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Aichmophobia Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Medical Name
Hindi Name
Sui Se Dar, Naukeeli Cheeson Se Dar
Aichmophobia Symptoms
Panic Attack
Unable to control the reaction
Difficulty in Breathing
Dry Mouth
The person may be afraid of getting injured
Abnormal fear of sharp or pointed objects

Aichmophobia Cured By

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Aichmophobia is a disease of the Mind.
An abnormal fear of Pointed or sharp objects is Aichmophobia. The objects may be Knives, Needles, Pencils or objects with protruding edges. It may be a cause of traumatic childhood experience. The person may be afraid of getting injured. It causes panic attack or dry mouth.

Causes of Aichmophobia
Traumatic childhood experience
Afraid of getting cut or injury

If not treated properly, Aichmophobia may cause

Body Part(s)

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Materia Medica : Herbal Treatment for Aichmophobia

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Sarah El Rohm ( Wichita KS )
09 Nov 2016
Hi as a kite, ye cuz i am as high as a kite. you wish you was as high as a kite. ye....
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