Tremella Fuciformis Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients
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General Name
Tremella Fuciformis
Glycemic Index / Load
Tremella Fuciformis
Botanical Name
Tremella Fuciformis
Tremella Fuciformis Cures
Action of Tremella Fuciformis
Nutrients in Tremella Fuciformis
Taste of
Tremella Fuciformis
Nature of
Tremella Fuciformis
Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Tremella Fuciformis
Do not consume it during pregnancy.
Avoid using it if your suffering with Cough and Cold.
Tremella Fuciformis is a fungus.
It grows in tropical, subtropical and temperate climates.
Best used for Dry Cough.
In TCM :
Tremella Fuciformis: Yin Er, Bai Mu Er
Meridians associated: Lung and Stomach
Materia Medica : How to use Tremella Fuciformis - Uses and Benefits
Tremella Fuciformis General
Tremella Fuciformis contains high level of Vitamin D. It is rich in Dietary fiber. It nourishes Lungs, Kidneys and Stomach.
It is very beneficial for the Skin. It makes the Skin moist and soft. It improves the Skin tone.
It strengthens the bones. It helps to maintain ideal weight.
It fights tumor growth. During Chemotherapy, it prevents the depletion of White blood cells in the Body.
It reduces harmful cholesterol and protects the Liver. It heals Atherosclerosis. It promotes the metabolism of protein and nucleic acid in the Liver.
It combats swelling and irritation.
It retards the Aging process. It reduces wrinkles, freckles and stress marks on the face. It heals the Epidermal layer of the Skin.
Single HerbTremella Fuciformis ( Snow Fungus ) has such ingredients that are capable to attack the Cancer or Tumor cells.
Take 1 tablespoon of Tremella Fuciformis extract in a day.