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Cottonseed Oil Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Cottonseed Oil
Glycemic Index / Load
Cottonseed Oil

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Cottonseed Oil Cures

Highly Effective


Action of Cottonseed Oil

Most Effective

Highly Effective


Nutrients in Cottonseed Oil

Most Effective

Parts Used


Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Cottonseed Oil

Before using this oil be careful to see its processing method. Hydrogenated and Unrefined Cottonseed Oil is unsafe to use due to the presence of toxic substance called Gossypol.
It may cause Heart Diseases, Cancer and low Sperm production and Motility.
Excessive use may cause Skin Irritation.
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Cottonseed Oil is extracted from the seeds of Gossypium Herbaceum plant.

Grown In

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Materia Medica for Cottonseed Oil

Cottonseed Oil General

Cottonseed Oil is processed from Gossypium Herbaceum seeds.
It is packed with powerful Antioxidants and is rich in Vitamin E which speed up the healing process of Wounds and Cuts.
The presence of Tocopherol helps in healthy cell regeneration. It keeps the existing Body cells and tissues healthy. Vitamin E improves the texture of the skin. It clears the pores and nourishes the skin. It reduces the symptoms of Aging like Acne, Blemishes, Dark Spots, Wrinkles, Dry Skin and Sagging of the skin.
Monosaturated Fat and Polyunsaturated Fat sharpens the Intellect and enhances Consciousness. It improves Cognition and boosts the retention power.
Topical application of this oil reduces Inflammation and relieves Arthritis, Gout, and Headache.
In low amount, it takes good care of the Heart by lowering LDL ( bad ) Cholesterols levels and raises HDL ( good ) Cholesterol levels. It also lowers Blood Pressure.
Other uses include as in Soaps, Cosmetics, Laundry Detergents, and Insecticides.
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