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Giant Hogweed Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Giant Hogweed
Glycemic Index / Load
Giant Hogweed
Botanical Name
Heracleum Mantegazzianum

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Giant Hogweed Cures

Highly Effective


Action of Giant Hogweed

Nutrients in Giant Hogweed

Taste of
Giant Hogweed

Nature of
Giant Hogweed


Parts Used

Whole Plant

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Giant Hogweed

Do not touch Hogweed. It is highly toxic.
It can cause severe skin problems and eye irritation.
It can also lead to blindness.
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Giant Hogweed is a weed.
It is perennial.
It grows in temperate climate.
It grows up to 7 M.
Best Used for Running Sores, Running Ears and Shingles.


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Materia Medica for Giant Hogweed

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Herbal Treatment For Elephantiasis 3

Take 10 grams each of Dried Ginger ( Adrak in India ) Powder, White Mustard ( Sarso in India ) and Giant Hogweed. Add Cow's Urine ( Gomutra in India ) and make a paste. Apply the paste on the feet to get relief.
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Nicole Genhard ( New York, USA )
29 Jun 2016
I have heard for every highly poisonous plant, that a natural antidote is growing nearby. I have a lot of wild giant hogweed on my property & i am looking to find the plant antidote in case the worst ever happens. I plan to stay away from them, but as much that's here, i fear i may accidentally come in contact with the plant..
01 Jul 2016
The herb is very dangerous, it may cause burns,blisters, itching and photo sensitivity for life. You may end up in hospital by simply touching it. If you come in contact with it;
immediately wash skin thoroughly with soap and
water, removing the sap and hopefully preventing any reaction with subsequent exposure to sunlight.
Once the irritation begins, medical advice should be taken. It may even cause blindness.
27 Aug 2016
so how does it cure all the things mentioned above like heart disease, swelling, cuts ets?
Gumbojoe9 ( US / NY )
29 Jun 2017
I too am wondering how this is used for shingles if you cannot touch it?
J-P (UK)
06 Jul 2017
The seeds must be boiled in oil. It is a decoction of the seed that was applied to running sores or shingles. Definite identification is necessary as there are many extremely toxic varieties. The blisters and sores resulting from touching or rubbing the leaves are extremely severe. Kootenay Nation in the northern Rockies refer to this as 'kumash' and it's used as food; young shoots of the plant are peeled and boiled then served with fat/butter as an accompanyment to wild game. They also apply the seed decoction to wounds/sores in poultices.
22 May 2018
Giant hogweed and kumash are NOT the same plant, they aren't even remotely related. There are also poisonous relatives of kumash (camas/camas lily). As for eating small shoots, I"m reading that Giant Hogweed shoots maybe edible, but it doesn't seem worth the risk, and there are other less toxic genera of Hogweed to try.
Rose Hamilton ( USA )
20 Apr 2018
Is this regulated, or controlled, by any agency or government?
22 Jun 2018
Why all the media hype. Is this like the invasive Russian olive that had to be stamped out, which incidentally is useful in treating cancer?

What wonderful use does this herb have that it's touted as "dangerous." I'm pretty sure poison ivy, oak, sumac are at least as "dangerous."
24 Jun 2018
I was thinking the same thing. The first thing I googled was "benefits of" Because we all know that even with a toxic plant there's a reason for it's being.
10 Jul 2018
I googled the same thing. I totally agree with your excellent post.
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