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Bitter Apricot Seed Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Apricot Kernel
Glycemic Index / Load
Apricot Kernel
Botanical Name
Prunus Armeniaca Kernel
Hindi Name
Khurmani ka Beej
Chinese Name
Xing Ren

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Bitter Apricot Seed Cures

Super Effective


Action of Bitter Apricot Seed

Most Effective


Nutrients in Bitter Apricot Seed

Most Effective

Taste of
Bitter Apricot Seed

Nature of
Bitter Apricot Seed


Parts Used


Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Bitter Apricot Seed

Do not consume more than 4 at any one time. It may cause toxicity. Overdose may even cause death.
Avoid use during pregnancy and breast feeding.
Do not take in case of general debility.
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Apricot kernel is the seed inside the pulp of the Apricot fruit. It is also called Bitter Almond. For a detailed discussion on how the seed works please see Bitter Almond on this site.
It is best used for Cancer.
The uses of fruit are explained separately under the heading Apricot.

In TCM :
Meridians associated : Lung and Large Intestine.
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Materia Medica for Bitter Apricot Seed

Apricot Kernel General

Apricot kernel is the soft part inside the seed of an apricot. Apricots grow in America, Central Asia, Northern China, and the Himalayan region. They are bitter in taste. Apricot kernel is a good source of iron, potassium, phosphorus and the richest source of vitamin B17. Vitamin B17 is also known as amygdalin, laetrile. Apricot kernels are most effective for killing cancer cells. The advantage is that they only kill cancer cells and do not harm the normal cells. This is their biggest score when compared with other forms of cures. Research has shown that eating apricot kernels will prevent and cure Cancer.
Poor diet and a missing nutrient from modern man's diet, Amagdylin causes cancer.
Apricot kernel is rich in amagdylin. Amagdylin has benzaldyhide and cyanide.
Normal cells in our body has Enzimes. This Enzyme is rhodanese. It binds cyanide to sulphur. Then, it is converted into a cyanate, a natural substance. Cyanide is easily passed through urine without harming healthy cells.
Cancer cells are not normal. They contain an enzyme, beta glucosidase. This enzyme is unlocking enzyme for Amagdylin molecules or Apricot kernels. Beta glucosidase on reacting with the kernels break down the kernel and releases both the benzaldyhide and the cyanide, creating a toxic substance.
Amagdylin combines with the protective enzymes in healthy cells and the unlocking enzymes in cancer cells is thus able to destroy cancer cells.
Chemotherapy, on the other hand, kills all the cells, including healthy cells and damages the immune system.
Open the apricot seeds yourself or buy them separately. Chew the seeds. Swallow them. If it tastes bitter, eat them with honey.
For prevention of Cancer. Eat 5 to 7 apricot kernel seeds per day to prevent cancer.
As a treatment. Consume a total 24 kernels in a day. Do not consume more than 4 kernels at any one time. Eat 4 kernels every two hour.
Queries on Bitter Apricot Seed
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Maikel Jaeinz
19 Jan 2016
It says "do not take more than 2 at any one time"
Then it says "eat 5 to 7 to prevent, 24 to 40 to cure"
I dont understand.
21 Jan 2016
Dear Maikel Jaeinz Dosage varies as per the condition. To prevent Cancer, east 5 to 7 kernels per day. To CURE it, eat 24 to 40 kernels a day. Not to take more than 2 at a time means, Suppose you wish to prevent Cancer, take 5 to 7 kernel seeds. then at one time take only 2. Thus, you need to take it thrice a day o make it 5 or more than 5 , eat 2 at one time. Dose should be -- 2 kernels at a time. Taking 12 times a day, sums it up to 24.
03 Mar 2016
Dear Sir
Please find below details taken from Wiki regarding AMYGDALIN.
Please Guide:
A 2011 systematic review from the Cochrane Collaboration found:

The claims that laetrile or amygdalin have beneficial effects for cancer patients are not currently supported by sound clinical data. There is a considerable risk of serious adverse effects from cyanide poisoning after laetrile or amygdalin, especially after oral ingestion. The risk–benefit balance of laetrile or amygdalin as a treatment for cancer is therefore unambiguously negative.[21]
Vinay ( INDIA, UP )
24 Jul 2016

25 Jul 2016
Dear Vinay
: For Diabetes: Buy the following tincture from a Homeopathy Shop.
1. Tribulus Terrestris ( Gokhru ) : Take 10 drops morning and evening. It will take care of your Kidneys. When the kidneys start functoining properly, it will automatically affect your Diabetes and Blood Pressure. 2. Gymnema Sylvestre ( Gudmar ) : Take 10 drops morning and evening. This will reduce the sugar level in Blood and also will improve the functioning of the Pancreas. 3. Tinospora Cordifolia ( Giloy ) : Take 10 drops 2 times in a day.
4. Soak your feet in Karela juice, until mouth becomes bitter. Follow this regimen at least for 1 month and keep a regular check on your blood sugar. Once the level goes down, reduce the doses of Allopathy medicines accordingly. And when it becomes normal, reduce the doses of tinctures also.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Alok kumar singh
24 Oct 2016
the recommended medicines(homeo) to be taken empty stomach or normal. Also I feel lots of pain pain in my legs & tigh muscles specially when I sit on chairs or rest combined with burning sensation and some time feel of lost sensation in thigh.
Will these medicines will cure above mentioned once my sugar level is down.
Neha ( Chandigarh/India )
09 Aug 2016
i want to buy apricot kernel for my father suffering from CA Stomach 4th stage. but m unable to find it in any nearby market. can u help.

19 Aug 2016
Dear Neha
You may visit our Buy/Sell herb page and ask your query there. It may help you or you may search online.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
13 Jun 2017
Hi neha you can order aprcot kernels through Amazon. As most of the countries its not approved by medical associations or FDA. AS these are natural remedies and can not be patened hence those big companies cant make money through these things. But you can order through amazon and make sure you watch the video on youtube: world without cancer. it will explain everything about this wonderful kernel. :)
Vivek Toronto Canada/Chandigarh India
Prashant rampaged thapa ( India /maharashtra )
10 Oct 2016
Hi, I'm prashant and I have toung cancer from 8 months please suggest me should I take it or not and where it will be able to get
18 Oct 2016
Drink A cup of Raspberry juice daily. Tomatoes are a great anti oxidant and will help to expel free radicals. Chew 2-3 Basil leaves daily. This helps in curing Oral Cancer. Drink a glass of carrot juice everyday.
Mohd faisal ( India )
25 Oct 2016
Dear sir,
My mother is suffering from breast cancer (duct carcinoma) and doctor advised me to go for chemotherapy and radiation process. Sir i am so confused would i go for apricot kernels ? Is it really helpful? Or i'll go with the doctors advise? Need your precious guidance for the betterment of my mother.
I love her so much.
Thank you
Meghna Naidu
03 Nov 2016
Cleavers and Soursop are the best herbs for your mother. Give her Gallium Aparine tincture. 5 drops in a glass of water for a month. Give her soursop juice 100 ml everyday for a month.
Arvind dwivedi ( India / Uttar Pradesh )
15 Dec 2016
my mother aged 72 yrs suffering from bile duct cancer she has gone through triple bypass surgery two month before now dr, is suggesting go for chemotherapy pls suggest me better option.
thanking you.
Sanjay Matai ( India )
14 Jan 2017
Looking for apricot kernel in your buy/sell section. Result is kernel oil. Whre to buy kernel??
Sharanjit ( India, Maharashtra )
11 Feb 2017
Where can I buy apricot kernels from in India...?
04 May 2017
Sharanjit you can get apricot seeds near Cst station in Mumbai in crafet market
10 May 2017
Apricot kernels combines with Marijuana etc as mentioned on this page. Does it means, it should not be taken with Marijuana / Cannabis for cancer treatment ??
Nurat Sehgal ( India )
18 May 2017
Sachin. It is not mandatory that you have to combine Apricot Kernel and Cannabis or take only of these herbs. Both these herbs are among the top Cancer-fighting herbs. You can simply take Cannabis Sativa mother tincture with water. And then you can take Apricot Kernel separately. Do not take more than 4 kernels at a time, it may be toxic. The method of intake of both the herbs is different, so, I do not think you can combine them and take at the same time.
Noyel ( India )
19 May 2017
If one is taking cannabis tincture, should you not be putting it under your tomgue to make it enter the blood stram immediately. Why put it in water and have it absorbed through the intestines.
Rubin ( Texas )
08 Jun 2017
Yes, Noyel you can take it under the tongue , this will reach the blood stream faster than any other means. The only reason I dilute it before taking is the taste. Some tinctures are too harsh for the tongue, so I usually dilute the tincture with water.
Rajendra yadav ( India/utter pradesh )
22 May 2017
My wife is suffering from repeated cancer as both of lungs, liver, back bone metastasis. She have also problem in heart as liquid pericardial effusion. So is it beneficial to take apricot kernels.and where will I get it near Varanasi Utter pradesh.
08 Jun 2017
Your wife needs a diagnosis, we can not recommend a remedy in this case. It is advised that you consult your health care provider in this context.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Yahaya bbllo ( Nigeria/kaduna )
07 Jun 2017
I am from Nigeria. Where do I get this herb for my stage 3colonic cancer
Tony Becker ( South Australia )
05 Jul 2017
I have throat cancer and I live in Australia.
Are the Apricot kernels recommended for me?
Where can I buy them from?
Kind regards
Tony B
Michelle Kuczkowski ( Canada )
27 Jul 2017
I have a mass on my bladder wall inside. Do not know if cancer yet can I start taking the seeds now? Need to know how many and will it interfer with my 3000 mg of calcuim I take every day due to no para thyroids I'm also taking 20mg of canibis every day.
Ravi ( India )
03 Sep 2017
Hi Eating one kernel by mistake by a boy of 9 years will cause any health issue. Please respond immediately.
Zira ( Malaysia )
26 Jan 2018
If breastfed mother accidently took the kernel, how long will it take to stop the direct feeding to her infant?
Michele ( USA )
24 Mar 2019
I recently was given the apricot seeds to take daily from a friend. She suggested 6 per day ..
I believe they are working to dispate my mult
Tumors in the uterus.. could this be??
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