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Peyronie's Disease Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Peyronie's Disease
Medical Name
Peyronie's Disease
Hindi Name
Mura hua Ling
Peyronie's Disease Symptoms
Formation of a band or a scar tissue or plaque under the skin of the penis.
Lumps in penis
Penis bends as it becomes erect
Pain in the penis
Erect Penis may have a constriction anywhere along the length
Erectile Dysfunction
Short or small penis
Difficulty with Penile Penetration
Painful erection

Peyronie's Disease Cured By

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Peyronie's Disease is a disease of the Penis.
The formation of Plaque on the connective tissues of the Penis is Peyronie's Disease. It causes formation of lumps and a band of scar tissues at the base of the glans. This leads to a painful erection and curvature of the Penis. It may be a result of an Injury to the Penis.

Causes of Peyronie's Disease
Genetic Disorder
Hormonal Imbalance
Injury to the Penis
Infection to the Penis
Autoimmune Disorders
Formation of Plaque underneath the Penis skin that causes the Penis to curve

If not treated properly, Peyronie's Disease may cause
Problems in having Intercourse

Differential Diagnosis : It is associated with Chordee. The penis turns upward or inward.

Note : People with High Blood Pressure and Diabetes are more at risk of having Peyronie's Disease.

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Materia Medica : Herbal Treatment for Peyronie's Disease

Peyronie's Disease General

Peyronie’s disease was first described in 1973 by a French surgeon Francois Gigot de la Peyroine. It is also called the Curved Penis.
Penis is a vital organ of a man’s body. Its role is crucial in Urination, Sexual pleasures and Reproduction. Peyronie’s disease affects the Penis when having an erection. It causes an erect Penis to bend either way (upwards, downwards or sideways). Having a small degree of curve when Penis is erect is common. But, experiencing pain and having a severe bend during erection may be a problem. You should get yourself checked from a Healthcare Professional.
Peyronie’s disease is a result of formation of scar tissues (plaque) along the length of the Penis. Plaque in Peyronie’s disease is not similar to the plaque formed in arteries. This plaque is not harmful and also noncancerous.
What causes Peyronie's disease is still unknown. However, common suspects in the formation of plaque are thought to be a severe and repeated injury to the Penis, Inheritance, auto immune diseases and side effects of a certain Medication.
Peyronie’s disease is commonly found in a person having history of High Blood Pressure, High Diabetes, Smoking and Alcoholism. A person suffering from Peyronie’s disease may experience a painful Erection, Erectile Dysfunction, Curved Penis, shortening of the Penis and formation of thick tissues around the shaft of the Penis. It may also cause Stress and Depression as a result of inability in having sexual intercourse.
Peyronie’s disease is believed to be a result of an injury to the penis. Men are advised not to let their Penis bend while having sex. Avoid experimenting sexual postures seen on the internet or other media as these may harm your Penis.
Queries on Peyronie's Disease
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Mujeeb ( India / Maharashtra )
15 May 2017
What is the solution or treatment of peyronie disease.
19 May 2017
Dear Mujeeb
What kind of symptoms do you have? Do you feel any problem during urination?
22 May 2017
Dear Mujeeb
We suggest you to buy just one dose of Thuja 30 from a Homeopathy shop. Eat just one single dose and wait for 2 weeks. Report us after 2 weeks.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Manu ( Haryana )
31 Aug 2018
Dear Sir/Mam,
Three issues with my penis. I am 42 years of age. Married, Blessed with two kids. 65 kgs. 5'7" height.

1. I have below normal size penis. In full erect mode it is less than 6 inches. and the major problem is the thickness. It is very thin. Cannot enjoy sex with my partner because of the thin penis.
2. It also bends when erect.
3. In recent times, it ejaculates very soon. most of the time the partner is not even satisfied.

Having a bad Sexual life.
Please suggest some home remedies or ayurvedic treatment.
Thiyagarajan ( India/Tamil nadu )
25 Apr 2019
Hello sir,

Myself Rajan, 33 years old. I had habit of masturbation for past 15 years. My penis is curved in shape. I want to come out from this adiction and give suggestion for my curved penis to cure. Thanks.
Md. Suruzzaman ( Bangladesh )
15 Sep 2019
Hello, I am Suruzzaman from Bangladesh. I am 52 years old. I am a diabetic patient and I was suffering from Peyronie's disease for last 10 month. My penis is curved. I seen urologist doctor. He prescribe me Verapamil injection but no improve. My penis is curved in shape and my erection time is very short. I want to come out from this adiction and give me suggestion for my curved penis to cure and long time erection.
17 Sep 2019
Dear Md. Suruzzaman,

Try Babool, Take sum Acacia tree gum with some sugar, 2 to 3 times in a day.
Also take Maca powder with warm milk to strengthen your Penis. Have these for 15 days.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Muhammad ( United kingdom )
20 Oct 2020
I have peyronie Disease i have used some therapies but no avail it is settled now there is no pain but size became short eraction last for 2 to 3 minutes, drops came when there is eraction, ejaculate fast. I am 43 now can you please suggest some remedy
05 Sep 2022
how can I treat this disease sir pls help I have peyronie disease
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