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Kalium Arsenicosum Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Kalium Arsenicosum
Glycemic Index / Load
Potassium Arsenite
Botanical Name
Kalium Arseniatum
Homeopathic Name
Kali Arsenicosum   -   Mother Tincture

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Kalium Arsenicosum Cures



Action of Kalium Arsenicosum

Nutrients in Kalium Arsenicosum

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Materia Medica for Kalium Arsenicosum

Queries on Kalium Arsenicosum
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Rajeev verma ( India )
27 Mar 2018
how long we can use KALI ARSENICUM 30
06 Apr 2018
Why do you want to take Kalium Arsenicosum ? Do you suffer from eczema or Psoriasis? What is the disease that you want to cure ?
Please share the symptoms.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
17 Dec 2018
suffering from multiple lipomas on forearms,thighs,back and stomach .will this medicine will work
Sarmistha Mondal ( United Kingdom )
08 May 2019
I suffer from keratosis pilararis. Can I use it
Hari Thandi ( United Kingdom )
16 Nov 2019
I am 88 years old had stent installed in my right hart artery in July 2019. There is no angina pain after that although I suffer from BP,sleeplessness and fear of heart attack. BESIDES i AM ALERGIC TO SUGAR FOR LAST COUPLE OF YEAR. i avoid sugar as much as I can althouh i still get itching all over the body especiall in warm bed. I take sulphur 200 when it is bad which brings relief but comes back again after few days. Please advise if I can take Kalium Arsenicosum in low potency and how often.

H Thandi
Dr. Sameul
21 Nov 2019
Hey friend, You can take Psorinum 1 dose. It is homeopathic medicine and available in homeopathic stores. Confirm the dosage with a homeopath. Take a single dose only and that too in low potency. See results after 15 days and share them in the forum.
Rinkey Khan ( India/uttar pradesh )
09 Apr 2021
Kalinarsenicosum can be taken to control heavy bleeding during periods and for curing cyst
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