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Addison's Disease Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Addison's Disease
Medical Name
Addison's Disease
Addison's Disease Symptoms
Weight Loss
Muscle Weakness
Loss Of Appetite
Low Blood Sugar
Loss of Consciousness
Progressive Anaemia
Low Blood Pressure
Disproportionate Weakness
Craving for salt and Liquorice
Bronze Discoloration of the skin

Addison's Disease Cured By

Most Effective

Highly Effective

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Addison's Disease is a disease of the Hormones.
When the Adrenal Glands produce inadequate amount of certain hormones (Cristol and Aldosterone) that are required by the body it is Addison's Disease.
The Adrenal Gland produces a number of steroid hormones to control the various body functions.

Adrenal Gland is a part of the endocrine Gland. It is like a small pyramid located at the top of the Kidneys. Adrenal cortex is the outer part of the Adrenal Gland. It produces steroid hormones which are Cortisol and Aldosterone.

The functions of Cristol Hormone are
To deal with stress.
To regulate the Blood Pressure.
To regulate the Blood Circulation.

The functions of Aldosterone Hormone are
To regulate the levels of Salt and Potassium.
To regulate the Blood pressure.

The damaged Adrenal Glands disrupt the production of the hormones. It leads to the impairment of the other body functions.

Causes of Addison's Disease
Internal Bleeding
Damage to the Adrenal Gland
Low activity of Adrenal Gland
Impairment of the Auto Immune System
Fungal infections to the Adrenal Gland
Inadequate secretion of hormones by the adrenal cortex

If not treated properly, Addison's Disease may cause

Body Part(s)

Immune System
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Materia Medica : Herbal Treatment for Addison's Disease

Addison's Disease General

One workable course of action might be to address the metabolism, rather than the organ. In that case the most suited Adaptogen should be administered. Or, shall we say a course of Adaptogens, like Green tea, Turmeric, Reishi mushroom, Siberian ginseng, Astragalus, Echinacea, Ashwagandha. Again the pathological personality of the patient must be kept in mind. All Adaptogens are not suited to all patients. All Adaptogens are not good in all seasons. Siberean Ginseng will not do in summer.
Single Herb

Liquorice ( Mulethi ) for Addison's Disease

Licorice Root exerts a positive effect on the prognosis of Adrenal Insufficiency as in Addison’s Disease. There may be a near complete adrenal exhaustion.
Licorice Root is an excellent concomitant with a small amount of cortisone. In the orthodox treatment the dose of Cortisone is progressively increased. Sometimes this is counterproductive. However, a small amount of Licorice Root is a very attractive alternative. Considerably less cortisone becomes much more effective when combined with Liquorice root.
Prepare a decoction of Liquorice's root. Drink one cup two times a day.
Or: Take two tablets of Liquorice ( Mulethi ) two times a day.
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29 Jul 2019
Hey herbteam, this disease have more symtomps like imsomnia, weight gain or lose and Stress.

Many doctors talk and say on YouTube Channel that this disease can make People have imsomnia, due to flight-to-fight Mode in the body.

Should be great update the list. Sometimes adrenal fatigue is that they call to this disease Also addison like you have.

Adrenal fatigue can cause People eat more sugar to lead and counter stress but Also can make People lose weight due to depression.

Should be great, there are a lot information to be updated Here.

My apologies to make this comment, you are the best. Good website and Also good suggestions!
29 Jul 2019
Hey John, The data you mentioned have been passed to our research team. It will be updated soon after research. Thank you for sharing the data John.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
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