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Achlorhydria Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Medical Name
Achlorhydria Symptoms
Loss of Hair
Dry Skin
Undigested food in the Stools
Abdominal Cramps
Smelly Gas
Acid Reflux
Inflammation of the Throat
Bad Breath

Achlorhydria Cured By

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Achlorhydria is a disease of the Stomach.
When the stomach acid is absent, whether its partially or fully, it is Achlorhydria. It causes Acid Reflux, Burping and Heartburn.

Stomach secrets enzymes and acids that helps in Digestion. The main acid that is present in the stomach is HCL ( Hydrochloric Acid ). This acid is secreted by the lining of the Stomach. When we eat food, it goes to the Stomach. The HCL helps to break down the protein. It helps in the absorption of nutrients like Calcium and Iron. It helps to produce the digestive enzymes by stimulating the Pancreas and the Small Intestines. It also fights Bacteria and prevents their growth in the Stomach. The normal level of HCL is required to maintain a good health. But if the level of HCL increases in the Stomach, it causes problems. The level depends upon the type of food you eat. The HCL prevents the over growth of bacteria and pathogens. But if the HCL is present in low amount or totally absent then it may cause parasitic infections in the Gastrointestinal Tract.

Causes of Achlorhydria
Metabolic Disorder
Autoimmune Disease

If not treated properly, Achlorhydria may cause
Deficiency of Proteins and other Minerals

Note : If you have Heartburn, Acid Reflux or Burping then it is not a result of Excessive acid in the Stomach.

Body Part(s)

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Materia Medica : Herbal Treatment for Achlorhydria

Single Herb

Fruit Salad for Achlorhydria

Add Pineapple and Papaya to daily diet ( 500 mg per day ).

Apple Cider Vinegar for Achlorhydria

Take half glass of water and mix 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in it. Drink it before meals.

Manuka Honey for Achlorhydria

Take 1 teaspoon of Manuka Honey. Have it once a day.

Chamomile for Achlorhydria

Put dried Chamomile Flowers in a cup of water. Boil it. Simmer for 10 minutes. Strain and add half teaspoon of Raw Honey in it. Drink it before going to bed.
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Enoch Khandagle ( India )
29 Mar 2016
Hi There, My name is Enoch and I m from India, Pune. During this time (Sep 2015 to Nov 2016) I was consuming approximately 100 ml of fresh Aloe Vera every morning to heal my degenerative disc. Drinking Aloe Vera did help my degenerative disc to heal but, at the same time hampered my HCL production. Currently my stomach is finding very hard to produce acids due to which I m having all those symptoms listed in your article about Achlorhydria. I request You to please suggest me some herbal medicines which will help my stomach produce its acids again.
Thank You!
29 Mar 2016
Dear Enoch
Though Aloe Vera is used for Acid Reflux. But in your case, may be it does not suits you. To increase your HCL production we suggest you to take Manuka Honey, Apple Cider Vinegar and Add Papaya, Pineapple to your diet. Could you please tell us that is there any other Herb that you have taken with Aloe Vera.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Enoch khandagke ( India )
30 Mar 2016
Thank you so much for suggesting the diet. I only take lime for low acid sake. How many times a day do I take Manuka honey? Apple vinegar makes me dissy, is there an alternative for apple vinegar? Thank You!
01 Apr 2016
Dear Enoch
We advise you to take Aloe Vera juice in the morning and Manuka Honey any time in a day. Avoid Apple cider if you feel dizziness. Eat a bowl of curd in the morning.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Richie ( Ghana )
19 Nov 2016
I suffer from severe burns in my stomach and my mouth and tongue. Also I feel bitterness in the mouth. A doctor said it due HCL but his medications didn't help. I have aloe vera planted in my house but do not know how to use it for my situation. Can I please get any herbal solution?
22 Nov 2016
Dear Richie
Go for Green leaf juice every day. Go to Vibrant health page on this website and read Genesis there.
Take Green leaves of vegetables like spinach, Beetroot leaves, Carrot leaves and celery. You may Wheat Grass also. Take it for 15 days and feel the change.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Anita ( Ohio )
05 Jan 2018
Is there anything that can help stomach pollups chronic?
05 Jan 2018
Dear Anita
Please let us know some more symptoms about you.
Do you feel any other symptoms? We will recommend you accordingly.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Blueberry ( Canada )
08 May 2018
My medical doctor says that my fatigue is due to low acid production. I get monthly B12 injections, along with multivitamin, with no difference to my overall declining health. Is there a natural way to stimulate acid production of my stomach? Thank you.
03 Aug 2018
Do you have the system of checking low acidity through some apropraite test ?
Victoria ( Michigan,U.S. )
14 Feb 2019
what suggestions do you have if you have numbness in your fingers as well as the arm to the point of waking up multiple times a night during sleep.i know it's due to the achlorhydria .i already take alot of hcl but symptoms persist.this condition has gone on for years before finally being diagnosed which is why it has progressed to the neurological problems of numbness in hands and arms and changes in my vision.i don't know if there are changes in my personality,lol, and haven't to date had any hallucinations thank god !
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