monkey Fruit
Botanical Name
Limonia Acidissima, Feronia Elephantum, Feronia Limonia,Hesperethusa Crenulata, Schinus Limonia
Hindi Name

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Wood Apple Cures


Action of Wood Apple

Highly Effective

Nutrients in Wood Apple

Wood Apple
Combines With

Taste of
Wood Apple

Parts Used

Bark, Leaves, Mature Fruits, Gums
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Wood Apple is a tree.
It is perennial.
It grows up to 9 M.
It grows in a tropical climate.


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Materia Medica : How to use Wood Apple - Uses and Benefits

Wood Apple General

Wood Apple tree is a medicinal tree. The trunk and branches of Bael tree contains Feronia Gum. The gum is used medicinally.
The herb contains Tannin that reduces Inflammation. Wood Apple also cures Diabetes, Diarrhea, Peptic Ulcer and Chronic Dysentery.
It helps to manage the flow, secretion and balance of sugars in the Bloodstream. It manages the Insulin and Glucose levels.
It possesses Laxative property. It treats Constipation, Pain, Discomfort and associated health risks.
Bael fruit possesses Antifungal and Antiparisitic effect. It is a good remedy for Digestive disorders. It improves Digestion. It destroys the Intestinal worms.
The leaves of the tree prevents Cold and Respiratory conditions. It is an Expectorant in nature. It cures Sore Throat and Chronic Cough.
The root of Bael tree treats Ear conditions and Pain.
Bael fruit is rich in Vitamin C. It boosts the Immune System. It prevents the Body from Scurvy
It purifies the Blood and removes toxins from the Body. It keeps the Liver and Kidneys healthy.
It fights against bacterial and fungal infection in the Body.
It prevents Cancer and growth of cancerous cells in the Body.
All parts of the Wood Apple plant are used to cure Snakebite.
It promotes milk production in nursing mothers.
It prevents Sexual Dysfuntions.

Wood Apple ( Kaitha) Leaves for Peptic Ulcer

Wood Apple ( Kaitha) proves to be a good herbal remedy for Peptic Ulcer.
Soak 4 to 5 leaves of Wood apple in a glass of water overnight. Next morning strain and drink before breakfast.
Single Herb

Wood Apple for Diabetes

Take One tablespoon powder of dried leaves of Wood Apple with water for One month to cease excess sugar.

Wood Apple for Earache

Heat Wood Apple fruit's juice . Put two drops in ear two times a day.

Wood Apple ( Kaitha ) for Heat Stroke

Wood Apple ( Kaitha ) helps you to save from heat and its effects.
Drink one glass of Wood Apple ( Kaitha ) juice daily.

Wood Apple ( Kaitha ) Leaves for Conjunctivitis

Wood Apple ( Kaitha ) Leaves is beneficial to cure Redness, Inflammation associated with Conjunctivitis.
Take fresh Wood Apple ( Kaitha ) Leaves. Grind with little water. Apply the paste over eyes and leaves for half an hour. After half an hour, take off the paste and wash with fresh water.

Wood Apple for Sexual Health

Take some fresh leaves of Wood Apple. Dry them in shade. Make a fine powder with an equal quantity of sugar candy. Take 1 teaspoon of this powder with cold water thrice daily. It is useful in Spermatorrhea or involuntary ejaculation, Premature Ejaculation and functional impotency.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Bodyache 1

Take equal quantities of the roots of below given plants:
Boerhavia Diffusa ( Punarnava ), Bitter Gourd ( Karela ), Achyranthes Aspera ( Apamarga ), Pergularia Daemia ( Utaran ), Wood Apple ( Kaitha ), Black Pepper ( Kali Mirch ), Garlic ( Lehsun ), Terminalia Chebula ( Harad ), Long Pepper ( Pippali ), Sweet Flag ( Ghorvach ), Cat Tail Plant ( Kuppikhokli ). Add Azadirachta Indica ( Neem ) bark. Grind them. Boil them properly with Sesame Oil ( Til Ka Tel ). Apply it on the affected part.

Herbal Treatment For Hiccups 3

Take Indian Gooseberry and Wood apple juice in equal quantity. Have two tablespoon two times a day.

Herbal Treatment For Night Blindness 2

Take 50 gram Wood Apple ( Kaitha ) Leaves and 35 Black pepper ( Kali Mirch ). Grind them together. Add 50 gram crushed sugar. Mix one teaspoon in half glass of water and drink.

Herbal Treatment For Urticaria 1

Take 100 ml Wood Apple juice. Add half tsp Cumin powder in it. Drink once a day.
Queries on Wood Apple
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Actual users may approach us through emails. Please write an email to info@herbpathy.com.
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Sudhir garg
10 Jul 2015
I can not sleep, please help.
22 Aug 2016
consume nithiya kalyani juice
B r swarnamba ( 91 )
28 Feb 2016
where will I get woodapplein hyderabad
22 Aug 2016
consume juice of nithiya kalyani flower
Samrat Dhadge
26 Apr 2016
Enter your reply here...I don't know that you get or not wood apple in Hyderabad but it will definately get in Maharashtra
14 Jul 2016
Lata ( Andhra Pradesh )
07 Sep 2016

Can I buy from you Bark of Kaitha? Let me know. Thanks!
09 Sep 2016
We do not deal in sales or purchase of any herb or herbal product.
You can buy this herb online or any near-by herbal store. Herbal products are available on e-commerce websites. Check for the quality and the authenticity of the product and the seller before you buy.
We have moved your query to the Buy/Sell page of our website. Users post their contact details on that page for the purpose of buying or selling herbs. That is entirely a user affair. You may visit that page and look for the users selling the needed herb. Herbpathy.com has just provided the platform for communication for the users
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Pankaj Chauhan
28 Apr 2020
I have tree of wood apple.
Pankaj Chauhan
28 Apr 2020
If need anybody i csn provide u
13 Sep 2017
Pankaj chauhan
28 Apr 2020
If u want contact me on9537937327
I have tree of wood apple
Akash kr mahato ( India )
04 Dec 2017
How woodapple harmfull for us?
Vaishali ( India )
13 Jun 2019
My granny breast cancer was detected in 2014 when did Byopsy. Our family doctor suggested don’t do any treatment coz she won’t b able to take pain of chemotherapy. Initially she didn’t faced any problem but gradually after 3/4 years it started with infection & pus. She didn’t tell anybody about it. Suddenly one fine day in November, 2018 due to infection she got fever & she fell down on same lumph. It started with bleeding heavily. Doctor gave medicine & dressing. We did her pet scan n now cancer have reached to her longs s well. In June we completed our radiation. Due to her high blood pressure she got paralysis stroke. What is the best way to clear her pus & avoid growth of cancer. I know we can’t remove cancer from our body but we can’t from dat disease. Plz help best possible way in sharing ur opinions. Would be god & happy
14 Jan 2020
Dear Vaishali It is really sad to know about your granny's condition. We suggest a Cancer protocol to you. This advice is given to people who are undergoing Chemotherapy. Give her a bowl of soursop soup every day. Follow the following:
1. Take 1 tablespoon of Turmeric powder, a pinch of black pepper and half a tablespoon of clarified butter and add all to a heated pan. Heat it for 5 min only on low flames.
2. Have a bowl of fresh jack fruit every day. Make sure you have ripen fruit not raw.
3. Have a cup of fresh wheatgrass juice every day.
4. Take fresh carrot, beetroot, celery, oranges, lemon and add a few drops of Hemp oil on it. Give a bowl of salad every day.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
14 Jan 2020
CONTINUED FOR VAISHALI... 5. Give massive doses of Vitamin C every day.
6. Take carrot juice, 2-3 glasses every day, regularly for 8 weeks. This is so effective that it can even reverse the Cancer. Just have faith.
The moment you feed your faith, the fear will starve. And then, there you go, overcoming this challenge, like any other challenges you must have so far in your life. Take care!
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
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