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By NITIN KUNDALIA on 12/15/2014 4:58:06 PM |
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Diabetes has effected a large part of worlds total population and so as Alcohol. Alcohol consumption has become a part of social events or even you can say one's daily routine. Diabetic people are too much concerned about their diet. The always take care of what to eat and what not. They even take care of the time when to to eat. They are generally aware how different types of food effects them. Is this same in case of Alcohol also? Should they take a count of how much they can drink? Or even they should drink or not ? Lets try to find out the answers.

Drinking in Diabetes :

Is it safe to drink While being a diabetic? Should you give up Alcohol if you are a Diabetic? Not exactly. However you have to be more careful about it. If your diabetes levels are well under control, you can drink. But it is always better to talk to your doctor and ask about your blood glucose levels.

Effects of alcohol in Diabetes :

If you are diabetic and you are drinking, you may be at the verge of being Hypoglycemic. Alcohol can interfere with your medications. If you are on insulin, Alcohol may cause a serious fall in your blood glucose levels.

Alcohol Limit in Diabetes :

You have to be more careful about your drinking limits. You can drink but in a responsible manner. If you are a male do not consume more than two Alcoholic drinks a day and in case of female not more than one drink.

One Drink is equals to :

Beer - 12 Ounce

Liquor - 1.5 Ounce

Wine - 5 Ounce

These limits do not mean that you are free to drink, should not take it for granted. Minimize your alcohol intake. Always be in touch with your health care team, ask them if it is safe for you to drink, if yes then how much.

Points to remember while drinking

-> Drink slowly

-> Never drink on an empty stomach

-> Do not exercise before or after drinking

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