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Alligator Weed Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Alligator Weed
Glycemic Index / Load
Alligator Weed
Botanical Name
Alternanthera Philoxeroides

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Alligator Weed Cures


Action of Alligator Weed

Nutrients in Alligator Weed

Taste of
Alligator Weed

Parts Used

Whole Plant
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Alligator Weed is an aquatic plant.
It is perennial.
It grows in tropical and sub tropical climates.
It grows up to 2 M.

Grown In

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Materia Medica : How to use Alligator Weed - Uses and Benefits

Queries on Alligator Weed
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Dr. Ken Mullins ( Ontario, Canada )
18 Feb 2020
Where can I purchase Alligator Weed?
Tom Evanov
22 Jun 2020
I have all you want, Grows all around my pond. All natural.
18 Feb 2020
Dear Dr.Mullins
Sorry, Herbpathy is not into buying/selling of herbs/herbal products. Please check online or at Ayurvedic or Vitamin stores.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Dr. Amanda Pike
07 Mar 2020
I have a lot of alligator weed on my farm in Jupiter, FL. Feel free to reach out: amandaalders@yahoo.com
Subhamoy Das ( India )
06 May 2020
Side effects on human of alligator weed
Lokita Sriram
08 Jul 2020
Heavy metal reaction. Heard tht this plant
/roots absorbs metals like mercury, lead etc
from water. So eating this in large quantities may affect health.
Samuel ( Littoral )
27 May 2020
How do i use Alligator pepper to treat infections, stroke, and a person that has not been menstruating for years now
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