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Leg Pain Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By

General Name
Leg Pain
Hindi Name
Tang ka Dard
Leg Pain Symptoms
Pain in Legs

Leg Pain Cured By


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Leg Pain is a disease of the Legs.
Leg Pain is the pain in the Legs.
It is caused by the overuse of Leg muscles or Bones, or from injury or sprain in the Leg muscles or Bones.
Causes of Leg Pain
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Varicose Veins

There can be other causes for Leg pain as well. To treat the pain in Legs, it is very important to identify the exact underlying cause.
In Ayurveda, there are various therapies that help in moderating the pain in Legs as:
Nidana Parivarjana ( avoiding the cause )
Snehana ( Oleation )
Swedana ( Sudation or sweat therapy )
Virechana ( Purgation )
Basti ( Enema )
Raktamokshana ( Bloodletting )
Agni Karma ( Thermal Cauterisation )
Lepa ( Coating the affected body part with medications )

Body Part(s)


Legs Diseases

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Leg Pain General

Pain in Legs can start from the Knees, Thigh, or Foot. It may arise from conditions related to Veins, Muscles, or Bones.
Causes of Leg Pain:

Sciatica: The pain radiates from the lower back to the hip, buttock, back of the Thigh, and inside of Leg, on one side or both sides. In Ayurveda, aggravation of Vata leads to pain in the tendon and the muscles of the Lower Limbs. It may also be caused by the ineffectiveness of Vata and Kapha. Sciatic Pain symptoms predominate in the Knee joint, Calf muscles, Thigh, and lower back are Pricking Pain, Stiffness, and tingling sensations.

Arthritis: Arthritis can be classified into three different types depending on the underlying cause. The characteristic symptom of all Arthritis types is Pain and Inflammation.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: It affects the Joints. It is caused due to accumulation of toxins. In Ayurveda, it is referred to as Amavata as it causes vitiation of Vata.

Osteoarthritis: It affects the Joints. It occurs due to the accumulation of vitiated Vata in the Joints. In Ayurveda, it is referred to as Sandhivata.

Gouty Arthritis: In Ayurveda, it is referred to as Vata Rakhta. The vitiation of Vata and Rakhta is the cause behind Gouty Arthritis.

Claudication: The pain occurs due to an insufficient blood supply to the lower back and leg muscles. The lack of blood supply is caused by blocked blood vessels which occur due to Atherosclerosis. In Ayurveda, Claudication is not described separately and is considered as Anukta Vyadhi. It causes Thigh Pain, Foot Pain, and Muscle Cramps.

Varicose Veins: It is a venous disorder. As per Ayurveda, it is a Vata disorder that occurs due to over-exercise. Varicose Veins are swollen, bulging, bluish-colored veins that are located deep or externally. It affects the lower limbs. The blood collects in the blood vessels of the legs due to gravity and damages them.

Osteoporosis: It affects the Bones. Osteoporosis is caused by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue. It makes the Bones fragile. It increases a person’s susceptibility to Fractures. As per Ayurveda, it is caused due to the vitiation of Vata dosha and Asthi Dhatu. Asthi Dhatu is responsible for maintaining the overall framework of the body. Any variance in it directly affects the Bones.

Fracture: It affects the Bones. It is complete or partial separation in the Bone.

Medical conditions as Diabetes, Hyperacidity, and Piles may introduce Leg pain and Muscle Cramps in the Legs.
Diet and lifestyle to follow when having Leg Pain:
Intake of rice, water, Black gram, and Horse gram.
Include fruits and vegetables as Drumstick, Pointed Gourd, Lemon, Grapes, Pomegranate, and Brinjal.
Consume Milk, Ghee, and Meat juice in regular meals.
Things not to do when having Leg Pain:
Do not suppress natural urges like Hunger, Thirst, Evacuation of Bowels and Bladder.
Do not eat incompatible foods as Milk and Fish.
Do not eat heavy meals.
Avoid physical activity like exercise and Jogging.
Avoid stress and feelings like Sadness.

Ayurvedic treatments for Leg Pain: In Ayurveda, the treatment aims at rooting out the cause behind pain and prevents relapse. As Leg pain can arise from several factors, knowing the cause is important so as to follow the exact treatment. It can arise from Knee, Thigh, Foot, and Calf.

Nidana Parivarjana: Nidana Parivarjana therapy manages the pain in the Legs from Sciatica and Arthritis. It refers to avoid the causative factors of a condition. As an example, an ailment caused by the accumulation of toxins (Ama in Ayurveda), the methods to avoid the cause (Nidana) which includes Eating food in small quantities (Alpashana), Fasting (Langhna), and Consuming foods with drying properties (Ruksha Annapana Sevana). It restricts the progression of the disease and manages the symptoms. It also prevents the relapse of symptoms after treatment. Since the pain in Sciatica and Arthritis is caused by Vata aggravating foods, avoiding the consumption of such foods helps in quick and effective relief from symptoms.

Snehana ( Oleation ): It is an introductory procedure for the Panchakarma method, which helps in eliminating toxins from the body. It is used in the treatment of Varicose Veins and Sciatica. Herbal and medicated oils are used for lubricating the body internally or externally. Internal Oleation (administering fat) involves drinking medicated oil, also called Snehapana. Techniques as Abhyanga are used to perform Snehapana. It helps in the removal of toxins (Ama) and treats conditions caused by the accumulation of Ama. It liquefies the toxins and mobilizes them to the Digestive Tract.

Swedana: It is a Sudation therapy. It treats Vata disorders as Sciatica and Varicose Veins. In this therapy, sweating is induced by various therapeutic methods involving heat. It provides relief from stiffness and heaviness in the body, usually experienced by those with Arthritis.

Virechana: In Virechana therapy, medicinal herbs are used to induce purgation and clear the bowels. It treats Bone and Joint disorder as Sciatica and Arthritis. It removes the excess pitta in the Gallbladder, Small Intestine, and Liver. It also eliminates excess Vata from the body. It also cleans toxins (Ama) and increased doshas from the body.

Basti: The process uses medicated oils, decoctions, or pastes in the large intestines through the rectal route. It treats Gastrointestinal and Musculoskeletal systems and Paralytic disorders individually or in combination. It used for disorders from excess Vata or where predominant dosha is Vata with vitiation of other doshas. It clears toxins from the large intestines and Rectum. It also removes the aggravated doshas from the body.

Raktamokshana: Raktamokshana therapy involves the removal of impure blood from different parts of the body. It treats conditions like Gout, Osteoarthritis, and Varicose Veins. It relieves Pitta disorders as Skin diseases and Bloodborne diseases. The technique is performed using a metallic instrument or by using leeches or Cow’s horn or dried bitter gourd.

Agni Karma: In this therapy, a burn is placed at the point of severe pain. It is used in the management of Sciatica and Arthritis due to excess Vata. It helps in relieving Leg pain caused by these conditions. It can also be used to prevent Wound infection. The probability of relapse of an ailment after Agni Karma is rare.

Lepa: In Lepa therapy, herbs are applied in the form of paste on the affected area. Dashanga Lepa and Jatamayadi Lepa are the types of Lepa therapy. It is used to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis. It is an effective treatment for Leg pain. It relieves pain, swelling, and inflammation in the Legs.

Herbs for treatment of Pain in Legs:
Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha): It has Anti-inflammatory, Rejuvenating, and Tonic, Pain-relieving, and Sedative properties. It acts on Nervous, Reproductive, and Respiratory systems. It treats Rheumatoid Arthritis, Anaemia, Fatigue, Osteoporosis, and Leg pain associated with it. It is an effective immune-boosting herb. It promotes tissue healing. It contains Phytoestrogens and improves bone strength.

Veld Grape (Asthisamharaka): It contains Flavonoids, Beta-Sitosterol, Beta Stigmasterol, and Triterpenoids. Because of the wound healing properties of Beta-Sitosterol, it is used to repair damaged tissues. It manages the symptoms of Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis. However, the whole plant has medicinal properties, but the roots and stems are used chiefly for the treatment of Bone Fractures. A decoction made from Veld Grape can be used both internally and externally. It is rich in Vitamin C, improves immunity, and aids the healing process.

Commiphora Mukul (Guggulu): It has Pain relieving, Antispasmodic, Rejuvenating, Stimulant, and Expectorant properties. It acts on the Circulatory, Digestive, Nervous, and Respiratory systems. It is the most effective herb for the treatment of Arthritis, Leg pain, and management of Varicose Veins. It also lowers Cholesterol, promotes Tissue Regeneration, heals Bone Fractures, and detoxifies the body. It limits the pain in Leg by lowering the effects of increased blood pressure. It maintains the tone of Venous walls and manages the Varicose Veins.

Side effects involved in Ayurvedic treatments: Ayurveda is a holistic and natural system of medicine. But, if it the treatment is not performed properly, it may lead to side effects.
Snehana: It should not be performed by individuals having aggravated Kapha, Strong or weak Digestive system, and Throat disorders.
Virechana: it is not allowed in pregnant women, children, elderly, and weak individuals.
Basti: It is not recommended in young children and individuals with Diarrhea, Rectal bleeding, and Polyps.
Raktamokshana: It is not recommended in individuals with Bleeding disorders, Anemia, and Piles.
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