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Tips to stay healthy after 40

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By patanjali on 11/22/2014 11:14:38 AM |
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Tips to stay healthy after 40

After 40 years human body starts decaying. The vital organs of the body start getting inefficient. To stay healthy and fit one needs to adapt a balanced lifestyle following the principles of Yoga.
Humans are the representatives of the Almighty and our bodies are his temples. "Jeevem Sharadah Shatam" is the resolution to keep this temple fit and healthy. When we know that we can live with this body for 100-150 years, naturally we are compelled to think about the secrets behind the long life. One can get disease free life by the means of self-restrain. Besides this, it is also important to know about the basic factors for living long on this earth. This article mainly focuses on this subject.
One can maintain good health even between 41-60 years of age. We can maintain this by taking a balanced and healthy diet and keeping ourselves stress-free. Besides this one is also required to follow the ways described in Ayurveda to maintain health according to time and season. A bit of carelessness can make us unhealthy. Generally, our mental and physical activities in this age group are divided into so many areas. Mental activities are on the rise and we are unable to enjoy a pleasant sleep as we used to in the early age. If the celibacy is not maintained, the mental and physical strength sharply deteriorates.
Till 20 years of age all elements and metals are on growth. Between 21-40 years of age, though there is not much growth of organs, but all body organs are full of vitality and vital energy is also sufficient. Between 41 and 60 years of age, though there is no growth of body organs, but of energy. The energy is thus kept stored completely. Power and strength are stable. Wrinkles on skin of the face and other parts of the body, graying of hair, baldness begins to appear in this age group.
Digestive power also gets weak and appetite also reduces. Therefore, one is required to take daily meals according to the ways prescribed in Ayurveda. Changing weather can make us fall ill easily. Another problem of this age is that most of the body fat begins to accumulate on face, neck, hips, stomach, etc. This is the reason why a person appears heavy and bulky. This is the symptom of the weakening of metabolism. Clearly, the amount of energy which we got earlier due to the digestion of metals in the body gets reduced.
“If a person remains careful of his diet and activities, he/she can maintain good health even when he/she is 60 years old. For this, one is required to take proper diet, keep oneself stress free, practice meditation, yoga and exercise, read about the lives and achievements of great men.” - Acharya Balkrishna

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Franz Albertus

Just to clarify that Herpes and Genital warts are not the same, they are both caused by viruses but different types.. Herpes is caused by HSV1 (usually seen on the oral/ lips) or HSV2 (usually seen on genitals) while, Genital warts is caused by HPV (human papilloma virus) and it has several strains including the ones that can predispose you to cancer of the cervix. The bad news is that they are very common, highly contagious, with morbidity and very stubborn and embarrassing. The good news is that contrary to some information out there,, both of them are curable. I say this with conviction because i have been truly infected with these viruses, suffered severe embarrassing outbreaks and now i have been completely cured. There is a specialist physician called Dr.WATER who uses herbs to cure these viruses. I am leaving his contact information below for anybody who wants to get rid of these viruses from their body. Whatsapp ; +2349050205019 and email: Drwaterhivcurecentre@gmail.com

01 Mar 2025
Rahul kumar

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01 May 2018

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