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Devil's Cotton Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Devil's Cotton
Glycemic Index / Load
Devil's Cotton
Botanical Name
Abroma August, Ambroma Augusta, Abroma Augustum
Hindi Name
Kumal, Olatkambal, Sanukapashi, Ulatkambal, Ulat Kambal,
Homeopathic Name
Abroma Augusta Radix   -   Mother Tincture

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Devil's Cotton Cures

Highly Effective


Action of Devil's Cotton

Most Effective

Nutrients in Devil's Cotton

Devil's Cotton
Combines With

Taste of
Devil's Cotton

Parts Used

Rootbark, Root, Leaves, Stems

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Devil's Cotton

Avoid use during pregnancy.
It may cause headache, irritate stomach, Vomiting, Nausea.
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Devil's Cotton is a shrub.
It is an evergreen.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 2.5 M
Best used as an Uterine Tonic.


Grown In

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Materia Medica : How to use Devil's Cotton - Uses and Benefits

Single Herb

Devil's Cotton ( Ulatkambal ) for Menstrual Disorders

Extract the juice of Devil's Cotton ( Ulatkambal ) roots. Heat for a minute. Have one teaspoon lukewarm juice.

Devil's Cotton ( Ulatkambal ) for Gonorrhea

Grind equal quantity of Devil's Cotton ( Ulatkambal ) fresh leaves and branches. Take half teaspoon daily.

Devil's Cotton ( Ulatkambal ) for Diabetes

Have one teaspoon Devil's Cotton ( Ulatkambal ) juice twice a day.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Menstrual Disorders 4

Take 5 gram Devil's Cotton ( Ulatkambal ) and one gram Black Pepper ( Kali Mirch ). Grind coarsely. Boil in one glass of water. Drink before 7 days of menses daily.

Herbal Treatment For Diabetes 12

Take the following herbs :
Azadirachta Indica : Neem : Leaves : Dried : Powdered : 1/2 teaspoon
Devil's Cotton : Kumal : Roots : Dried : Powdered : 1/2 teaspoon
Put them in a glass of water and boil. Strain. Take it lukewarm every morning. It controls the sugar level, when gives in combination.
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Manirddin dhabak ( India )
18 Jun 2016
Why this plant Is called devil's cotton?
21 Jun 2016
Because It has dark red flowers and unusual appearance.
Narayan Chandra Sarker ( Bangladesh )
25 Apr 2018
I want know plant/medicine name to use for skin (Head).
Moazzem ( Bangladesh )
08 Feb 2021
What is side effects, can it be used with insulin
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