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Plumbum Metallicum Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Plumbum Metallicum

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Plumbum Metallicum Cures


Action of Plumbum Metallicum


Nutrients in Plumbum Metallicum

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Queries on Plumbum Metallicum
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Kellie ( United States / Texas )
01 Jul 2019
I'm 19 and I suffer from extreme anxiety and depression. I'm looking for more natural ways to help my anxiety go away and depression to alleviate itself. I have severe social anxiety, especially in large crowds and struggle to find happiness. Is there some herb I can take to help this?
02 Jul 2019
Hey Kellie.
I have been through this hard time and understand your situation too. Please refer to the following methods, they helped me a lot.
1. Take a warm massage with Ylang Ylang aromatic oil. It will help in boosting your mood.
2. Place Clary sage oil diffuser at home or wherever you spend most of your time. It has a calming effect on nerves and emotions. It will relax your mind and body.
3.Have 3-5 drops of Dolichos Pruriens- mother tincture in half a glass of water for one month. It treats stress, depression and improves mental health too. Involve yourself in activities you like. This will slowly take out your fear of crowd.
Bhatia ( India )
03 Aug 2020
Can we take plumbum met homeopathy for diffuse cerebral atrophy especially midbrain atrophy plz guide how much time it take to cure
Ashutosh (Student/ Homeopathy)
04 Aug 2020
Hello Sir, 30 C can be taken for Cerebral Atrophy. Consult a Homeopath near you before taking the medication.
15 Aug 2020
Thanks can you suggest any homeopathic med which I should consider for white matter hyperintensities and basal cisterns , ventricular , sulco-gyral pattern age related atrophy and mid brain atrophy
Bhatia ( India )
15 Aug 2020
Plz guide some homeopathy med for chronic ischemic white matter disease and ventricular, basal cisterns , sulco gyral pattern age related atrophy and mid brain atrophy , plz guide med to reverse this condition
15 Aug 2020
Correction - White matter hyperintensities *
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