Claustrophobia is a disease of the Mind.
The feeling that you are confined in a room and you are not able to escape is Claustrophobia.
This feeling may cause a panic attack. It is also associated with anxiety disorder. It is an abnormal fear of small places such as...
MRI Scanners
Lifts ( Elevators )
Small shopping rooms
Crowded Trains and Buses
The person feels lack of oxygen there and it causes difficulty in breathing. However it is just his thought, not in reality.
Causes of Claustrophobia
Family History
Stuck at a crowded place
Presence of Smaller Amygdalae in the Brain. It is a small part of the Brain that controls the body's reaction against fear. This may cause panic attacks.
If not treated properly, Claustrophobia may cause
Heart Attack
Materia Medica for Claustrophobia
Single Herb Prepare a Passion Flower tea, made of crushed Passion Flower leaves and one cup of hot water. Have it two times a day.
Put 2 teaspoons of dried Skullcap roots in one cup of water. Boil it for 10 minutes. Drink it twice daily.
Prepare a decoction of St John's Wort flowers. Consume 15 ml of it 2 times a day.
Soak 1 tablespoon of crushed Valerian root in one cup of water for 24 hours. Stain it and drink half cup of it before going to bed.