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Cnidium Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Glycemic Index / Load
Botanical Name
Cnidium Monnieri
Chinese Name
She Chuang Zi, She Chuang

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Cnidium Cures


Action of Cnidium

Nutrients in Cnidium

Taste of

Nature of


Parts Used

Roots, Rhizome, Seeds, Fruit

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Cnidium

Avoid use during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding.
Side effects may cause Breathing problem, Sleep Disturbance, Tachycardia and Skin Irritation.
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Cnidium is a flowering plant.
It is perennial.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 80 Cm.
Best used for Erectile Dysfunction and Skin Problems.
Cnidium Monnieri is an Aphrodisiac and Libido booster.
It enhances Cognitive ability of the Brain. It is used as a Kidney and Liver Health Supplement.
In TCM :
Cnidium Fruit : She Chuang Zi
Meridians associated : Kidney, Liver and Spleen.
It reaches the Blood within half an hour of Oral consumption.


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Materia Medica for Cnidium

Cnidium General

Cnidium Monnieri promotes sexual health in Men and Women. It is used to treat Infertility. Traditionally, it is used with Schisandra Chinensis and Semen Cuspidatum to improve fertility.
It is used for the treatment of Impotence and Erectile Dysfunction ( ED ). It affects the erectile tissue ( Corpus Cavernosum ) of the Penis by releasing Nitric oxide which promotes “relaxation”. It promotes better Blood flow and leads to a firmer erection.
It increases sexual performance and sex drive.
It is used to cure Skin Rashes and Breakouts.
It detoxifies the Liver and regulates Triglyceride levels in the Liver ( fatty Liver ) caused by Alcohol, Diet and Milk.
It reduces the effects of Diabetes and treats Weak Bones ( Osteoporosis ).
It is used as a local application to treat Vaginal Itching, Eczema and Ringworms.
It relieves the symptoms of Asthma, Cold, reduces Internal Dampness and Lower Back Pain. It improves Kidney energy.
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Herbal Treatment For Libido Booster

People consider libido as sex. But libido doesn't necessarily mean sex only. It's the will to indulge in sex. When a person doesn't feel like making love, there is a problem with his/her metabolism. OR One is trying, and every time the effort is ineffective. Result, dissatisfied partner. That means you need to boost your libido. Several herbs have the capability to enhances your mood. There are some good herbs which, when combined in the right proportion, give excellent results. Take the dried form of following herbs :
Cnidium : Fruit : 20 gram
Chinese Gall : 20 gram
Ligusticum Wallichii : Root : 20 gram
Horny Goat Weed : Leaves and Stem : 20 gram
Morinda Officinalis : Root : 20 gram
Chufa ( Cicada ) : Root : 20 gram
Notopterygium : Roots and Rhizomes : 20 gram
Magnolia Bark : Flower : 20 gram
Galangal ( Kulanjan ) : Rhizomes : 20 gram
Garlic ( Lehsun ) : Cloves : 8 to 10
Schisandra : Fruit : 30 gram
Cinnamon ( Dalchini ) : Bark : 10 gram
Spikenard ( Jatamasi ) : Roots and Rhizomes : 30 gram
Powder them together. Have half teaspoon with milk for a few nights. This formula boosts libido, in both men and women. Better results have been found specially in females. It warms up the body and enhances sex stamina.
Caution. Please consult a doctor before consuming any formula. One or more herbs may not suit you or the medication you are already taking.
Note Do not take any herb or a combination of herbs for a long time. Take them for a few days, then give a break, even if they show great results.

Herbal Treatment For Sexual Health 2

Following herbs, in conjunction are beneficial for male and female Sexual energy. It increases vitality and stamina.
Morinda Officinalis
Dong Quai
Aconitum Carmichaelii
Goji Berry
Garlic Chives
Ginseng Korean
Yam Rhizome
Cornus Officinalis
Cynomorium Songaricum
Cuscuta Chinensis
Horny Goat Weed
You may buy the formula, containing the above mentioned Herbs. Capsule form is readily available. Consume 1 capsule 3 times a day for one month.
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Ade cole ( United kingdom )
03 May 2017
Does cinidiummonnier kill sperm in male
Renee Alexander ( United States )
23 Jan 2019
What is another herb or name for cnidium
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