Calcarea Fluorica is a chemical compound. It is a combination of Lime and Fluoric acid.
It is a naturally occurring mineral. In the Body, it is found in Bones and Teeth Enamel, tissue fibers of the Skin, Vessel Walls and connective tissues. Outside the Body in its mineral form, it is found in mineral Flourite.
Best used for Exostosis, hard, stony Glands, Varicose and Enlarged Veins and Malnutrition of the Bones.
Deficiency of Calcarea Fluorata may cause weak tissues, Bone deformities and Brittle teeth.
Calcarea Fluorica General
Calcarea Fluorata is a homeopathic remedy. It dissolves the extraneous Bone in the Body. Calcarea Fluorata binds the keratin in the body. It maintains stretch and tightness of elastic fibers, tendons and ligaments in the Body. It is found in top layers of the Skin, walls of the Blood vessels and on the surface of Bones.
It cures Cataract, Conjunctivitis, Catarrh and Corneal opacity.
It builds up the Dental enamel. It treats Scanty enamel of the teeth and prevents it from becoming brittle. It is used when the enamel is rough or deficient.
It is used to treat small and hard Breast lumps, Uterine Fibroids and Fibrocystic Breast disease in women.
It also treats Hodgkin's disease and Sclerosis.
It cures dryness and tickling in the Larynx, Hoarseness, Spasmodic Cough, Tonsils, Goiter, Haemoptysis, Adenoids, Ozaema, Prickly and burning sensation in the throat.
In the Bones, it treats Exostosis. It makes the Body tissues more flexible and stops abnormal Bone growth. The higher potency may be particularly useful for treating bone deformities. It disperses bony growths and Bone Ulcers.
It is used to cure Cold, Oral Herpes, Backache, Joint pain, Skeletal Pain, Herpes on lips, Liver pains, Diarrhea and reduces swelling in inflamed glands.
It treats Distension, Congenital Hereditary Syphilis, Aneurism, Flatulence, Bleeding piles, Constipation, Itching of the Anus and Anus Fissure.