Angioma is a disease of the Blood Vessels.
An abnormal growth of the Blood vessels and Lymphatic vessels that forms benign tumor ( non cancerous ) is Angioma. It is a tumor of blood those cells that line the blood vessels.
Different types of Angioma are
Cherry Angioma : They may develop anywhere on the Skin and vary in size. They appear in red, blue or blue black in color. They are also known as Campbell De Morgan spots.
Spider Angioma : As the name indicates they have spider like capillary legs and red papule at the center. It occurs on the face and upper part of the Chest. It is also known as Spider Naevus Araneus.
Senile Angioma : They occurs at the Lips and of Blue or red in color.
Causes of Angioma
The exact cause of Angiom is unknown, however, family history may be a cause.
If not treated properly, Angioma may cause
Emotional Stress
Bleeding if Angioma get injured