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Saffron Essential Oil Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Saffron Essential Oil
Glycemic Index / Load
Saffron Essential Oil

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Saffron Essential Oil Cures


Action of Saffron Essential Oil

Nutrients in Saffron Essential Oil

Nature of
Saffron Essential Oil


Parts Used

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Saffron Essential Oil is extracted from the flowers of the plant.
It is made by steam distillation process.
In TCM :
Meridians associated are Heart, Spleen and Reproductive System.

Common Names

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Materia Medica for Saffron Essential Oil

Saffron Essential Oil General

Saffron Essential Oil is processed from the Saffron flowers. It possesses woody, spicy, hay-like aroma.
It stimulates the secretion of Serotonin in the body. It stabilizes the mood. It relieves Stress. It provides a relaxing and calming effect on the body. It makes you happier, calmer, focused, less anxious and emotionally stable. It induces a sound sleep.
It regulates the Appetite and keeps a check on the Body Weight. It controls Obesity.
It also assists in Hair growth and strengthens the hair follicles. It repairs damaged hair.
The Antibacterial property cures Acne. It exfoliates the skin and gives an even Skin tone. It lightens the skin tone and opens up the clogged pores. It removes Blackheads. It fades away the Scars and helps the healing of minor Wounds.
A massage on the sex organs enhance male Fertility and cures Premature Ejaculation. It also relieves Premenstrual Syndrome.
It clears the nasal air passages, while helps to breathe easily. It removes the undesired buildup of Phlegm.
Other uses include as Bath Oil, Beauty Aids, and Cosmetics.
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Herbal Treatment For Phlegm 13

Milk with few drops of Saffron Essential Oil in it possesses strong expectorant property. This property helps to expel excess mucus and treats Phlegm.
Add 1 to 2 drops of Saffron Essential Oil in a glass of warm Milk. Drink two times a day to treat Phlegm.
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Ogbonna Ujunwa ( Nigeria )
29 Dec 2019
Can use of saffron essential oil on skin cause skin dryness and itching?
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