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Argentum Nitricum Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Argentum Nitricum
Botanical Name
Argentum Nitricum
Homeopathic Name
Argentum Nitricum   -   Mother Tincture

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Argentum Nitricum Cures


Action of Argentum Nitricum

Nutrients in Argentum Nitricum

Parts Used

Silver Nitrate

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Argentum Nitricum

High doses may cause Toxicity. Do not consume this mineral in its original form. Its side effects may include :
Breathing Problems
Aorta Damage
Skin Damage
Liver Damage
Kidney Damage
Spleen Damage
It is advisable to use this herb under the supervision of a Homeopathic practitioner.
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Argentum Nitricum is the Homeopathic medicine which is prepared by extracting the unadulterated Silver Nitrate crystals from the compound of Silver and then dissolving it in alcohol. Further this solution is shaken repeatedly to form the remedy.
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Materia Medica : How to use Argentum Nitricum - Uses and Benefits

Queries on Argentum Nitricum
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Monigopal Chakraborty ( India/West Bengal )
01 Mar 2017
I am suffering from Spasmodic Dysphonia since more than last two years. I am under the treatment of a reputed ENT specialist and taking now voice therapy under the supervision of a good voice therapist.
But truly speaking there is no progress till the date though my therapist is very much hopeful about my voice back.
As per my physical & mental characteristics one of my friends who is a homeopath by passion had advised me to take a single dose of Argentum Nitricum of 1milion power.
Accordingly in last November 2016 I took the same dose of Argentum Nitricum.
Now since about a month or two sometimes I am feeling siveor breathing problem.
I am very much worried & confused for the same because there is a bronchial asthma history in my family.
Now is the problem I am facing is due to the generic or for taking the high dose of Argentum Nitricum?
If anyone could guide Will be ever grateful.
02 Mar 2017
Dear Nobigopal. The problem might be due to aggravation caused by the consumption of Argentum Nitricum. It is okay. It can be taken care of. Drink a strong cup of coffee everyday for a week. After that, start taking Vacha., buy its mother tincture, it is known as Acorous Calamus. Take 5 drops of the tincture in a glass of water daily, for a month.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Monigopal Chakraborty
30 Aug 2019
Thank you very much for your prompt reply.
According to your advice I had purchased Acorus Calamus mother tincture & was taking regularly for around 20/22 days.During the period of taking this medicine I was observing good changes on my voice but later I came to know that Vacha has a carcinogenic effect on human body.
Is it correct? Unfortunately I stopped taking this medicine.Kindly advice & put your valuable opinion. Thanks & Regards
Monigopal Chakraborty
10 May 2017
22 Jun 2017
I have the pink pterigium in my eyes and i dont know how to get argentum niitrcum in nigeria, will appreciate if any one can help out.
Tata. Subbarayudu ( India )
10 Jul 2017
I am suffering from Gall bladder stones.acidity.fatulance.indigestion
06 Oct 2017
Take Berberis Vulgaris tincture for a month. For Indigestion, take Green Leaf juice for a month. For Acidity, have a cup of Ginger tea, daily .
Tata. SubbarayuduACG5 ( India )
10 Jul 2017
Suffering from Gall bladder stones ,Acidity , Fatulance, Eructations.Unable to digest any thing
Dana ( United States/Oregon )
16 Jul 2017
I was advised to take a tablespoon or two 3 times a day of colloidal silver for a week to cut fibromyalgia. I stopped after one dose after an article that specifically addressed how silver can not be specific. It is broad spectrum and intestinal bacteria would die impacting digestion, absorption of nutrients. I already have damage from Celiac Disease and the gluten diet prediagnosis. How is Argentum Nitricum specific, how is it silver and alcohol and not equivilant to a broad spectrum antibiotic?
21 Nov 2017
Sir, my son is allergic to sugar since birth. He has green watery stool after consuming sugar. He is now 26 months old. My doctor has started from the last some days argentinum nitricum dosage to cure his sugar intolerance. But he is not specific about the duration in which my sons allergy will be treated. Can u tell me in how many months treatment my son will be able to digest sugar?
Trinabh ( India )
22 Nov 2017
Medicine for pimples
Rajiv arora ( India )
28 Dec 2017
i am suffering from colitis like sticky stool poor digestion often suffering from diarrhea since several years that time my age is 36 and height 5.8 inch and weight 55kg..plz suggest me... I will be grateful for you..
SK Md. Ali. ( India; Jharkhand )
31 Mar 2018
My daughter is 30 years old now she is taking allopathic medicine 1) PANAZEP-25mg
2) CITAC - 10mg for ansiety and deppration at night prescribed by a Neurologist.
I ask you may she take Argentum Nitricum in the morning.May please advise me.

03 Apr 2018
SK. Md Ali. Why do you want to give her Argentum Nitricum ? Has this medicine been prescribed by an expert ? The remedy that may suit her is Phos or Ars, that too only one dose. Kindly answer the questions so that one out of these two can be decided--
Her joints are stiff or not ?
Is she melancholic and seeks consolation or sympathy ?
Is she afraid of dark, of thunderstorms or future?
Is she restless, fidgety ?
How about her anger , please tell us somethng about that too.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Gajraj singh ( Jaipur/rajasthan )
22 Apr 2018
Mujhe mirgi ke Dore aate hai Mai zydus dawa leave raha hu par usse jyada Ho raha hai ab mai kya kru
SANTOSH ( India )
27 Apr 2018
I am suffering from "Hepatomegaly with Grade 1 Fatty Lever". How to cure from this problem and what medicine to be use.
Mr debasish das ( India/west bengal )
13 May 2018
I have one seven years autistic child. hence unnecessary anxiety may be reduced form argentinum nitrate 200. if yes which dose which dose is prefer. Pl guide me. thank you.
Anne Milne ( England )
24 Jul 2018
I was given argentium nitricum for strong palpitations but it seems to have made them worse? I see that it is for anxiety, but I don't have anxiety!

I feel the doctor has got the wrong end of the stick.

Has anyone been in similar circumstances?
07 Jun 2020
Argentum nit. Patient Have strong cravings for sweet
. If agt. Nit. Gave u side effects take caffeine like strong coffee etc. Or take one dose of natrum mur. Its an antidote fir agt. Nit.
Yeamin ( Bangladesh )
25 Sep 2018
My Son is hyper active. Always talks more. Doing quarrels with class mates. I mean not matching with his school friends.
Always show anger.
Do not want to convinsed.
He has less sympathy for others.
Not attentive to his reading.
presently we are not applying any medicine
1 years back we have used "Frenia 10 " with advised of doctor.
Last weak we went to a homeopathy doctor he gave Argentum Nitricum 200 (one dose per day)

Please give me advise
Ravi Shekhar ( India )
27 Oct 2018
Dawn Evans ( England )
13 Oct 2019
I am taking argent nit 30c. I followed instructions on the bottle to take 2 tablets every 2 hours 6 times. Now it says to take as and when needed. Is this correct and if so how long can I do this for. I have found it reduces my anxiety greatly.
Herbpathy Team
14 Oct 2019
Dear Dawn, Please specify why are you taking the medicine? It is not advisable to take it on your own. The dosage is recommended as per the illness. You can mention your problem in detail for further assistance.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
09 Dec 2019
Food escaping into my blood stream? Or is the early morning spasm in both the calf muscles due to gas escaping into my blood stream the moment I flex my muscles early in the morning , while in bed. Umbilical Hernia surgery over five years ago.
Binay kumar ( India.jharkhand )
05 Jul 2020
I am suffering from throat sore,phyringitis last three months ,taken four course of allopathic antibiotic ,last one month tounge burning sensation arise ,only redness on phyringitis ,no cough ,no fever ,glycemic index HBA1C6.8,CHOLESTROL 255 ,ANXIETY TO DISEASE ,DISTURBANCE IN NT SLEEP,DOCTOR PRESCRIBED ARG.NIT 200,CARBO VEG alternate days ,R40 ,mouth burning and anxiety with mild redness on phyringitis persist,please advice me ,whole day feeling heavyness and tounge burning
Roselle ( USA/NH )
09 Sep 2020
Can you take this if you take lorazepam and citalopram
Krishna ( Indian State Gujarat )
28 Sep 2020
Premeture Evacuation while doing sex with wife. Give me proper Homeopathy medicine.(without any side effects)As I m taking Blood pressure tablet 25mg daily and I m of 59 n my fitness is good.
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