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Inheritance by Birth

Heredity is the combination of biological processes by which the characteristics of the parents are passed down to the children.  It has three components :

First, is the consistency of the species; the passing down of the general characteristics from generation to generation; man will be a man and a cow will be a cow. 

Second, is the development of a person with individual characteristics; a combination of specific peculiarities drawn from the mother and the father.  This ensures that each one of us is a unique entity.  Even twins have some differences.

Third, is the passing down of latent disease from parents to progeny. 

Inheritance by Evolution

First.  A living organism is made up of cells.  A cell is made up of one nucleus, vacuoles, and mitochondria.  The human nucleus consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes.  Chromosomes are composed of genes.  And we know that genes are composed of a chemical known as DNA.  It is an acid. There are two types of DNAs. 
The DNA that forms the Genes is called the coding DNA.  It resides within the Gene.  This is responsible for passing on traits within a species from generation to generation.  This is the one that makes us a man or a cow. 

Second.  The other DNA is called the non coding DNA.  It is on the chromosome string between the genes. This DNA is responsible for our uniqueness. 

Half the chromosomes come from the fatheChinese Herbsr and the other half come from the mother.  Each pair has one chromosome from father and mother.  So, we inherit traits, characteristics, dispositions and predispositions from the father and the mother.  We also inherit tendencies and susceptibilities towards particular diseases. 

We inherit:
Physical features like the color of our eyes and hair, the shape of our limbs. 
Mental and psychological attributes like intelligence and a disposition to happiness or sadness.
Unfortunately, we also inherit diseases or tendencies towards a disease like diabetes.

Sometimes the susceptibility is not manifested at birth and may lie dormant.  Then, it gets triggered by an event in later life, like a prolonged exposure to cold or excessive smoking.  Examples of genetically inherited diseases are Cystic Fibrosis, Tuberous Sclerosis  and Huntington's disease.  The best example of genetic inheritance is our metabolism; the way we digest our food and burn it to get energy.

Third.  The Latent Scrouge.   Some time before man began to document events, we, the human race,  acquired a disease called Leprosy.  Various cures and treatments were resorted to.  They were all suppressive, not curative.  The suppression caused the bacteria to mutate.  It changed its form but insidious symptoms developed.  Man passed on this suppressed disease to his children.  Successive,  suppressive treatment drove the observable symptoms within.  The disease remained. It is not clear whether DNA has any part to play in the development of congenital symptoms in the offspring.  But, it is clear, that the disease was transferred to the child.  The form may be modified or diluted, but it did affect the child.  As the intensity of the disease decreased over the ages, (Probably due to cross breeding) the child was born seemingly healthy, without disease.  But a predisposition remained.  Whenever the immunity of the individual was compromised, or a trigger, like a sudden environmental change, occured, the individual would become sick; the latent disease would surface.  Hahnemann, the father of Homeopathy, called it Psora.  Today, 80% of all idiopathic disease can be attributed to Psora.  The other 20% are a result of 'suppressed' Syphlis and Sycosis.  These two are sexually transmitted diseases acquired by man.  If not eradicated internally, an individual will pass it on to his descendants in the form of a latent predisposition.  Hahnemann propounded the theory of Miasma.  Miasma is that latent predisposition inherted by a child which is the result of a suppressed disease, mainly Psora, Syphlis and Sycosis.  It is not the disease per se, but the predisposition.

A miasm is an inherited or an acquired predisposition towards chronic illness. It is triggered by adverse environmental conditions or detremental life style.  A Miasm is a dormant disease predisposition.  Miasm defines susceptibility.  Miasm may remain dormant through out the life of a generation and surface in the third generation.  It might change form, from generation to generation.  

The conditions that would modify a miasm in your body:

Management Of  Hereditary Diseases

Diseases acquired due to sudden changes in weather or lifestyle are easy to cure.  Inherited diseases are difficult to manage. Diseases acquired by an individual and then passed on to the progeny (Miasms) are very difficult to manage and extremely rare to cure.  In most cases, the doctor settles for a life-long treatment,  (Not cure).

Managing Heredity By Marriage. 

Husband and wife should not be from the same blood stream.  When two blood relatives marry to produce a child, that child is likely to be more prone to disease than if they were from different regions and different cultures.  Example:  If one parent is from Siberia and the other from the equator, the child is likely to be robust enough to bear cold and heat.  This may happen.  But when same blood stream people marry and they both have a diabetic disposition, the child is at a far greater risk to develop the disease with a very slight provocation, either by lifestyle or environment.

Treating Emergencies created due to Heredity.  The best thing to do is to go to a hospital.

Managing Chronic diseases grafted by Heredity and triggered by an adverse incident.  Death of a loved one may activate a latent miasm.

Where Lies The Answer ?

The genetic variations do add to the development of a disease, but, do not directly cause it. 

The modern existing system of medicines have been talking, studying and researching on this subject called Hereditary Diseases. 

But, has not come with an effective way to modify or reduce the existing disposition of a Disease.

Humans are vulnerable to the forces of nature, like

- The dynamic environment; you can do nothing about it. You gotta adapt yourself to.

the ever changing surroundings. The one who is fit, survives and the other who's not, gets eliminated. This is an ongoing law of nature.

- The impure air and water, you have been breathing in. You can not do anything about it.

Can you ?

- And Lifestyle. Ahaa!! Here you can do a lot. Remember, your lifestyle determines your quality of Health. If you are responsible

  enough you will strive for a better lifestyle and a healthy life.  This is what the portal Vibrant Health is all about.

Homeopathy Is The Answer. Most systems of medicine give up on the face of these unchangeable situations.

Of all other medical systems, Homeopathy alleges that it can counteract the effects. It can prevent the predisposition from

turning into a disease. It helps in wiping out the inherited traits, and thus the predisposition. 


So, the treatment should start immediately after the mother has conceived. To prevent genetic and hereditary disorders in a child

( genetic and hereditary are not synonyms to each other ),the health of the mother is of cardinal importance.

Managing Heredity By Focussing On Mothers

Health of the mother is an eminent factor in this process. So, its preservation and betterment should start immediately after the conception.

Congratulations on conceiving !!

Isn't it amazing ? You'd be getting company inside your own skin. From a single cell, you would be creating a new human being!!

So, ladies , once you have got the good news, this voyage, contributes to the objective of ensuring your health and your baby's health as well. Make him/her resistant to any disease.ou know, you are about to embark on a sublime journey. Brace yourself.

Do not forget that each step you take now, during this phase, fosters the development of your to be born and give him/her a healthy life.

We have designed a protocol to be followed, which will ensure that the child to be born does not inherit any strains of diseases from his fathers or forefathers :  Mother Care is crucial For A Healthy Motherhood.

The protocol  aims at immunizing the pregnant mother and the infant against the diseases and  Miasmas.

Managing By Curing the Miasmas is the Third Step Against Hereditary Disorders.

Once, the mother has been immunized, the focus shifts on the Child Care, this is the Fourth Step Against Hereditary Disorders :

Can a child be born with a disease to the parent without any trace of it ?

Even if you are healthy, your child can be born with a disease because of gene impairment. We will tell you how.
There are two copies of genes. If one gene gets defected, then the other can make up for the defected one.

This will not cause any illness. Since, one gene out of the two is strong enough to compensate the defected one........

But, if a child inherits two genes with a defect, then he/she will be diseased. If both the egg and sperm carried the defective(bad, mutant) gene, then the child will have no working (good/normal) copies, and will manifest the disorder. 



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Reviews on Heredity
05 Nov 2018
Hi, I have hirsutism. Both of my parents are hairy, can hirsutism be inherited?
Is there a permanent cure for it? As a lady I'm stuck with wearing long cloths because of the excess hair on my legs and thighs.
Also my legs swells when i sit for as little as 10 minutes. My hip joint makes noise when I walk and I feel pain my hip joint when stand up after lying down for a while.

Thanks for the great job you are doing on this site.
Ryan Ellesandra
03 Feb 2023
I was broken, rejected and almost lost all hope due to my 13 years of HIV infection. Then I read about the doctor WHITE on a blog and wrote to him on Whatsapp Via: +2349091844595 and Email:, after hearing my story he sent me herbal remedies that cured me of HIV / AIDS. My doctor is still puzzled by the results of the laboratory investigations because I tested negative 4 times after using the drugs. I lost all shame because I am now free and my husband took me back. I testify that you will be cured of hepatitis, cancer, herpes or diabetes and others if you use his medicines. Don't be a victim, but be victorious
03 Feb 2023
Hi. Lily is my name, I urge you from my heart not listen to your medical doctors who tells you that Hepatitis and other virus have no cure as i almost ruined my life trying to mange a condition that herbs can actually cure. I am 30 years with two kids, i was diagnosed of what doctors called acute hepatitis B infections my organs were failing. On a certain day i collapsed while teaching in the class room this incident lead me to a student whose daddy have been cured by doctor White Tiv. i wrote him on whats app using +2349091844595. This man collected his heavenly gifted herbs, prepare the cure for an amount bellow my expectation and courier them to me and less than a week of using this his miraculous medicines i could tell i am fine by the kind of urine i pass, my weight loss, good night sleep among others. Contact Doctor White Tiv for cure such as:-
infertility premature ejaculation arthritis and others
Janete Marcel
30 Oct 2022
I want to give this information to everyone as a way of showing my gratitude to Dr. Water who helped me treat my infertility problems that I and my husband was suffering from for the past 8 years of our marriage and now I am 6 months pregnant, preparing to give birth to our first child. This Doctor is gifted with healing hands to eradicate sicknesses and give solution to problems. He treats any infertility problem base on primary and secondary infertility, ovarians, single & multiple fibriod, blockage of the fallopian tube, miscarriages, infection, lowsperm count, weak erection, quick ejaculation and many more including HIV, Herpes, Arthritis, Diabetes, genital warts and so on. This is his contact on Whatsapp : +2349050205019, he uses natural root and herbs to heal sicknesses, and he can waybill his medicines to any country in the world. You can also send him email
Antonio Jeff
30 Oct 2022
Do you believe that Herpes has a permanent cure? My name is Antonio Jefferson Cole, I'm in Salt Lake City, Utah. I have been spending lots of money weekly on buying the popular Valtrex and sometimes Acyclovir, to suppress my Herpes outbreaks as prescribed to me in the hospital. Anyone who has herpes can attest this, with all the pains and embarrassing symptoms. Unfortunately, I have found out that those hospital recommended products are frequently not effective at taking care of the problem but rather make you spend all your money. DR.WATER herbal remedy will get to the root of the cause and cure you completely rather than suppress outbreaks with medication. And you will be happier, healthier, and outbreak free. He also has herbal remedies that can cure HIV, HPV, hepatitis and so on. He is the greatest of all herbal healers. His email is DRWATERHIVCURECENTRE@GMAIL.COM and his Whatsapp number: +2349050205019.
Diallo Antoine
01 Mar 2025
I am equally grateful to Dr.Water as I am finally cured of HIV that have been eating me up for over a year and 6 months. After searching for different means to get my self cured but nothing seems to work out, today i can testify to the world that with the help of herbal medicine, I have found myself back to my feet again. Few weeks ago, i saw an article of a lady explaining how she was cured after using some herbal medicines which she got from Dr.Water. So i decided to give this process a try by contacting him via email. I explained to him what my problem was, and he promised me that all would be fine and well by the time i finish using his remedy. I just had to believe in him. It was just all like a magic when my blood sample tested negative. There are many people out there searching for a cure to various diseases. You can as well get in contact with DR.WATER for his herbal medicines, his WhatsApp +2349050205019. I fully believe he will be able to cure your own HIV/AIDS
Santiago Diego
25 Mar 2024
I'm not here to promote anybody's business. But just want to tell all sick prostate patients not to go for any surgery, ?Dr Ojegbukhun make me clearly believe that with the help of herbal medicine prostate can be easily cured. I'm one of those who can proudly share my experience on how herbal medicine cured my prostate completely. I recommend for you today the best solution to prostate which is Dr Ojegbukhun herbal medicine. All prostate patients should do so well to order for this product from Dr Ojegbukhun.
Contact doctor OJEGBUKHUN on WhatsApp 2349044604254.
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