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Otitis Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Medical Name
Hindi Name
Kaan Mein Jalan
Otitis Symptoms
Pain in the Neck
Loss of Balance
Pain in the Ear
Swelling in the Neck
Ear may become Red
Itching in the Ear
Swelling in the Ear
Inflammation in the Ear

Otitis Cured By

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Otitis is a disease of the Ear.

The Viral, Bacterial or Fungal infection that causes inflammation of the Ear is known as Otitis. Sometimes the water may get trapped in the Ear, and makes the internal skin soft. This makes the environment for the growth of bacteria and spread the infection. It may be accompanied with Ear pain and Ear discharge.

It is differentiated into three categorize.
1. Otitis Externa : The inflammation of the outer covering of the Ear that also leads into the ear canal is known as Otitis Externa. It may causes swelling and impaired Hearing for temporary.

2. Otitis Media : The inflammation in the middle part of the Ear is known as Otitis Media. There may be accumulation of some fluid which may lead to pain and inflammation in the middle part of the Ear.

3. Otitis Interna : The inner part of the ear is distinguished into may structures. The infection causes inflammation of these structures and known as Otitis Interna.

Causes of Otitis
Viral Infection
Fungal Infection
Bacterial Infection
Autoimmune Diseases

If not treated properly, Otitis may cause
Permanent Ear damage
Permanent Hearing Loss

Body Part(s)

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Materia Medica for Otitis

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