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Tree Bean Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Tree Bean
Glycemic Index / Load
Tree Bean
Botanical Name
Parkia Timoriana, Parkia Roxburghii, Acacia Javanica
Hindi Name
Chinese Name
Qui Hua Dou

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Tree Bean Cures


Action of Tree Bean

Nutrients in Tree Bean

Taste of
Tree Bean

Parts Used

Pods, Bark, Leaves, Seed, Pods,
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Tree Bean is a tree.
It is deciduous.
It grows in a tropical climate.
It grows up to 40 M.
Best used for Diarrhea.

Materia Medica :
Pods : Piles
Bark : Diarrhea, Dysentery
Leaves : Sores, Skin Infection


Grown In

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Materia Medica for Tree Bean

Tree Bean General

The seeds of Tree Bean are Diuretic and relaxing in nature. It is used in the treatment of Edema, Nephritis, Diabetes and Colic. It is used as an Anthelmintic.
The seeds of Tree Bean are used in roasted, powdered and ripe form. The seeds are used as a medicine for Colic, Flatulence and Stomach Ache. It is very effective for Cholera and Menstrual Cramps.
Powdered seeds are used topically for Wounds, Ulcers and Abdominal Pain. The leaves and Bark are also applied topically to clean Wounds and Ulcers.
The leaves of Tree Bean are added as an ingredient in remedy for Colic.
The bark is used externally as a treatment against Scabies, Boils and Abscesses.
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